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ClamWin: how do I add right click integration

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ClamWin: how do I add right click integration


I have portable clamwin 0.94.1rev2 installed as of today. I was curious how I set up right click integration with Windows XP? I don't see the option at all in the preferences and I've searched through the manual.


Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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I don't think you can

If you want right click integration you should use the standard version of ClamWin


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Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
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maybe I still want to

Thanks for the reply.

Should I choose to do the least logical thing and want to use Portable Clamwin regardless of your advice, would I be able to do that? And if its possible, HOW?


horusofoz's picture
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To have the right click

To have the right click integration/context menu requires ClamWin to create relationships with components of the host machine. This would break the portabaility of ClamWin and potentially result in negative affects on your machine. These could be caused by the machine trying to access ClamWin with the USB not plugged or simply because the Portable Launcher from which ClamWin is ran is designed to avoid creating such relationships.

If you want the context menus etc it would be much safer to download the regular version of ClamWin. It has the same basic functionality as ClamWin Portable though intergated features such as your looking for will be accessible. It is not recommended as a primary scanner though does make an excellent secondary. I would recommend Avast! as a good free primary scanner with real-time/on access protection. Advocate

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
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still don't know if it's possible

I appreciate the advice. However, I must insist on reasking my original question, again. If it's possible, how?

Thanks again.

ZachHudock's picture
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I think the answer being

I think the answer being implied by not answering the question is that we don't know for sure.

If it's not already an option/preference built in to the app, it would involve manually editing the registry. I dont know what registry keys an installed version of ClamWin may create, so I can't provide the details as to what keys need to be added.

Sorry I don't have definitive answer.

One way that might help you find the keys needed would be in use RegShot to run 1st Shot, install the standard ClamWin, then run the 2nd shot, and check the log for changes containing "shell" or "shellex" in the registry path. Also you might have to register the ExpShell.dll (which doesn't appear to be included in the portable package), but if u install the standard to test the keys created, copy this file out before uninstalling the non-portable version.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

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You need to add a handler to the registry

either for the file types you are interested in, or for the default type ('*' I think) which adds a new action and defines it as being a call to ClamWinPortable with the appropriate parameters (whatever they may be).

However, you also need to remover this whenever the CWP isn't available.

I suspect that PortableFileAssociator (in development here) could do this for you, but without trying it I couldn't be sure.

Hope that helps

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my solution is a simple *.cmd batch file, its link resides in the windows 'send to' menu.

The batch looks like this:
@echo off
set portaDir=O:\tools\ClamWinPortable
: ----------------------------------------------------------
echo Scan starts in a second ...
start /min /d"%portaDir%" ClamWinPortable.exe --mode=scanner --path=%*


Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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It seems to work, could be very useful at times when you don't want to open CWP GUI and click thru to the path to get to one file.

Thanks Smile
And Welcome to


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Thanks for the welcome,

for portable usage, the %~dI syntax could be used like this:

@echo off
set driveLetter=%~d0
set portaDir=%driveLetter%\tools\ClamWinPortable
: ----------------------------------------------------------
echo Scan starts in a second ...
start /min /d"%portaDir%" ClamWinPortable.exe --mode=scanner --path=%*


Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
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I had just about given up on this thread. That works great, thank you!

Last seen: 1 week 18 hours ago
Joined: 2006-04-26 06:35
I use the registry as previously mentioned

If you touch a user's sendto folder, you might as well touch the registry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Scan with ClamWin Free Antivirus\Command]
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\ClamWinPortable\\ClamWinPortable.exe\" --mode=scanner --path=\"%1\" --close"

Or whatever your folder is.

But none of our solutions deals with the real problem: multiple checks when right clicking multiple files.

Try doing it to lots of files and you'll see what a big problem it is.

The original program uses a DLL that somehow adds multiple --path=

Can anyone come up with a way to do it without DLLs?

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Can't find the verb key in Windows 10

Thanks for the helpful insight, lwc. I tried manually adding that registry key in Windows 10 but I failed to make it work because of some tightened (but I think misled) system access privileges.

I then tried to install the stand-alone desktop version of ClamWin with shell integration but I couldn't find the right-click verb "Scan with ClamWin Free Antivirus" from anywhere in my Windows 10 registry although that's the text being shown in the context menu. I'll try to "hack" more on this from time to time and post any developments.

Last seen: 1 week 18 hours ago
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I've fixed the registry code

My original post didn't place the quotes correctly, and didn't have backslashes (I think it's a new feature by Windows 10), so I've just fixed it. Could this be your issue as opposed to access privileges?

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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It now works, but with tweaks

Hey, it now works! Thanks! When scanning multiple files, I can still see the same number of instances though, but I can live with that.

I also changed mine to remove the "--close" switch so that we can see the results summary after scanning. I ended up with a .reg file like this (which resolves to my locally installed ClamWin Portable):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Scan with ClamWin Portable\Command]
@="\"C:\\PA\\PortableApps\\ClamWinPortable\\ClamWinPortable.exe\" --mode=scanner --path=\"%1\""

Notice that I also changed the context verb to "Scan with ClamWin Portable" so that I always get reminded in updating its definitions DB.

Last seen: 1 week 18 hours ago
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Living with that has repercussions

I'm glad I helped you get it running! But it's not meant to run in parallel because each time it runs it updates the settings. So if you scan 10 files like this, you'll overwrite the settings 10 times's probably a matter of time before it will corrupt your ClamWin. Also, if you changed the default settings, you'd lose them on the first simultaneous scanning.

Regarding an off-topic issue, while not using "--close" is good for testing, how many times can you not use it without hurting your productivity and eventually probably driving you mad? Smile

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