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Krugle: New Review!

Ryan McCue's picture
Submitted by Ryan McCue on May 27, 2006 - 12:18am

I play-test Krugal and review it

First things first. I have to say, Krugle has changed since we last saw it. A language selection dropdown is now there which you'll remember was missing.
OK, the review.
The new tabs opening is one of the best features I've seen yet. The only thing is, you can't open a link in a different Firefox tab, due to the pure JavaScript based navigation. No biggy though.
The search is very good and I found what I was looking for faster than Koders. You can search by project too, which proved helpful when I was searching through a project. The project explorer on the right proved very helpful when navigating through the project.
The tech pages search produced outstanding results and now I could build a project out of just two tech pages.
The project search was also outstanding and I found several projects I can now use to further my local network and websites.
The related links on the right of the search results included Safari Online Books, which almost conviced me to buy one, and tech pages.
Any complaints?
Well, I would've liked the language to be listed next to the code.
Hope you liked the review!
From the bloggable mind of R McCue