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How to copy files and set Uncompressed flag ?

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Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-07-20 11:00
How to copy files and set Uncompressed flag ?


I've got a litle problem, i'm using TrueCrypt to create a virtual drive that contains all the programs.
In order to have a longer lifespan of my already old USB pen, i've made a script that copies the virtual image to %temp% on the local computer, mounts it and starts PStart from that. When i close PStart, all info is saved, the image is unmounted and the image is copied back on the USB pen. (this way, the USB is accessed only 2 times/session, not a few hundred/thousands times when some programs write data to disk).

Now for the question.
For some reason, TrueCrypt (and a few other programs) don't like having the virtual image as "compressed" (you know, the "Compress" flag for NTFS files), so is there a way (a program, script or command) that can copy a file and uncheck that flag ? (so the file remains uncompressed, even if the %temp% folder is compressed). I can make that manually, but it's a pain in the ass to do that each and every time. I can also set the "%temp%" folder to be uncompressed on the computer i'm working on, but just in case i go to another computer, the "%temp%" folder might still be compressed.

Another question, is there a script command, or little application (that can be called from a script) that can copy a file and show me the progress ? for now i'm using the "copy" command, and since copying the virtual image takes a few minutes i'd like to see just how much time does it need to finidh copying.

Thanx in advance.

Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
You'd have more success

You'd have more success asking someone who is involved with TrueCrypt (like developers or the TC message board if it exists). Just so you know, though, TC can only be used on computers with admin access. If you use a public terminal, you won't be able to decrypt your drive's contents.


Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-07-20 11:00
problem still remains with other programs too


Well actually even if i change the virtual drive manager, i might still have the same problem, as i remember that i had some virtual floppy driver that had the same problem, as in it didn't like it when the image file was compressed on NTFS.
So my question still stands, does anybody know of a way to copy a file in an NTFS compressed drive and set the flag of the file as uncompressed ?

Also, i have a few other programs that use databases that work a lot better (and faster) if the database file is not compressed, and i would like to use the same solution for them too.

The other issue, that only users with admin rights can mount an image, well that's not exactly a very big issue for me, and i've heard the TC crew are working on a little program that can mount images even if you're not admin.

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There's no teacher who can teach us anything new
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