Okay, I finished coding IntelliLaunch.
So, here's the deal- I'm posting this in code form for right now. You should use the standard portableapps format, in the following setup:
At some point, I will make a test package available to certain testers, preferably those who are willing to connect to IRC, as IMHO, it is the best way for support to occur.
You will need the following INI file:
#IF YOU DON"T USE A VARIABLE LEAVE IT AS FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Application] ExeName= ExecutableDirectory= CheckRunning=True #Normally, you should leave "CheckRunning" set to true [Settings] HKCU=False HKLM=False Config_File=False Manipulate_Set_Out_Path=False #Utilize "True" or "False" for each settings storage place. [RegistryBranch] HKCU_Branch=False HKLM_Branch=False #Do from HKLM\Software, ie. "Software\AppName" #DO NOT INCLUDE THE FINAL SLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Config_File_1] #For Location_# Specify the location of the file from the Luancher's directory #For instance, for a file in App\Appname\AppConfig, set Location_#=App\Appname\AppConfig Location_1=False #For Config_File_#, specify the name of the file. Config_File_1=False [Config_File_2] Location_2=False Config_File_2=False [Config_File_3] Location_3=False Config_File_3=False [Config_File_4] Location_4=False Config_File_4=False [Config_File_5] Location_5=False Config_File_5=False [Config_File_6] Location_6=False Config_File_6=False [Update] Update_Locations=False #Set to "True" if you want the files to adjust the path for you Update_Location_File_1=False Update_Location_File_2=False Update_Location_File_3=False [Variables] Path=False #Set Path from the AppNamePortable Directory #Seperate indivual paths with a ";" App_Data_Redirect=False #AppData redirect has been known not to work
If you do not use a setting, leave it as False!! I cannot stress this enough. If you don't do this, IntelliLaunch will act like RetardLaunch, and not due what you want it to
;Copyright(C) OliverKrystal 2008 ;Copyright (C) 2004-2008 John T. Haller ;Website: https://portableapps.com/node/16268 ;This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. ;OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative. ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ;as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ;of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;GNU General Public License for more details. ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;=== Program Details Name "IntelliLaunch" OutFile "..\..\IntelliLaunch.exe" Caption "IntelliLaunch | PortableApps.com" VIProductVersion "" VIAddVersionKey Comments "A luancher that use a configuration INI to allow a user to create a custom wrapper" VIAddVersionKey CompanyName "PortableApps.com" VIAddVersionKey LegalCopyright "PortableApps.com and Contributers" VIAddVersionKey FileDescription "" VIAddVersionKey FileVersion "" VIAddVersionKey ProductVersion "" VIAddVersionKey InternalName "${PORTABLEAPPNAME}" VIAddVersionKey LegalTrademarks "PortableApps.com is a Trademark of Rare Ideas, LLC." VIAddVersionKey OriginalFilename "${NAME}.exe" ;VIAddVersionKey PrivateBuild "" ;VIAddVersionKey SpecialBuild "" ;=== Runtime Switches CRCCheck On WindowIcon Off ;no icon for the script SilentInstall Silent ;NSIS is actually an installer language. This keeps the script from popping open a window AutoCloseWindow True ;in case it shows up anyway RequestExecutionLevel user ;=== Include ;!include "GetParameters.nsh" ;these three !includes make the macro able to work !include "ReplaceInFile.nsh" !include "StrRep.nsh" !include "TextFunc.nsh" !include "MUI.nsh" ;for multi language support !include "Registry.nsh" ;!insertmacro cfgigWrite ;this is the part that fixes the cfg file so it allows points to the write place. Commenting out prevents the script from compiling, and thus, running. !insertmacro GetRoot ;!insertmacro UserInfo ;=== Program Icon Icon "..\..\App\AppInfo\appicon.ico" ;defines the icon for the script ;=== Icon & Stye === !define MUI_ICON "..\..\App\AppInfo\appicon.ico" ;=== Languages !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" LangString LauncherFileNotFound ${LANG_ENGLISH} "$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE cannot be started. You may wish to re-install to fix this issue. (ERROR: $MISSINGFILEORPATH could not be found)" LangString LauncherAlreadyRunning ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Another instance of $PROGRAMEXECUTABLE is already running. Please close other instances of $PROGRAMEXECUTABLE before launching IntelliLaunch." LangString LauncherAskCopyLocal ${LANG_ENGLISH} "$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE appears to be running from a location that is read-only. Would you like to temporarily copy it to the local hard drive and run it from there?$\n$\nPrivacy Note: If you say Yes, your personal data within ${PORTABLEAPPNAME} will be temporarily copied to a local drive. Although this copy of your data will be deleted when you close ${PORTABLEAPPNAME}, it may be possible for someone else to access your data later." LangString LauncherNoReadOnly ${LANG_ENGLISH} "$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE can not run directly from a read-only location and will now close." LangString LauncherNotAdmin ${LANG_ENGLISH} "$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE needs Administrative rights to be able to run and this login does not have them." ; These are all the INI Values needed to load up and start this thing :( Var CONFIGINI Var PROGRAMEXECUTABLE Var PROGRAMDIRECTORY Var HKCUUSE Var HKLMUSE Var CONFIGFILELOCATIONUSE Var HKCUBRANCH Var HKLMBRANCH Var CONFIGFILELOCATION1 Var CONFIGFILELOCATION2 Var CONFIGFILELOCATION3 Var CONFIGFILELOCATION4 Var CONFIGFILELOCATION5 Var CONFIGFILELOCATION6 Var CONFIGFILE1 Var CONFIGFILE2 Var CONFIGFILE3 Var CONFIGFILE4 Var CONFIGFILE5 Var CONFIGFILE6 Var UPDATELOCATION Var UPDATEFILE1 Var UPDATEFILE2 Var UPDATEFILE3 Var PATHADDITION Var APPDATAREDIRECT ; Settings Directory values Var CONFIGDIRECTORY Var SETOUTPATHDIRECTORY Var REGISTRYDIRECTORY Section "Main" IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\Data\configuration.ini" DisplaySplash ;=== Configuration INI not where expected MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION `IntelliLuanch's Configuration INI was not found. Please insure that you have a placed a configured Configuration.ini in the Data folder` Abort DisplaySplash: ;=== Show the splash screen before processing the files InitPluginsDir File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\splash.jpg "IntelliLuanch.jpg" newadvsplash::show /NOUNLOAD 1000 0 0 -1 /L $PLUGINSDIR\splash.jpg ;Let's load our values into this thing StrCpy $CONFIGINI "$EXEDIR\Data\configuration.ini" ;Check right off the bat if we need Admin Rights or not. We'll check the INI. ReadINIStr $HKCUUSE "$CONFIGINI" "Settings" "HKCU" ReadINIStr $HKLMUSE "$CONFIGINI" "Settings" "HKLM" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILELOCATIONUSE "$CONFIGINI" "Settings" "Config_File" ;=== Any missing unrequired INI entries will be an empty string, ignore associated errors ClearErrors ;Let's check write now for Registry Keys in the HKLM location. If we find them there, check if we are admins on the computer- if fail, so say and abort load\run\et all; else, we can keep loading StrCmp $HKLMUSE "False" "ContinueLoading" UserInfo::GetAccountType Pop $0 StrCmp $0 "Admin" ContinueLoading MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION `$(LauncherNotAdmin)` Abort ContinueLoading: ;So we've checked to see if we need Admin Rights. We either didn't, and we can keep loading, or we did and we have the rights ;Load Application Information, setup up the Program Directory and Program Executable ReadINIStr $PROGRAMEXECUTABLE "$CONFIGINI" "Application" "ExeName" ReadINIStr $PROGRAMDIRECTORY "$CONFIGINI" "Application" "ExecutableDirectory" ;=== Any missing unrequired INI entries will be an empty string, ignore associated errors ClearErrors ;Check to make sure that the exe is present before we take the time to do anything more IfFileExists "$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE" CheckRunning ;=== Program executable not where expected MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION `$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE was not found. Please check your configuration` Abort CheckRunning: ;Check to make sure that the user hasn't changed the defualt Check running behavior in the INI- And for now we're gonna leave the user type floating in $0 ReadINIStr $1 "$CONFIGINI" "Application" "ExecutableDirectory" StrCmp $1 "False" ConfigFileCheck FindProcDLL::FindProc "$PROGRAMEXECUTABLE" StrCmp $R0 "1" "" ConfigFileCheck MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION `$(LauncherAlreadyRunning)` Abort ConfigFileCheck: ;Check to see if there's any variable loading we can skip- Start with the config files StrCmp $CONFIGFILELOCATIONUSE "False" CheckRegistryUse ;If false, skip loading these variables and go to loading the registry ;Setup the defualt congif locations StrCpy $CONFIGDIRECTORY "$EXEDIR\Data\Config" ;Read the Names of the Configuration Files that the program uses ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILELOCATION1 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Location_1" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILE1 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Config_File_1" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILELOCATION2 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Location_2" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILE2 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Config_File_2" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILELOCATION3 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Location_3" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILE3 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Config_File_3" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILELOCATION4 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Location_4" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILE4 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Config_File_4" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILELOCATION5 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Location_5" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILE5 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Config_File_5" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILELOCATION6 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Location_6" ReadINIStr $CONFIGFILE6 "$CONFIGINI" "Configuration_Data" "Config_File_6" ;=== Any missing unrequired INI entries will be an empty string, ignore associated errors ClearErrors ;Now, check to see if any of those files need to have their locations updated. ReadINIStr $UPDATELOCATION "$CONFIGINI" "Update" "Update_Locations" StrCmp $UPDATELOCATION "False" ProcessFiles ;If false, go to moving the files around. Else, deal with updating ;Read the Update Locations ReadINIStr $UPDATEFILE1 "$CONFIGINI" "Update" "Update_Location_File_1" ReadINIStr $UPDATEFILE2 "$CONFIGINI" "Update" "Update_Location_File_2" ReadINIStr $UPDATEFILE3 "$CONFIGINI" "Update" "Update_Location_File_3" ;=== Any missing unrequired INI entries will be an empty string, ignore associated errors ClearErrors ;=== Update files for new location ;We're updating everything now, because once we move them, we'll hve no freaking clue and it'll be harder to handle updating them; so let's do it now ${GetRoot} $EXEDIR $0 ReadINIStr $1 "$EXEDIR\Data\IntellaLaunchSettings.ini" "IntellaLaunchSettings" "LastDriveLetter" StrCmp $1 "" StoreCurrentDriveLetter StrCmp $1 $0 Launch ${ReplaceInFile} "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$UPDATEFILE1" "$1\" "$0\" Delete "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$UPDATEFILE1.old" ;Check to see if now is the time to stop- remeber, we wouldn't be here if $UPDATELOCATION was false :D StrCmp $UPDATEFILE2 "False" StoreCurrentDriveLetter ${ReplaceInFile} "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$UPDATEFILE2" "$1\" "$0\" Delete "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$UPDATEFILE2.old" ;Check to see if now is the time to stop- remeber, we wouldn't be here if $UPDATELOCATION was false :D StrCmp $UPDATEFILE3 "False" StoreCurrentDriveLetter ${ReplaceInFile} "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$UPDATEFILE3" "$1\" "$0\" Delete "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$UPDATEFILE3.old" ;Heirarchy makes sure we store the drive letter, next line StoreCurrentDriveLetter: WriteINIStr "$EXEDIR\Data\IntellaLaunchSettings.ini" "IntellaLaunchSettings" "LastDriveLetter" "$0" ;Let's process, the files and move them about, k? ProcessFiles: Rename "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$CONFIGFILE1" "$CONFIGFILELOCATION1\$CONFIGFILE1" StrCmp $CONFIGFILE2 "False" CheckRegistryUse Rename "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$CONFIGFILE2" "$CONFIGFILELOCATION2\$CONFIGFILE2" StrCmp $CONFIGFILE3 "False" CheckRegistryUse Rename "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$CONFIGFILE3" "$CONFIGFILELOCATION3\$CONFIGFILE3" StrCmp $CONFIGFILE4 "False" CheckRegistryUse Rename "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$CONFIGFILE4" "$CONFIGFILELOCATION4\$CONFIGFILE4" StrCmp $CONFIGFILE5 "False" CheckRegistryUse Rename "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$CONFIGFILE5" "$CONFIGFILELOCATION1\$CONFIGFILE5" StrCmp $CONFIGFILE6 "False" CheckRegistryUse Rename "$CONFIGDIRECTORY\$CONFIGFILE6" "$CONFIGFILELOCATION1\$CONFIGFILE6" CheckRegistryUse: StrCmp $HKCUUSE "False" SetUpEnviroment StrCmp $HKLMUSE "False" SetUpEnviroment ;Here's where our registry manipulations come into play ReadINIStr $HKCUBRANCH "$CONFIGINI" "RegistryBranch" "HKCU_Branch" ReadINIStr $HKLMBRANCH "$CONFIGINI" "RegistryBranch" "HKLM_Branch" StrCpy $REGISTRYDIRECTORY "$EXEDIR\Data\Registry" ;=== Any missing unrequired INI entries will be an empty string, ignore associated errors ClearErrors ;Begin Playing with the registry ;================================================ >HLKM SECTIONHKCU SECTIONHLKM SECTION CLEANUPHKCU SECTION CLEANUP If you submit a bug report:If you do not provide the needed information, I can not help you. Also, if it fails with the app redirect, I can't really help you. That's something that's app specific, unless it is my implementation of it that is failing.
- Include, in the pre tags, your configuration.ini
- The name of the app, and where you got it from and where is saves stuff
- A thorough description of the problem, please track it down as much as possible. I'm not expecting you to hack at my code, just tell me what's failing
- The bug report should be posted here, in this blog.
- OliverK's blog
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Looks cool. :D
Looks cool. Maybe I try it with one or two apps I wanna try
I just started binary testing
I just started binary testing today, and I had quite a few bugs
Anyway, here's a updated version that deals with the registry successfully:
Note that any config files will fail