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Portable Windows XP

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Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
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Portable Windows XP

Hello All,

I am looking for Portable Windows XP / simulation of Windows XP. I found it on forums but it requires Flash Drive. U need to copy it on flash drive and then you can boot your computer from flash drive. I am looking for copy of windows xp where I can copy it on Hard-drive. Even Simulation would work. I just require it so that my students can work on windows XP. I require it for Windows OS. Could u please help me with that.

Thanking you and waiting for your reply.



Last seen: 17 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
you need virtual machine

For your solution I would recommend to get either VM Ware (virtualization software) or Virtual PC from Microsoft. The Virtual PC has some problems, but will work fine for you. Search Microsoft's websites for Virtual PC and they will have also ready made XP and Vista test copies for download, which however expire after 6 months and you have to download new copy.

Otherwise you can set up your own XP und Virtual PC or VM Ware, this will require activation, but then you have your copy.

You might also try other virtualization solutions like VirtualBox etc., but the other two above might be more suitable if you have not some experince with virtualization.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-23 09:55
Thanks for your reply Otto

Thanks for your reply Otto but in case of virtual machine I will have to install the Windows XP. I have seen Portable Vista & Portable office 2007 which does not require installation u just need to copy and paste the files, Double click on the icon and it loads the application. I am looking for something of this kind where I can download and copy it to harddrive of any computer. I dont want to install anything.

powerjuce's picture
Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 21:34

about that.
One word: Illegal
Second Word: Impossible

It is not possible to have an os running on the hard drive without installing it. And if you wish to have a perminant copy of vista for free that is illegal and we don't condone that stuff here at


Please search before posting. ~Thanks

Last seen: 17 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
and BTW

>I just require it so that my students can work on windows XP.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 17 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
i do not belive much

>I have seen Portable Vista & Portable office 2007 which does not require installation u just need to copy and paste the files, Double click on the icon and it loads the application.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-05 11:08
Virtual Machines

Do a search (top right of screen) on this site and you will find references to Portable VirtualBox, both 32 and 64 bit versions, although the installation files reside elsewhere.

I have this on my USB drive and carry around a complete image of my WinXP and my Open Solaris installations, just install as normal and add what ever applications you want. I turn up at work plug in USB and let PortableApps menu do the rest, at end of day unplug it and go home, with all my work with me. The drive sits in my pocket and noone knows it is there. I have access to everything I want and need.

It would be great if a Portable Virtual Box became a fully integrated part of the PortableApps suite here, it is free to get and use (Sun is always promoting Open software) and needs no modifications apart from a PortableApps wrapper.

Phil Jobling, UK
"search button, what search button ? doh!"

Last seen: 17 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
would like to know experincies


it seems that you have some practice with the virtual box.
OK I installed also vb on my stick, but somehow it seems to need lot of local components. Anyway, it is so, that when I run it on one of my older laptops with w2k, it works , but refuses to work later on XP, if I first run it on XP it will later not run on w2k. It looks for the drivers, claims it can not find them, but the driver files are in position.

Recently I got fresh install of 2.0.2 and then updated it manually by unzipping the file and copy paste to the latest version I think it is 204.

Again, I have the same problem, when started on w2k, it will not work on XP and vice versa.
It installs the driver clearly, so not portable from the point of view of portableapps, but are those drivers somehow different for w2k and XP?
What does the virtbox write to local system? I have some folders under appdata, some entries in registry too, but do you have infos what is needed and used on the local installation?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 17 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
which portable setup

do you use? there are some around, just would like to know which of those installers etc is the better one.
(better say where do you download it?

the one I have on the stick here now is from michaelm_007 and it is autoit made.

[double post removed by mod markomlm]

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-05 11:08
Portable VirtualBox

Do a search for portable virtualbox on this site, read the replies and there is a hint of where to look.

I cannot put a link here as it goes against the rules of the site.

In my original post I indicated I have both XP and Open Solaris, Solaris is my preferred OS and whilst my XP guest is a paid for installation, it appears as indicated by Sergenstiler this may not be fully legal, so I will not post any further details.

Regarding Portable Virtual box, mine is on a USB drive and does not appear the write anything to the host OS. Just make sure it is the portable version and not the standard one, by extracting and overwriting you will have tried to "copy/install" the standard version.

Please search and find the correct pages (it is a German site, with English translations) and make your choice of how you use it.

Phil Jobling, UK
"search button, what search button ? doh!"

Last seen: 17 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
yes made a search

but somehow got confused.

On my stick there was an installation I got some time ago and the installer contained the version 2.0
This version did work once only, on XP , but then never again after I put a small DOS installation onto it.

The second version looks similar, but is from other source and is not nsis'ed but autoit.
This version was coming from a german site, michaelm_007 seems to be from germany.

Yes I was trying to 'copy-install' latest version. Tried just now. The portable version (the autoit one) comes with version 2.0.2, so when the virbox launches, it wants be updated. Ok stop it. Downloaded the installation file from the virbox website (2.0.6 at present) unpack the msi by universal extractor and copy the so obtained files in same places as they are in the original installation.
So far it seems to work, but will see next time when I run it on the w2k laptop...

BTW: is the launcher you use done in nsis or autoit?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 17 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
what is the name

of your one?

Portable Virtual Box


Virtual Box Portable


Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

sergentsiler's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-28 11:37
let me clear all of this up...

there have been countless discussions on portable operating systems ranging from portable linux to portable windows xp and they all end in the same.

A, we have a portable operating system, called Mac-On-Stick in the apps listing
B, portable windows is illegal IN ALL ASPECTS reguardless if it is a fresh install from a just purchased version of xp or a pirated xp it is illegal
C, portable linux exists and we are slowly working on a portable version for but we may be abandoning it as it is a metric butload of work.
D, portable windows xp works with virtual box portable but it is not supported, encouraged, or in PAF format so we dont host it, you will have to search the net for it.

if you had Searched before posting, you would have known that, please do so in the future, thanks.


Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-29 11:32
Not quite that clear

A, we have a portable operating system, called Mac-On-Stick in the apps listing

That too may be illegal. Apple always had it that copying their ROM, which this requires, was an infringement of their copyright and they considered it illegal. This may no longer be the case with the OS X (yeah!) being the current version and the old Macintosh ranges unable to run but ...

Last seen: 17 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
if properly installed

and properly activated, in some virtual environment, well then it is OK as long as it is not copied . A Virtual machine is virtual and is fixed to its virtual hardware thus I do not see much illegal abt it.

With some Vista, it explicitly allowed, let say an ultimate , you can build one VM in addition to your hard installation and with vista enterprise you could make 5 VM as far as I remember.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

sergentsiler's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-28 11:37

@reepicheep, i dont think it is illegal because apple is freely distributing the rom file, in fact the links at the NoThickManuals site direct you to apples free download.

@ottosykora, very true, as long as it is a virtual os, it is legal. when i said "illegal in any aspect" i was talking of just installing xp to a flash drive. but there are acceptions to the virtual machiene too. it has to be a legit copy of windows and activated only once on the virtual machine otherwise it is still illegal.

also, as i said before, portable virtualbox is not supported, not in paf format, not hosted at sourceforge. in addition, i have had a 0% sucsess rate in simply getting portable virtual box running let alone a virtual operating system. it is dificult to work with and even someone with my computer skillz (:D) is confused by it.


sergentsiler's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-28 11:37

if you must have portable xp and dont care if it is legal or not, get virtual box portable Here and after that obtain a copy of windows xp and install it on that.

note that the above link does not include windows xp or preinstalled windows xp. the operating system is for you to install


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