Just out of curiosity for those of you who use Portable Apps, do you consider yourself nerdy but only realize it when you use it with someone non experienced with the computer? just a thought and i would like to see what people say!
EDIT: I know I do and I am only age: #@
I'm constantly talking about code, then the cry goes up, "CHIPS!".
I wasn't that geeky. Until I started hanging out here
Ah well, I've gotten alot out of my time here
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
...it was seeing random Youtube videos and bored. So this was an interesting change. I have lots of time on my hands, and I never really liked the people that I could hang out with. I became a lot more geekier after I started hanging out here (and my English improved like crazy! Remember when I once said "Where was I thinking" instead of "What was I thinking"?
So I do think I am nerdy, and instead of blabbing about code I just shut up, and an awkward moment happens. But I regret nothing! Ok, maybe some stuff, but not all!
What do you think the world thinks of Portable Apps...
Look at it this way...
I doubt this site is blocked in schools, or at any jobs with computers so...
I think we are pretty cool as a whole, but as for my self
I am the only person i know that's ever even heard of this site but it's still cool...( and don't make fun of the wayz i be's speakinsz)
"Are you threatening a government official!?"
"WE! print the money"
"WE! tell you how to spend it"
"We BREED! the super soilders"
"Um...Forget that last part about the super soilders"
I was a neopet geek.
I one day found out that you could make petpages or something on the site. But became very sad when I found out you had to be 13 or over to make one. So I ditched the site
Even though neopets was history for me I was still very interested in the petpages, which users had to make out of HTML and CSS. So I decided to make my own website.
I checked out a bunch of books at my school library. But there was one that I understanded the most (the rest made my head explode). Turns out they had a website,
http://www.html-for-kids.com/ (ptmb: the outdated book was the reason for my horrible coding :P).
I then discovered firefox, from building websites and a web guide that said you should veiw your web site in bother firefox and IE.
From firefox I discovered Firefox Portable....... and created an account here because I wanted to get the flash plugin for it..... and now, I'm a geek (like I wasn't that before I came here).
So there is where you learned all of your HTML
I had more luck. I used this guide that lied and said it was about CSS, but is actually about HTML. Then I searched for a real CSS tut and found this one.
This, together with lots of luck about finding pages lead to my semantic knowledge of HTML and CSS. Now I want to take the next step and learn PHP and Javascript. I already have a great book about PHP that talks about everything, including Object Oriented Programming and when I am done I want to learn Javascript, and also Ajax or whatever it is called the system to make Javascript and PHP to talk with each other
I learned HTML from that page, turns out we both learned CSS from the same website.
Oftencold, but never bitter.
Same here. XD
One of my friends was watching me finish my paper for a class, I had OpenOffice 3.o (prerelease version) running along with PAM mod patched 34. I close them all and eject my flash drive turning the wallpaper back to the default school's wallpaper. He freaked out and said, "How did you do that?!?!" I laughed and said, "Well there's this site, PortableApps.com..."
One more Microsoft user converted to open source.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
dumb microsoft