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backup zip and nonzip

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

What exactly do you want?
We have an excellent zip program: 7-Zip.

And the Menu has a built-in backup tool with zip and 7z support.

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

Last seen: 14 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
Actually 7zip is poor in

Actually 7zip is poor in terms of both: features and performance.
Sadly there's nothing that beats it in both categories now and won't be probably for ~1 year. Then we'll have FreeArc + maybe Nanozip + maybe RAR 4.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
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You could get WinRAR Unplugged like I did. It works with most compression formats, it's official, and it's free. AND of course, it's portable.

Last seen: 14 years 4 weeks ago
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Since when it's free?

Since when it's free?

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
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No clue.

I found a link one day in a similar topic and it took me to the official WinRAR site. It was even a quick download, which is amazing considering I use library computers.

Last seen: 14 years 4 weeks ago
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Now it's payware. I find it

Now it's payware.
I find it hard to believe that at some point it wasn't, but it doesn't matter.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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WinRar is (or at least was)

WinRar is (or at least was) set up the same as WinZip, you can use their "trial version" for free, for an unlimited amount of time, but you have to put up with the nag screens

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
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I'm used to it by now so I didn't really think about it but, you're right. It is a trial version and it does nag you when you use the trial version.

I recently downloaded PeaZip which says it works with RAR but, I've not had a chance to try it yet. Unfortunately I'm usually on a limited access library computer.

Edit: Forgot to mention that PeaZip can be found in the apps section of this site.

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
Yup I created the

Yup I created the PeaZipPortable package Wink

PeaZip and 7-Zip can both open rar files, however, they cannot create rar files.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Last seen: 14 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
I would really not recommend

I would really not recommend PeaZip for anything but testing.
Even though the author claims it to be stable, it behaves like an early beta and there are still a few severe bugs found per month. Some can lead to data loss.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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Which ones?

Which ones? Sorry, I'm sad to read this and have to reply this way on a respectable forum like PortableApps, but your post is FUD.
The project is younger than most of other archivers, and I regularily update the project in few months doing bugfixes (but all well-maintained software has bugfixes released on a regular basis), but please nothe that data handling is based on stable and mature tecnologies.

In more than two years of releases only this single bug has some remote chances of data loss: it is a single menu item that does not allows to cancel deletion after the used selected to delete an object first (data loss will not happen out of the blue as your post about "several severe bugs found per month" seem suggesting):
This bug will be fixed in 2.4 release next week.

If you have had bad experience with the program, I'm sorry, but the costructive way is report the problems on project's tracker on SourceForge, not hinting false feaur, uncertainity and doubt on a forum I rarely read.

Developer of PeaZip project

Last seen: 14 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00

I don't have bad experience with it.
Actually I don't have any because it crashes at the startup. But at least 3 of the above bugs look like a serious risk of data loss.
Crashes on different occasions are the other severe bugs.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-05 06:03
That's a better post. Bug 1

That's a better post.

Bug 1 is the one I reported, as explained data is not lost out of the blue; it is a non working Windows SendTo menu entry, don't use it until the patch.

2 (patched long time ago) does not bring data loss in any way, the solutions were either correct the generated command line, or extract those archives on a Windows machine, or extract them with 7z. No data loss in any case

3 is an unconfirmed report, the file was correctly extracted with PeaZip in all tests. Probably the user reporting the issue had worked on a corrupted download.

4 has nothing to do with data loss, the workaround was just use axtract all, or rename the archive.

The crashes you reported still happens with letest version? The IDE and the termination instructions were changed. Next version, 2.4 will improve this aspect more; btw, did the user name, and consequently system'd paths, contains non ascii characters? this issue was patched in version 2.4.

Please keep the discussion costructive and detailed as in the last post, PortableApps is an authoritative forum and I would like to avoid either to make exagerate positive claims but also to avail useless and confusing bashing of the program as your claims in the first post were: if you have not run the program (because on the only system you said to have tried it din't started), how could you share with other PortableApps readers user's experiences with the programs, to give other warnings on "several bugs per month which can bring to data loss"?

Developer of PeaZip project

Last seen: 14 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
Bug 1 is the one I reported,

Bug 1 is the one I reported, as explained data is not lost out of the blue; it is a non working Windows SendTo menu entry, don't use it until the patch
Not out of the blue, just because one uses a standard function...
I take that you'll fix it, but it's a bug that not only may cause data loss, but is likely to do so.

2 (patched long time ago) does not bring data loss in any way, the solutions were either correct the generated command line, or extract those archives on a Windows machine, or extract them with 7z. No data loss in any case
7z is not mentioned there, if it works, OK. From what can be seen on, it's either data or money loss, Windows isn't free.

3 is an unconfirmed report, the file was correctly extracted with PeaZip in all tests. Probably the user reporting the issue had worked on a corrupted download.
When I said "at least 3", this one was the 4th. I see that you could do nothing, but still it *might* be a problem.
Yes, that's a FUD. Blum

4 has nothing to do with data loss, the workaround was just use axtract all, or rename the archive.
Sorry, my bad, I didn't read the whole followup.

About the crashes:
You probably guessed it, but let's make things clear:
I'm talking about this bug report, I am m^2 on I am also the "nobody" who confirmed that the bug is still there, I just forgot to log in.

if you have not run the program (because on the only system you said to have tried it din't started), how could you share with other PortableApps readers user's experiences with the programs?
I never said that it's my experience and I don't need to run PeaZip to see what people report on your bug tracker.

"several bugs per month which can bring to data loss"
I said "a few severe bugs found per month. Some can lead to data loss."

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-05 06:03
1: it is a single menu doing

1: it is a single menu doing a delete function (all other ones performing the same function works fine). I guess users dont usually send valuable data to delete functions just for the thrill to see if there is a confirmation menu after that! To confirm this I had a single report of that from the whole userbase in many months the menu item exists.
But, bug happens. I've fixed it asap.

2: Windows is not free? We are posting on PortableApps, those applications are targeted to Windows and the bug reported was a Linux only bug, so it should not matter, as we should assume PortableApps users runs Windows. In any case 7z is free, Wine is free, the update I quickly released is free, and correcting a "'" character in the generated command line is free.

3: what is likely a corrupted file, it had no follow up, I call it a false positive.

"I never said that it's my experience and I don't need to run PeaZip to see what people report on your bug tracker."
Sorry m2, I do think you have to USE a program to bother giving advices about it on a good quality forum as PortableApps is.

And if you give advices reading bug reports, give correct advices, not ambiguous sentences like "a few severe bugs found per month. Some can lead to data loss."; as we have discussed the first bug is quite unlikely to cause damages in real life, the second was a Linux only bug (reported on a Windows forum), the third was an unconfirmed false positive that had no follow-up and the fourth "Sorry, my bad, I didn't read the whole followup.".
All in more than 24 months. Few at months would be more than 50, to say least.
So please (IMHO, ok?) give advices on what you really use (better if on a regular basis) or if you are really sure about the real meaning and impact of bug reports you are linking.

Developer of PeaZip project

Last seen: 14 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
Sorry m2, I do think you have

Sorry m2, I do think you have to USE a program to bother giving advices about it on a good quality forum as PortableApps is.
A program deletes user data. You know about it. And you think "Nah, I lost nothing, it's not dangerous." or "Well, it is very insecure, not knowing this can have tragical consequences, but how could I blame a program that never did anything wrong to me?"?
Well, not me.
BTW I don't know why does quality, which you mention in every post, matter.
Quality of my posts is always the same, regardless where I write. I differentiate level of details based by who is gonna read it, but not quality.

And if you give advices reading bug reports, give correct advices, not ambiguous sentences like "a few severe bugs found per month. Some can lead to data loss.";
It's called briefing. Details are often uninteresting to the readers and putting them everywhere would be just a waste of time. Note that nobody was curious why do I call it unreliable.
as we have discussed the first bug is quite unlikely to cause damages in real life, the second was a Linux only bug (reported on a Windows forum), the third was an unconfirmed false positive that had no follow-up and the fourth "Sorry, my bad, I didn't read the whole followup.".
My estimation of the first bug's severity is totally different.
The second problem looked like a data loss and it's not a Windows only, not even Windows centric forum. Look around and you'll see how many posts about Linux are here.
The third is a FUD, but with archiving data security is the most critical thing, FUDs matter. And this one was just 2 months old, way too little to assume that it won't happen again.
The 4th was indeed my fault, as I said I feel sorry about it. I think there's no need to talk about it unless you have something constructive to add.

All in more than 24 months. Few at months would be more than 50, to say least.
3 that seemed to could cause data loss+
other severe ones in 2.5 months.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-05 06:03
wuold please stop this

would please stop this pathethic FUD?
About the first bug, who says I don't care? I have cared, I have patched asap. I've said it is not the horrific bane you are telling in a real world scenario (as a single report in over one year the menu item exists proof).
But if you insist ignoring explanation and real life cases, you are welcome.

And please if you want to talk about an application just reading the tracker, please try to understand what you are reading:
1) surprise surprise, you can't write to a path that is read only for your user! That must be a horrific PeaZip bug! (no, I would very impressed of the contrary, if a operating system would let any program write to a path the curent user don't have rights to write to!)

2) your bug report, again, nothing to o with data loss (still fud?). I cannot test any single user's machine's configuration, neither Microsoft or Ubuntu can, but possibly it is patched in upcoming 2.4 release.

3) a pathced bug (again, nothing to do with data loss)... we should still bash Linux 2.x for 1.x kernel bugs, or Vista for Win3.x bugs?

4) (again, nothing about data loss) a bug repoted by myself to close duplicate bug submissions. It's not even properly more a bug report, it is a reminder to let user submit in the proper place any *user experience* related to UTF8 since a while ago the application migrated to utf-8 encoding for text.

If your goal is just to get attention, as it seem, I'll no longer reply to you; if your goal is to help providing *user experience* to keep a program progressing, you know were to post bug reports, feature requasets, patches, support requests or just forum posts.

Developer of PeaZip project

Last seen: 14 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
Why do you always try to

Why do you always try to convince people that I said things I didn't say?
The last 4 bugs have nothing to do with data loss, I made it clear by calling them "other severe ones".
Again you found some *user experience* in my words, where is it? I never said I have any with PeaZip.

You fix bugs, that's OK. I never said that you don't. But a few new, severe ones are being found per month. Some can cause data loss. None of your posts contradicted this, you just corrected my mistake about one of 3 bugs and tried to put a lot of words in my mouth.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-05 06:03
Sorry, if you undrstood so,

Sorry, if you understood so, you must have not read or cared to understand my replies.
I contraddicted all your claims, with reasoning and real life cases.
Bug happens, on used software they are found and on well maintained software they are patched every day, week or month.
That is a basic fact about software, no need to explain.
As I promised in previous post, since you seem just a troll in search of attention, and you *never used* the program as you admitted, and you (seem to) have not understood any of the reports after I pateniently replied and tried to explain, I have to say you goodbye.

Developer of PeaZip project

Last seen: 14 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
You know, after your previous

You know, after your previous post I started to dislike you. But now the hard feelings are gone and I can do nothing but laugh.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

onestoploser's picture
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-23 16:09
I use PeaZip daily for

I use PeaZip daily for compression/decompression and have never once had a problem with it. It decompresses RARs just fine, and I would recommend it to anyone who needs an all-in-one com/decom tool.

Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-10-23 11:23

What zip program can zip/unzip faster?

self.path = path if self.path == None else self.path

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