Application: WinHTTrack
Category: Internet
Description: WinHTTrack Portable is the popular WinHTTrack Website Copier packaged as a portable app, so you can copy and save sites wherever you are.
Download WinHTTrack Portable 3.43-9C Development Test 3 [3.01MB download / 10.6MB installed]
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2008-11-04): Initial release
Development Test 1½ (2008-11-05):
- made so it would not leave registery?
Development Test 2 (2008-11-12):
- fixed some typos
- changed the code (for the leaving registry keys)
Development Test 3 (2008-12-03):
- minor code changes
- fixed the help.html
Development Test 1 (2008-12-19):
- updated to the newest version
- some code changes
- NOTICE: if you are upgrading from the "older" version, please move the settings from the HttrackPortable\Data\settings and anything thats there to the settings folder of the WinHttrackWebsiteCopierPortable. and delete the older one of HTTrack.
Development Test 2 (2008-12-25):
- fixed the registry bug (I hope)
- the folder name changed to WinHTTrackPortable(I think)
Development Test 2½ (2008-12-29):
- some code typos and tweaks
Development Test 3 (2010-07-01):
- Updated to latest installer and used the launcher
- Updated to latest version
Will trial tonight Advocate
Please ignore FF entries as I stupidly open FF without thinking. Also it successfully maintained my settings from previous version. Advocate
looks like this is a problem:
i'd say it suffers from the same problem as the previous releases, as in it automatically associates itself with .whtt files. you could try emailing the devs about an option for it somewhere, or ask for it to be removed from the program and incorporated into the non-portable installer. this is also a problem with MushClient, btw.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
hmm, i think i can fix it (maybe) ill see...
EDIT: The "half" put. try and see if the issue still is there or not. It didnt leave those in my regshot...
EDIT2: found some typos and some code to fix about the registery entries. Development Test 2 should be out soon (maybe)
would this matter on a limited client?
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Well, i really dont know, but ill test it out. (I only have a XP... :-\)
Well, it seemed like it was ok, but ill havto test it some more
Here is a mirror for you on my site:
HTTrack Portable 3.41-3 Development Test 1½
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Thanks, you email is P o r t a b l e A p p s . c o m @ g m a i l . c o m right?
That is correct sir
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
If i save a web page that has a flash video or component on it, will that component run?
I really dont know, it might require you haveing flash, but try
Why in the world?
No, flash doesn't work. I just tried it. You should fix your program so that it does work. i like the idea though.
My program? I just make the launcher and "put" the program...
Development Test 2 out
Download HTTrack Portable 3.41-3 Development Test 2
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Thanks Bensawsome! EDIT: check if the registry entries are left behind
No I can't

Just pass me an email 
But I have been looking into a way to do it
And also do you want a ftp folder so you could just upload and link
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Dev 3 out
and a quick note that is now updated to Version 3.43-2 (12/07/2008) Advocate
Hey, Thanks
EDIT:updated, thanks
Thanks to you kai.inouye
EDIT: Quick suggestion - Shorten the default install directory to WinHTTrackPortable instead of WinHTTrackWebsiteCopierPortable. Advocate
ah, thanks I'll do that
EDIT:uh delete the entries that are left behind here and do another regshot if you don't mind. thanks
Happy to help:-) No probs with opening up. Opened up>Changed the folder for saving the websites to from C:\My Web Sites tot F:\Documents\Temporary Storage>Closed app/ Here are the results.
Note: A little OT but I used a couple registry cleaning apps and searched the registry httrack to ensure nothing from previous installation would affect regshot. However I see in my regshot they have entries despite my running and closing them before using regshot. Is this the usual behaviour for reg entries to still come up in regshot from apps ran before opening regshot? Advocate
well, looks better than before but I'll try to fix it if I can
Updated to Development Test 2
@horusofoz: Please do another regshot if you do not mind
EDIT: I did a regshot and it didnt leave anything behind, just wanted to make sure
No worries with the Regshot will get to as soon as I can. Unfortunately at the moment the link is not working Advocate
Yes, the mirror is down, will update
Link is now working. Should post regshot later today. Advocate
You might want to delete that MUICache, I think it's making the app show up in the Windows XP Start Menu... You know, the recent apps executed lists.
First and foremost, that icon leaves a lot to be desired. Take a look at the icon I hacked together from pieces of the tango set (I tried to keep the purple). You might want to try using it.
Full Icon Package - Includes scaleable version.
OS - XP Pro SP2
Find out if those keys are needed, if not, the launcher should delete them.
Now let me find that sticky note I wrote more stuff on... *shuffles around in bag*
underlines in the readme extend all the way, or don't extend too far.Thats my 2c.
I thought I would mention, there really is no need for 1/2 dev tests. Just keep it to plain natural numbers so it doesn't get confusing. (Don't worry, I actually did this myself before.) It's just unnecessary.
You can't use Tango icons for GPL software, their license is incompatible.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I wasn't aware of that, but I'll try Xfce instead, I believe its GPL.
Ok, i see the registery entries...
And, I will name it WinHTTrack Portable.
What do you mean by, "Some minor stuff, make sure the ====== underlines in the readme extend all the way, or don't extend too far." and "Another picky thing :p, just clean up the arrangement of the source, make sure you space it correctly with the tab so the lines of code line up properly with the ones above them"?
Forget what I said about the source code, I'm seeing things.
For the readme I meant to fix this:
Ok. Ill fix. Thanks
EDIT: Im not sure about those entries. Should I make it remove them or...?
Here's your new icon, based on Xfce which is GPL. If you decide to use this we'll have to get the base app recompiled with it as well. I *think* HTTrack is written in python.
Download with icon package and scaleable version.
I did some googleing about those HKLM keys and found this:ꉝ
The Database object relates to the Extensible Storage Engine (ESENT), the transacted database system that stores all Active Directory objects. This performance object is not installed by default. The counters on the Database object enable you to perform advanced tuning of Active Directory. You can also use some of the counters to help determine whether you need more disk drives for storage of logs or database.
My guess is, just back up the local ones and delete them when you clean up the other keys. I'm not sure though, does anyone else have more info on this?
Looks great Advocate
GREAT!!! Thank you!
EDIT:About the registry stuff, it doesnt look like there is any info that needs to be updated. because that
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ESENT\Process\WinHttrack\DEBUG\Trace Level:
doesn't look like anything it will really "need" but I'm not sure. Any comments anyone?EDIT (2): Well, it looks like C++ or something like that which I am TOTALLY ignorant of.
Updated to 3.43.9C and updated installer.
Updated link anyone?
the current link returns "The file you are trying to access is no longer available publicly. Please contact the user who has shared this file with you."
The newest version of Httrack is 3.43.12
Hi kai.inouye,
Any chance of getting this file "WinHTTrack Website Copier Portable 3.43-9C Development Test 3" as the link does not work?
Thank you
Since I have to reactivate my files every so often on the download host... I'll switch to media fire. Will update soon
Hi, i am inquiring about the new version of Winhttrack x86 v3.44.1.0 and 64bit if you got it to work?? They have portable stand alone versions. I have been trying to use the new portable installer 2.0.8 but have problem getting it to copy all of the stand alone files that are required for it to work.
Download link broken. Please update.
Don't Panic
any mirrors?
a portable version available on the official page:
Try, it's really easy - create a project, upload your files.
Don't Panic
just upload your files.
Previously known as kAlug.
Is this still being worked on? If not, may I take it over?
Previously known as kAlug.