In this post, I will discuss a web-delivered IM application called Meebo.
Meebo is an AJAX app that allows logging in to AIM/ICQ, MSN, YAHOO!, and Jabber/GTalk. It is entirely web-based and can be run on any browser that has JavaScript enabled. I find it highly useful in places where I don't have my USB stick or where the computers have been locked down by gestapo IT folks. It has a nice interface that is easy to use even for people new to computers. The two things that I find lacking is the inability to have groupchats and the lack of IRC support (which I don't use too much anymore anyway). All things considered, it is extremely good, I highly recommend that you try it out.
Been using it for months...
I've used Meebo ever since it came out, and I love it.
One comment: Kill the www32 part and change it to plain old www -- the 32 is a mirror number, and if too many people are on that particular mirror it won't work anymore.
~nm35 {blog} {personal space}
I love it as well I changed the URL by the way...
I remember Meebo...
In fact you introduced me to it not so long ago...
Maybe you've been hired by Meebo.
R McCue
I'm spreading Meebo... time for my paycheck!
To which of us are you referring?
~nm35 {blog} {personal space}
Hmm, maybe I could get a check from the Puppy Foundation.
R McCue
Maybe I could from SLAX.....