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exe versus u3p Files

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exe versus u3p Files

1) my U3 USB Stick is absolutely µS-free -> no IE. My Computer holds an IE - as Part of it´s XP -, and both are GERMAN: might it be that this can cause some U3 Installations not to work because they require an U.S. IE?
2) desperately looking for an U3 OpenOffice. Reading everywhere that it should exist, I cannot find it. Do You know where it is hidden?
The only File I could find is an EXE one (openoffice_org_for_u3.exe) - but the Stick only allows u3p format to be installed onto it (is there a Workaround to solve this Problem?).
Greetings from Ingolstadt (Audi Town), Bavaria, Europe

John T. Haller
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Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
U3 Unsupported

There may be versions of Firefox, Thunderbird and for U3 floating around but all I've seen have had bugs, left files behind, violated trademark law and/or the GPL, etc.

U3 has been on life support for well over a year and is being end of lifed soon.

A better option would be to use the supported portable apps. You can install the Platform on your U3 device without impacting the U3 menu.

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I had a U3 stick and it worked on my german XP. But I suggest you try the Platform - its free, open source and it works on every windows PC.

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Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
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OpenOffice for U3

Not sure where this idea about U3 being dead comes from. I fail to see any evidence. I've just bought a brand new Sandisk Cruzer Titanium and it's working perfectly.

Maybe other manufacturers aren't supporting it but anyway the Sandisk devices are superb and great value for money and, whilst they continue to provide a U3 platform, I for one will continue to use it. I currently have Thunderbird, OpenOffice (2.2) and TrueCrypt installed on mine and they all work faultlessly.

Anyway, be that as it may, I would be very interested on a U3 packaged version of OpenOffice 3. If no one else is prepared to do it then if someone can give me some guidance, I'm prepared to give it a go. Is there a utility that could repackage a PortableApps version for U3?

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Joined: 2007-01-12 19:22

All you need to do is open this .exe file, the launchpad should install the app automatically.

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