Hi guys,
I installed this newest version and now my files that normally opened when I open Notepad++ don't. There are usually between 5-10 files depending on what I am working on at the time. That was one of my favorite things about this product. Now there is only "new 1" when I open it.
Any ideas, other than go back?
Let's see if we can gather some troubleshooting data.
What OS are you using? Which NppPortable (should be 4.8.1 Rev 2)?
Does it forget its settings just once after installing, after every exit or sporadically?
NppPortable stores its settings in two different places, depending on whether NppP is running at the time:
is the drive letter where NppP is installed). When NppP is failing to store/retrieve its settings between launches, it would be very helpful if you could provide a directory listing for the above directories
before running NppP, (b) while NppP is open, and (c) after NppP has exited and finished writing.
The specific file that Npp uses to keep track of your open editing files is
The OS is WinXP sp2. NppPortable is the new one, 4.8.1 Rv2. The settings are forgotten every exit. It didn't matter what files I had left open. When I open it again there is nothing there.
I will have to work on the answers to the other questions, it will take a little while.
Thanks Jimbo, that was a good idea to look at that. Unfortunately it is checked. That's what makes this so weird. I though maybe it just overwrote the settings file and when it was set back I'd be OK. It just didn't turn out that way.
the same problem but couldn't repeat it. It happened and then it didn't. And the launcher seems ok so I don't know.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Could you try a clean install alongside the affected one, configure as you like and then look for file differences when it's running and not?
It sounds like something isn't being moved properly between launch and exit.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Go to the Settings menu, choose Preferences, Click on the MISC tab, and make sure that there is a tick in the "Remember the current session for next launch" box.
It may not be the problem, but it is worth checking that first.
I have the same problem, all my settings are lose when i open a file using "Open with" option using the right mouse button. After i open a file using this way i lose my settings and i have to configure them again.
If i open NotePad++ (using the Notepad++Portable.exe file)only and inside it I open a file (File - Open) when i close NotePad++ the settings aren´t lose.
I´m using Win XP SP 3 and NotePad++4.9.2 version for this Portableapp.
I want to inform that i solved this issue. I had to change the associated executable file for c:\Notepad++Portable\App\Notepad++\notepad++.exe, instead off c:\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe. Now i don´t lose my settings, seems a problem with the Notepad++Portable????...
OK, I can repeat this problem every time by dragging and dropping a file onto "...\App\Notepad++\notepad++.exe". It wipes out a whole bunch of my previously set configuration settings every time.
P.S. I'm running Notepad++ Portable 5.0.3 on Win2K Server, SP 4.
P.P.S. Patient: "Doctor, my arm hurts every time I go like this..." Doctor: "Then don't go like this..." ;^)
Why did you revive a months-old topic to make a joke about doing something you're not supposed to (launching an app directly)?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'm glad he did, though.
I'm having intermittent loss of all my files.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
But we're talking about entirely different issues here. Nothing related to an 8 month old bug report. And his was obvious (launching notepad++.exe directly, which you should never do).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The problem is still persisting in the last version v5.8.7 UNICODE
However it was not present in the previous one!
Every 10-15 days i loose all my custom configured options, opened files, key redefinitions. The only solution i figured was to backup NPP once fully configured and restore form archive when it "auto-resets" itself.
I always use the launcher via shortcut on my desktop.
ok, after some hours of testing i found the reason - Plugin Manager try to update all and everything, tell me there is no updates available... and if i exit NPP just after its connection session, all options are lost!
i found some moving of files between NPP own folders and Portable environment folders... may be this is the reason, may be something else