SkipSplashScreen: ;=== Check for data files IfFileExists "$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\config.conf" GetPassedParameters ;=== settings already in program directory IfFileExists "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\config.conf" MoveSettings ;=== settings found in data directory ;=== Copy the default settings files StrCmp $DEFAULTLOCATION "true" "" GetPassedParameters ;=== if not default location, user is on their own CreateDirectory "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY" CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\App\DefaultData\settings\*.*" "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\" ;${StrReplace} $0 '\' '/' '$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\bin\ffmpeg.exe' ;you don't usually need these, unless the app is . . . funny :D ;${StrReplace} $1 '/' '\\' '$FFMPEGPATH' ${ConfigWrite} "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\config.conf" "ffmpegLibLocation=" "$FFMPEGPATH" $R0 ${GetRoot} $EXEDIR $0 ${DirState} "$0\Documents\Videos\" $VIDEOEXIST StrCmp $VIDEOEXIST "-1" SetAtRoot SetAtVideos SetAtVideos: ${ConfigWrite} "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\config.conf" "downloadDir=" '$0\\Documents\\Videos\\' $R0 Goto MoveSettings SetAtRoot: ${ConfigWrite} "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\config.conf" "downloadDir=" '$0\\' $R0
You'll need to include the macros for GetRoot, DirStat, ConfigWrite, and StrReplace.
You could use this any application . . . Such as setting up a defualt location in a app. . . Like HM NIS Edit . . . Or like I did in this app, posted here:
- OliverK's blog
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Nice. I think first I'll get
Nice. I think first I'll get around to merging MenuLauncher and mkshortcuts, but then integrating this into HM NIS Edit Portable will be top priority.
Sweet, I was hoping it would
Sweet, I was hoping it would help![Biggrin](