Over this past week, we finished our infrastructure upgrade to serve you better and we thought you should know! PortableApps.com had been running on older dedicated hardware for a while and we were due for an upgrade. Our new infrastructure means a faster, more reliable experience for all PortableApps.com fans!
Multiple Products Working Together
We compared numerous vendors over the past few months and decided that Rackspace's cloud offerings best suited our needs today and in the future. So, we're now running on an upgraded Cloud Servers setup running on speedy RAID 10 SSDs paired with Rackspace Cloud Databases to handle the mySQL database. It's all powered by OpenStack, so it's open source just like us, which is always a plus. We're also utilizing an improved hosted email setup as well as Mailgun Optimized Email for better delivery of account signups, password resets, content notifications, and email newsletters.
All this fancy new hardware and software is coupled with our existing high-speed CDN setup for static website content and an improved download server network with failover handling built right into the PortableApps.com Platform that we're debuting in the next few weeks.
Future Growth
One of the best things about our new cloud setup is that we can easily keep growing the site as we continue to add more users. Adding additional load balancing, additional web servers, and amping up our database stack to handle growth will be quick and painless. And it's made possible thanks to the generosity of users like you making donations every day.
We're also working on a website upgrade and redesign to launch in the next few weeks to serve you even better!
Serving You Better Today!
The bottom line is that the website is now faster and even more reliable than before. As a bonus, we've removed most of our daily 15 minute maintenance window due to a faster and more reliable backup setup, which our international users will really appreciate. Whether you use the PortableApps.com Platform, the online forums to develop and troubleshoot, or just the website to download apps, you'll get a better experience today and in the future. We hope you love it as much as we do!
"And while we were at it..."
Is this related in some way to my now getting a notification in Firefox to continue blocking Flash on portableapps.com? (Didn't get this before) Why so "Flashy" now? Google Translate now (instead of that other "translate company")?
("Better, Faster, Stronger" ...well, as long as it doesn't cost Six Million Dollars, then I guess it's OK.)
That's entirely separate. The old translate plugin was a 3rd party using Google's services to handle the translation. They decreased their feature set and didn't work quite as well as Google's standard plugin. So, we switched to that. Unfortunately, Google oddly uses Flash within Firefox to handle some of the triggering for the translation. There is an evangelism bug about it here. If you'd like to discuss the merits of the setup or discuss alternate options, please create a new thread in the General Discussion forum as it's not related to this news story.
‼YAY‼ (& typos)
‼YAY‼ I'm so happy the "daily 15 minute maintenance window" will be reduced, that's been one of the most annoying things for me here for years. (I think you'd be surprised to know how many times I've written out post for the forums, previewed it a few times to make sure it's right, then pushed "Submit" to be greeted by "Have some tea and we'll be back before you know it...")
& typos:
"with for" in "PortableApps.com had been running on older dedicated hardware with for a while and we were due for an upgrade."
"server" in "We're also working on a website upgrade and redesign to launch in the next few weeks to server you even better!"
"developer" in "Whether you use the PortableApps.com Platform, the online forums to developer and troubleshoot, or just the website to download apps, you'll be get a better experience today and in the future."
Typos fixed, thanks for the heads-up.
!= develope
In the last paragraph, develope should be develop, no trailing e.
¿Develope ≈ Jackalope?
Looks like he already got it.
They do look/sound similar though don't they?
At least it wasn't "sever"; that could've been... painful. ("I used to dream of being a grammarian... now I 'r' one." ["'R's are tough."])

Rss Fixed
Note that there was an issue preventing RSS feeds from being pushed to Feedburner earlier. It's been fixed now. That's why folks are seeing 3 days of updates suddenly appear in their feed reader (Digg Reader, Feedly, etc). Our apologies for the issue.
That's great
Is this the full release of the Platform or another beta?
Just a heads up
I've noticed occasionally that the page finishes loading but I can't see any text, I assume it is the web font not loading properly, but haven't had the time (at work) or the forethought (at home) to look deeper into the matter.
I'm also only assuming it has to do with the infrastructure upgrade because I haven't seen the issue prior to this week, and have seen it 3-5 times since the upgrade.
I'll try to remember to do a bit of debugging if/when I see it again in the hopes of narrowing it down for you.
Full Forum Report
Please post a full report in the forum with what you have so far so if anyone else encounters it, they can easily find it. Include what you know so far (browser and version, OS version, whether it's a portable browser or not, etc). And whether Google Fonts loads properly at your location.