From what i have heard No$ is not being developed any longer and is a dead project. Virtual Boy Adavance is still said to be better for emulation perticularly the last version i downloaded.
Not very well. have you tired it? i know a loty of people use a R4 or M3 Real instead because the emulation is so poor. as i stated earlier No$gba has been rumored to be a dead project.
There are far better programs that allow you to read the ROM adresses far better than NO$. I actualy make GB codes using real hardware and for the DS i have the AR trainer. too bad the programs sucks so bad it cant be portablised T___T
Agreed D:
I used to make codes for NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, N64, Now I just do N64...
also maybe we should stop rambling on in this topic and let it die
Simple fact that no$gba is not open-source. We currently host open-source applications at the moment
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
VBA-m is avalible in the beta section and will play GB GBC and GBA roms.
Uhmm Mir Sorry to say but as Developer of that app no it isn't available anymore
to busy with other stuff to fix it and download link is dead
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
It's okay, I didn't see the developers of VBA-M release any new changes much (even though VBA is my favorite
If desired and ok with Zach, I can upload my copy of VBA to mediafire or that and post the link, minus any roms of course. Advocate
No Need.
From what i have heard No$ is not being developed any longer and is a dead project. Virtual Boy Adavance is still said to be better for emulation perticularly the last version i downloaded.
But No$ can emulate DS Games
Not very well. have you tired it? i know a loty of people use a R4 or M3 Real instead because the emulation is so poor. as i stated earlier No$gba has been rumored to be a dead project.
Edit: arnt you thinking of No$DS
No, No$GBA. And yes, I emulate DS games I dumped myself. I make codes for a living for games
There are far better programs that allow you to read the ROM adresses far better than NO$. I actualy make GB codes using real hardware and for the DS i have the AR trainer. too bad the programs sucks so bad it cant be portablised T___T
Agreed D:
I used to make codes for NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, N64, Now I just do N64...
also maybe we should stop rambling on in this topic and let it die
Yes seeing as VBA-M is back alive agian