Depends what it is, but if you can find out I like a challenge! Just ask the tech guy/gal what sort it is, I'm sure he/she is pround of it and would love to tell you!
I have defied gods and demon
I am you shield, I am your sword
I know you, your past, your future
This is the way the world ends
Halo 3: Finish The Fight 2007
A way around it would be to use a proxy server to load internet information through the proxy as opposed to directly from the website. You're going to have to either set one up yourself, or buy one....
Now you're my kind of person.
Here's what I do with SurfControl:
Enter proxy info.
Add site to No Proxy list in Connection Settings.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
If someone are using a url filter but you can use .exe files i use putty to SSH to my homeserver and then im using links, works great and fast but no graphics of course.
If your school's filter isn't that smart. The only way to do it is to use a proxy that both isn't blocked and encrypts URLs. Good filters scan the entire URL for blocked addresses.
Hey guys, I think my school has an SB - a Super Blocker!
It block EVERYTHING! I tried using proxies, the Google Page translator trick and more but in vane!!
Can someone thing of anything that may work, or even if there is some Portable App that will bypass my school's site filter/ web blocker, please let me know.
No app can bypass a filter that isn't at the workstation level (very rarely will there only be a block at this level). Here's some hope, though: most filters will allow anything on a secure server (https://). I forget why, but there are a couple proxies out there that operate on https. Try . I've used it before; the only problem is that it's not always up. I just tried it now and it's up, though.
Are you sure it was the filter? If you got a message saying that it couldn't connect, then it's not because of the filter, it's because the site's down or is not accepting any traffic at the moment.
I go to Landstown Highschool and Tech Acadmey in virginia Beach. The only thing high tech at our school is the proxy server which uses symentech and the students who ge by the server. I know a few people who set up their own proxy server to get by ours but they wouldn't give me the ip. I found many ways to bypass a proxy but eventuly the CRS people will find out what you are doing and block it. The only perment solution is to create a proxy server but my isp won't allow me to set one up. some basic ways to get around different proxy settings:
https://- as arleady mentioned
google translate- also arleady mentioned languages of google may work
altavista - uses babble fish translate
webproxys - after about a week all web proxys get blocked and are also full of virues
google cash-- take a webadress and search for it in google then click the google cash button this works some times but it is not always uptodate
These are the easyist ways to get past a proxy as long as the CRS don't find out so if you use these do not share the information with coworkers/fellow students because the more people findout how to get around the faster the news will get to the CRS.
Translate/other language methods will fail on good filters because they don't encrypt the url. If you want to set up a proxy with your home computer, there's a program that was mentioned above. Or you can set up your home computer as a server and write a php program if you're really determined.
It would be very helpful to be able to bypass my school's firewall just so I can chat on IRC without having to use the CGI-IRC web client. ( )
Wow this site has come a long way since last time I looked in...Thare was like three apps on this site. This one is kind of a google Anonymizer it might work for a little while. This Is The Best Portable app for being sneeky online you well ever use Its totally dumbproof which is a Big bonus Ow, and thare was a update since I was there last...Now Its 7.08 MB It was 6.05 MB hehe. Its TOR With Firefox Portable as fruntend... Sweet.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
“Get a "Power full Authority", and A willing
chain of command, and then every thing after is cake...”
----------------- Original Message -----------------
“Get a "Power full Authority", and A willing
chain of command, and then every thing after is cake...”
Nothing too fancy about that site... They're just using CGI:IRC, which you can install on any webserver that supports Perl/CGI.
My school has an annoying firewall too that basically blocks any ports except the standard stuff (21 for FTP, 25 for SMTP, etc.). I even asked them once about opening up a port and they basically said unless I needed it for school-related business it wasn't going to happen.
The Oldiesmann SMF - simple, powerful, free - what more could you want from a forum system?
Almost every(if not every) port above 80 is blocked(Nix box firewall). Can't use IM or webmail. Very annoying. My sweetie's Uni, on the other hand, is wide open as far as ports go. They like policies & mandatory profiles instead. I used this many times and it is great software. you can actually run it off your flashdrive after installing it just open up C:\\Program Files\JAP and copy all the files to your flashdrive and voila a freed proxy server
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
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Depends what it is, but if you can find out I like a challenge! Just ask the tech guy/gal what sort it is, I'm sure he/she is pround of it and would love to tell you!
Steve Lamerton
Do the following
Search Google for "allinurl:nph-proxy.cgi OR" (
Or "allinurl:PHProxy.php" (
That should defeat most if not all school proxies
I have defied gods and demon
I am you shield, I am your sword
I know you, your past, your future
This is the way the world ends
Halo 3: Finish The Fight 2007
any other ideas?
Did you read the entire thread?
A way around it would be to use a proxy server to load internet information through the proxy as opposed to directly from the website. You're going to have to either set one up yourself, or buy one....
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Blog]
Now you're my kind of person.
Here's what I do with SurfControl:
Enter proxy info.
Add site to No Proxy list in Connection Settings.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Heres a TUT
Portable firefox works if your school does not have an ISA server.
Oh, setting up a home PC as a proxy. Nice, but I don't have internet at home.
If someone are using a url filter but you can use .exe files i use putty to SSH to my homeserver and then im using links, works great and fast but no graphics of course.
(Source: Google Free Proxy! )
Just go to:|en&u=ENTER_URL_HERE
If your school's filter isn't that smart. The only way to do it is to use a proxy that both isn't blocked and encrypts URLs. Good filters scan the entire URL for blocked addresses.
Here you go:
I do know everything, just not all at once. It's a virtual memory problem.
I do know everything, just not all at once. It's a virtual memory problem.
Firemaker, that is a great sig. Its I'm going to steal it for my own use great.
Posted in Mozilla PowerSkunk. Other Browsers run in fear!
(Brought to you by Firesomething.)
"I do know everything, just not all at once. It's a virtual memory problem." Priceless.
- [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.
Hey guys, I think my school has an SB - a Super Blocker!
It block EVERYTHING! I tried using proxies, the Google Page translator trick and more but in vane!!
Can someone thing of anything that may work, or even if there is some Portable App that will bypass my school's site filter/ web blocker, please let me know.
No app can bypass a filter that isn't at the workstation level (very rarely will there only be a block at this level). Here's some hope, though: most filters will allow anything on a secure server (https://). I forget why, but there are a couple proxies out there that operate on https. Try . I've used it before; the only problem is that it's not always up. I just tried it now and it's up, though.
BTW, what is your school's filter? 8e6?
For grins I just tried proxyweb and it was caught by the filter here at work.
Did you make sure to go to
I verified that the link above is HTTPS and clicked on it.
Are you sure it was the filter? If you got a message saying that it couldn't connect, then it's not because of the filter, it's because the site's down or is not accepting any traffic at the moment.
I got our standard Access denied by security policy message
Looks like you're SOL.
Works for us at school.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
PortaBlog is now officially out of beta!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I go to Landstown Highschool and Tech Acadmey in virginia Beach. The only thing high tech at our school is the proxy server which uses symentech and the students who ge by the server. I know a few people who set up their own proxy server to get by ours but they wouldn't give me the ip. I found many ways to bypass a proxy but eventuly the CRS people will find out what you are doing and block it. The only perment solution is to create a proxy server but my isp won't allow me to set one up. some basic ways to get around different proxy settings:
https://- as arleady mentioned
google translate- also arleady mentioned languages of google may work
altavista - uses babble fish translate
webproxys - after about a week all web proxys get blocked and are also full of virues
google cash-- take a webadress and search for it in google then click the google cash button this works some times but it is not always uptodate
These are the easyist ways to get past a proxy as long as the CRS don't find out so if you use these do not share the information with coworkers/fellow students because the more people findout how to get around the faster the news will get to the CRS.
Translate/other language methods will fail on good filters because they don't encrypt the url. If you want to set up a proxy with your home computer, there's a program that was mentioned above. Or you can set up your home computer as a server and write a php program if you're really determined.
It would be very helpful to be able to bypass my school's firewall just so I can chat on IRC without having to use the CGI-IRC web client. ( ) is you a good choice, but it requires java, give it a try if you have java installed in your school system. may do d job but still... it isn't portable! In my opinion I would prefer something with no installer, and so wouldn't need admin priviliges.
Wow this site has come a long way since last time I looked in...Thare was like three apps on this site. This one is kind of a google Anonymizer it might work for a little while. This Is The Best Portable app for being sneeky online you well ever use Its totally dumbproof which is a Big bonus
Ow, and thare was a update since I was there last...Now Its 7.08 MB It was 6.05 MB hehe.
Its TOR With Firefox Portable as fruntend... Sweet.
Original Message
“Get a "Power full Authority", and A willing
chain of command, and then every thing after is cake...”
Original Message
“Get a "Power full Authority", and A willing
chain of command, and then every thing after is cake...”
I found which works pretty good for what I was looking for.
Nothing too fancy about that site... They're just using CGI:IRC, which you can install on any webserver that supports Perl/CGI.
My school has an annoying firewall too that basically blocks any ports except the standard stuff (21 for FTP, 25 for SMTP, etc.). I even asked them once about opening up a port and they basically said unless I needed it for school-related business it wasn't going to happen.
The Oldiesmann
SMF - simple, powerful, free - what more could you want from a forum system?
Almost every(if not every) port above 80 is blocked(Nix box firewall). Can't use IM or webmail. Very annoying. My sweetie's Uni, on the other hand, is wide open as far as ports go. They like policies & mandatory profiles instead.
~Lurk~ I used this many times and it is great software. you can actually run it off your flashdrive after installing it just open up C:\\Program Files\JAP and copy all the files to your flashdrive and voila a freed proxy server
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau