PortableApps.com is proud to announce the release of Mozilla Firefox®, Portable Edition Nightly 29 Alpha 1 Pre 64-bit. It's the latest 64-bit alpha nighly build of the Mozilla Firefox browser bundled with a PortableApps.com launcher as a portable app, so you try it out without affecting your standard local or portable Firefox install. It's packaged in PortableApps.com Format so it can easily integrate with the PortableApps.com Platform. And, as always, it's open source and completely free.
Mozilla®, Firefox® and the Firefox logo are registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation and are used under license.
Update automatically or install from the portable app store (advanced apps enabled) in the PortableApps.com Platform.
Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured web browser that's easy to use. It has lots of great features including popup-blocking, tabbed-browsing, integrated search, improved privacy features, automatic updating and more. Plus, thanks to the PortableApps.com launcher bundled in the Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your favorite browser along with all your favorite bookmarks and extensions with you wherever you go. Learn more about Mozilla Firefox...
Multiprocess In Nightly - You can turn on multiprocess mode in the nightly build by setting browser.tabs.remote to true in about:config and then restarting Firefox.
Why 64-bit?
As per our long-standing policy on 64-bit apps laid out in 64-bit Software: Where It Fits Into Portable Apps, we do not make available 64-bit only apps, we only do user-friendly dual-mode 32-bit//64-bit apps so they always work. So why a 64-bit build of Firefox Nightly? It's primarily to help with testing the 64-bit builds with a wider audience to better enable bug finding and fixing.
It's important to note that this build will not work on 32-bit Windows machines and you'll have no way of knowing if it will work without checking the machine's details or just trying it. The 64-bit builds of Firefox are not as stable or consistent as the 32-bit builds. The 64-bit builds often test slower on many browser speed tests as a result. No stable, beta or even alpha builds of 64-bit Firefox are expected anytime in the near future.
PortableApps.com Installer / PortableApps.com Format
Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition is packaged in a PortableApps.com Installer so it will automatically detect an existing PortableApps.com installation when your drive is plugged in. And it's in PortableApps.com Format, so it automatically works with the PortableApps.com Platform including the Menu and Backup Utility.
Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition Nightly 64-bit is available for immediate download from the Mozilla Firefox®, Portable Edition Nightly section. Get it today!
A backward step 32 & 64 bit 29?
Nasty UI in that nightly with bits missing, let's hope they fix Australis & don't steer firefox into being a clone of chrome!
I think Chrome has the right direction in terms of the UI of the browser becoming more refined and subtle, fading into the background for most purposes. Firefox, Opera and even IE are all now innovating along those lines and I like what's happening, personally. Since Firefox will remain customizable, though (moreso than Chrome, IE, Opera, etc), you'll still be able to make it look more like what you want.
found a fix ....
.... classic theme restorer addon ... I shall dig for settings in about:config too & see what's possible
firefox, test, nightly, 32 & 64 combined?
I just wondered if it were possible for you to combine the versions. I have four different versions of Firefox and keeping profiles synced between them is a pain.
For example, have you seen winpenpack's X-launcher? It allows several apps to be installed into the same folder. So you could install all Firefox versions each with its own launcher but they all use the same profile.
So you could have Firefox standard, Firefox test, Firefox nightly 32 & 64 installed each with its own launcher but with a central profile. No need to worry about whether a password saved in one version needs adding to other versions to keep in sync.
X-launcher's folder has a 'bin' folder for storing each app version and a 'lib' folder for settings and a central profile. Perhaps the PAL could install each Firefox into the same firefoxportable folder. Each version would install a new launcher named after the version and install app into the app folder again into a firefox**** folder. This would allow all versions to use a single profile.
I understand not everyone would want this kind of install so perhaps the option to choose standard or combined installation? Just a thought.
Generally, I have been using nightly since you added it and had no problems. Actually, it made me learn how to export bookmarks and passwords without moving the entire profile so as to have a clean install. I do like the new look but couple points I dislike, but they're Firefox in general. I think all windows should opened as new tab like addons is. Open the downloads and a window opens, WHY?!!
Anyway, thanks for the addition John and team, as always excellent job done
You can open about:downloads in a tab. You can also pin (or bookmark) that tab for easy access.
There are multiple ways you could achieve this with, but none would be recommended if you care about your data. Maybe you'd be better off with regular Firefox installations.
a) You could use symbolic links (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_symbolic_link).
b) You could use Firefox Sync.
c) You could install all the desired (non-portable) versions locally and point your profiles.ini file to the portable profile. The portable profile would be shared by all your Firefox versions.
d) You could...
Though keep in mind that any way of sharing the same profile between different versions of Firefox will ultimately lead to data loss. Profile data can safely go from prior versions to future ones. It can't move from future versions to past versions, because whenever database formats, versions or similar changes, past version can't recognize the file from the "future" one. File/data gets discarded and it starts anew.
Thanks for the tip
Thanks for the tip
This, however, doesn't address the problem with History or Bookmarks opening in a window 
My point was actually that clicking the toolbar button opens a list of downloads with text asking to Show All Downloads, clicking this opens a window, not a tab, which it should do in my opinion. The same for History and Bookmarks.
I find it strange that the Addons opens as a tab but nothing else does, at least not by default.
I see your point Re:combining Ffx. I didn't think about compatibility with older versions!
Thanks for your help.
Already Supported, NOT Recommended
You can already install multiple different versions of Firefox and point them to the same profile. Just use the FirefoxPortable.ini file and set your profile path within FirefoxPortableNightly64 to something like:
It should be noted that you should absolutely not do this, though. Nightly and Aurora release in particular can easily corrupt your profile or alter it in a way so it no longer works with stable Firefox. The whole point is to keep them separated.
Note that the PA.c Launcher does the same thing you referred to with keeping App and Data separated and that this type of functionality in our apps predates the existence of WinPenPack.
I get your point, thanks
I get your point, thanks John, I guess I'll leave it as is!
EDIT: One question regarding Nightly, the autoupdate is on and all previous versions of Ffx have it turned off for stability or security I think the reason was. Should I turn Nightly's autoupdate off?
Firefox nightly updates?
i am wondering how you will push out the updates for Nightly. Will you, for this one, allow for the updater inside of Nightly to work but have it update its own local files or will you just push out the updates through the PA.c updater?
Manual / Automatic
When a new nightly filename is done, you will be automatically updated. For updating from one nightly to another, you'd need to reinstall a new copy over the old yourself. You can keep doing that from the same PA.c Installer, though, as it auto-downloads the current Firefox Nightly for you automatically.
so it is through the auto updater
from what i could understand from your comment (yes i am in college but yet i had trouble understanding the wording, i blame the internet making my brain into mush lol) the updater from the help>about firefox will work.
Update: i just got it. i need to have a copy of the installer on me at all times. i dont know why it double posted, sorry my bad if it is.
Firefox Nightly does not auto-update from one nightly build to the next. Just major version jumps. This applies to both portable and local installs.
i know i was just wondering
i know i was just wondering if you allowed the updater within the Nightly app to work for this situation
Once again, you ARE free to use the updater built into any of our Firefox Portables. But the updater within Nightly DOES NOT update from Monday's nightly to Tuesday's nightly. It will only update on a major version jump. The only way to continuously update a nightly build is to manually install it every day.
You didn't answer my question
You didn't answer my question though
Some time ago, probably few years maybe, I remember reading that Ffx should absolutely NOT be allowed to update internally due to either stability or security issues, can't remember which now.
But I noticed that Nightly, after which I checked the normal version of Ffx, that the Auto Update is ON.
If FirefoxPortable Auto Updates, will it install to the PortableApps folder or system folder? uTorrent has issues with this and my mother in law constantly keeps getting messages to update uTorrent which reinstalls locallly and messes up the portable install!
I'm curious why you'd need to keep updating the Paf installer if apps like Ffx update themselves?
Thanks for your time
Internal Is Fine
I did. As I already said above, you can use the internal in any of the Firefox portables. It'll just leave a blank folder behind on the local PC. It's been that way for years. Note that it won't update the Firefox Portable launcher bits (which are regularly updated), so you should update Firefox Portable regularly, too.
Excellent, thanks, I do
Excellent, thanks, I do update the paf apps so that's not a problem.