Hello, PortableApps Community
Recently I have been trying to make the Instant messenger Xfire ( http://xfire.com ) because a few of my friends have been wanting it for traveling, etc.
I have compressed it pretty well, everything is done, except the installer (I need to add Plugin, and multilingual support to it) and making it so that Xfire leaves no trace on the computer it is run from (It leaves files, such as chatlogs in
Is there a way to tell Xfire to put those files in \Data\
Thanks, ~Desukipz
You could try the Xfire extendion for Pidgin called G-Fire. Just stumbled across it yestersay myself and am tring to use it. I haven't used X-Fire before so if you can help would be appreciated.
Heres the site - http://gfire.site40.net/
Let me know how you go.
PortableApps.com Advocate
Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see the tutorial on how to install it to pidgin portable (I made it :D) http://gfire.site40.net/?page_id=22
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
I was hoping that I could get Xfire working portable? I have Pidgin, but I like the user-interface of Xfire better >_
You don't like my tutorial T_T. lol jk

But ya it not possible unless you make a launcher for it... And even then it makes registry entries so it isn't going to work on computers you don't have admin on
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
I found how to change it with out registry entries.. In C:\ProgramData\Xfire\ there is a file called Xfire.ini, which looks like this by default:
ProgramPath=C:\Program Files\Xfire\
[DNS Cache]
So.. I changed it to this:
[DNS Cache]
Which should make it so that if the XfirePortable.exe launcher, copys the above in a file called Xfire.ini to C:\ProgramData\Xfire\ on startup, and then deletes it when you close xfire, it should work. Or am I completely off? XD
run it, if it works it should create the needed files in the data folder
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I would, but alas, I don't know exactly how to code the launcher? You know, the one that usually looks like AppNamePortable.exe in the main directory? I haven't found any tutorials that tell how to make it D: help?
Also, it does run right, just before I release this *Privately* I need some help with the NSIS and launcher coding D:
Well i have a few scripts that can copy an ini to a programs dirctory, then remove it when it exits. (CCleanerPortable for example) then I also have LMMSPortable which updates a .xml file to keep portable paths up to date and I believe that doing so with .ini files would be much easier. Maybe somebody would be kind enough to write you an ahk script that would do this. It shouldnt be to hard to do. I would guess it would be less than 100 lines of code. But then again if you wanted to keep in in standard PAF format then you would need to use nsis but ive never used nsis to change any kind of data in a ini file so i wouldnt know of how to do this. But one question, does it still leave registry entries after you edit the ini file? If so then Nsis would probably be the easiest way to go since it has a much more sophisticated and easier way to deal with registry than ahk does. Take a look at 7-zip portable's source to see how registry is handled in a nsis script and if you still need help ask, and if all else fails I might consider writing you a script for this but a real basic one.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
I have the same problems, but i decided to leave it. 2 difficult 8·(. But i now have the official Xfire installed because it works much better with the in-game ability than the other plugins for other apps. But i use miranda portable with the xfire plugin installed, & works FINE for chatting. as there is also gfire for pidgin and i dont know if you use any other chatting app, i would suggest to choose a compatible client, & in the case of miranda, delete all the plugins except the xfire one & its used files, & look for a similar skin plugin. I dunno if pidgin or yours can be so configurable, but is my solution.
I was looking to make Xfire portable and find this link on the Xfire blog:
I followed the instructions and so far so good. It still does a decent job of detecting games even if they are installed on the portable drive. The only foreseeable problems is that it appears to depend on the exact path to know that the game is there. So either the portable drive needs to be the same drive letter on every computer or you will have to re-detect/update the game paths so that xfire knows what game you are playing.
But otherwise it works good.