Ok, so what's happening with the .sigs in the forums lately
They are getting ridiculously large don't you think
Do we really need to know your favorite quote, the specs of your machine, what OS you use, your projects, your religion, and your grandmothers bra size
Seriously, the sigs are bigger than some of the replies themselves
Really, anything over 3 lines is just, well, ... [insert version here]
1. Polite versions: Distracting, Annoying, WOB {Waste Of Bandwidth}
2. Non-Polite versions: Crap, SelfGrandizement, Nonsense
Just a thought
they are limited. something like 256 chars or 3 lines or something. and i agree that they are getting a bit long. one line is enough.
I don't know about the number of characters but the newest winner is 7 lines
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I can trump that. Just found a 9 line sig.
And I've only been back for about 10 minutes.
it's not a contest.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Just figured I'd point out how ridiculous it's gotten.
lol ok then
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
mine's ok...right?
drupal does cut it off at some point, not sure exactly what that point is...might be 256
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.
yeah I agree with keeping the limitations to as mentioned
I resolved to 1 liners now 
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I made my sig from pure nothing a few time ago when I was having an existencial crisis because I didn't know what kind of sig would project myself into the people. Then I though of the one I have, it shows OSS, it is nice, and as the sigs are small, it is unobtrusive. Also, if the screen is wide enough, the sig is one line
And I agree that some sigs are too big. But I think up to 2 lines is Ok, more than that not (I say 2 lines so mine is acceptable
When I first read your nick, I thought you were just crazy.
Now I see it as a couple scentences that tell the world how great Open Source is.
I think I would like something like that...
*runs off to change siggy*
I like yours but does it have to be caps?
PortableApps.com Advocate
i avoid using sigs because i prefer being able to read what a person has to say. Thou i did find some interesting ones here. the max i ever had/have is 4 lines 3 being a quote from IRC and then a picture of Pong.
Hey is my siggy okay
Want to have fun!? Press Ctrl+W!!!
Its short and funny
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate