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[Self-Promotional] Alarm Clock

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Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-01-13 16:05
[Self-Promotional] Alarm Clock

I discovered this service yesterday and I am very pleased. Great Job !
I am working since a few months on an Alarm Clock, witch is completely portable.
It saves (by default) all settings in program folder, where the *.exe is.
To change the path, where to store the files and to run it with windows, is the registry needed, but I can easily disable these features and it is 100% portable.

It is not released as Open Source (yet). If you need to have the code I am happy to send it to you personal or release it in Mai as Open Source.
This program is created for an High School programming contest, because of with I cannot release it as Open Source before I submit it.

Description [Copy & Past from Homepage]:

"Alarm Clock by Tarry91" is a professional alarm clock that does not require installation. You can configure multiple alarm events including recurring alarm and optionally launch a file or MP3 song when the time is up. Other features include a choice of GUI color, customizable alert messages and system tray support. No installation needed, copy the *.exe file to a folder of your choice.

Including following functions:

* No installation required
* Unlimited number of events
* Free color choice
* Save / Load of Settings and events
* minimize in the system tray
* Count Down Mode
* Temporary disabling of events
* Open a free file at time
* Shutdown / Restart / Hibernation / Logoff at time
* Plays music or video at time
* Repetitions daily, weekly, monthly, Annual, and every X minutes
* Showing your personal message for every event
* Optional start with Windows
* Snooze function
* Multi Language support
* Auto update
* ...

[Link removed by mod JTH. No self-promotion of closed source software, please.]

I would be more than happy to provide my application for this excellent service !
Please tell me if you are interested or if you are just interested in professional programs.

Thank You,
Thomas Scheurich (Tarry91)

Aciago's picture
Last seen: 2 months 19 hours ago
Joined: 2007-01-24 14:23

Is it open source? I'm not the guy in charge here but I can tell you that if it's not open source it can't be part of this site... not yet...

Welcome to

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

Aciago's picture
Last seen: 2 months 19 hours ago
Joined: 2007-01-24 14:23

Spanish translation for your program...

Just copy/paste and save as Languages (Español).ini


infTranslatedBy 	=Traducido por Andrés Bracho
infTranslatedAt		=Fecha Actual
infLanguageName		=Español
infTransVersion		=1.0.3	
infLatestProgVers	=2.3.5

qNewerVerP1		=Hay disponible una nueva versión de este programa.
qNewerVerP2		=¿Quiere desargarla ahora?
msgAlreadyNewestVer	=Ya tiene la última versión!
erErrorP1		=No se pudo descargar el archivo con la información de la versión. 
erErrorP2		=Por favor inténtelo manualmente (Puede encotnrar el enlace en la caja "Acerca de")

msgChooseSavePath	=Por favor escoja la carpeta donde quiere guardar los archivos
msgShortcutSuc		=El Acceso Directo del escritorio fue creado con éxito
msgDeleteReg		=Todos los cambios al registro fueron borrados
msgPlayerHint		=Puede reproducir archivos de audio directamente en este reproductor
msgSettingsRestored  	=Las opciones por defecto fueron restauradas con éxito!
lvListHintP1		=Presione Borrar para borrar
lvListHintP2		=Doble Click para editar
msgSetSavePathSuccess	=Los archivos guardados serán ahora almacenados en el siguiente directorio:
msgNotEnoughLSlots	=Esta versión del programa sólo soporta 10 idiomas. Por favor revise si hay una nueva versión.
questionDeactivate	=¿Quiere desactivar la alarma?
questionEntryUpdate	=¿Quiere sobre escribir el evento?
erLoadLanguage		=Error cargando el último archivo de idioma! Save.ini renombrado como SaveWrong.ini !
erNoEvent		=Primero tiene que crear un evento!
erSaveFileP1		=Parece que no tiene permiso para guardar las opciones en la ruta especificada
erSaveFileP2		=Puede cambiar la ruta en el menú Archivo|Ruta para guardar los archivos
erSetSavePath		=No se pudo establecer la ruta! (Es posible que no tenga permiso)
erEntryExist		=El evento ya existe         
erTimeOver		=La fecha escogida está en el pasado!
erWrongFormat		=Formato de Fecha/Hora inválido en Ini-File! Grabado como "SaveWrong.ini."
erNotFoundP1		=Archivo no encontrado.
erNotFoundP2		=¿Desea cambiar el archivo por defecto a Parlantes? (Recomendado)

tSpeaker               	=Parlantes
tNowPlaying		=Reproduciendo:
tMyMessage 		=Mi Mensaje!
tActivate		=Activar
tActivated		=Activado
tDeactivate 		=Desactivar
tDeactivated 		=Desactivado
tMinuteSingular		=Minuto
tMinutePlural		=Minutos
tNone			=Ninguno
tDaily			=Diario
tWeekly			=Semanal
tMonthly		=Mensual
tAnnual			=Anual
tShutdown		=Apagar
tReboot			=Reiniciar
tHibernation		=Hibernar
tLogoff			=Cerrar Sesión

Col0			=Fecha
Col1			=Hora
Col2			=Repetición
Col3			=Ruta completa de la Reacción
COl4			=Reacción
Col5			=Mensaje
CgbTimeDate	       	=Establecer Hora/Fecha			
ClDate		       	=Fecha
ClTime			=Hora
ClAlarmIn		=Alarma en:
ClCdH		       	=h
ClCdM			=m
ClCdS		       	=s
CcbCountDown       	=Modo de Cuenta Regresiva
CbtSetAlarm	       	=Establecer Alarma
CgbRepetition		=Repetición
CgbReactionAtAlarm 	=Reacción a la alarma
CrbRctFile		=Abrir Archivo
CrbRctShutDown		=Apagar
ClMessage		=Mensaje:
ClRctFile		=Archivo:
CbtDefault		=D
CbtChooseFile		=Escoger Archivo
HdtpDate		=Escoger Fecha
HdtpTime		=Escoger Hora
HseHours		=Horas
HseMinutes		=Minutos
HseSeconds		=Segundos
HcbCountDown		=Establecer Alarma en X minutos
HbtSetAlarm		=Mover la fecha/hora a la derecha en la lista
HseXMinutes		=Repetir alarma cada X  minutos (max 1440)
HrbRctFile		=Escoger si quiere ver un mensaje y/o abrir un archivo 
HrbRctShutdown		=Escoger si apagar el computador
HbtDefault		=Pegar el archivo por defecto, especificao en "Reacción en el menú inicio"
HbtSpeaker		=Usar los parlante del PC
HbtChooseFile		=Escoger un archivo
HrbShutDown		=Apagar el computador
HrbHibernation		=Poner a hibernar el computador
HrbReboot		=Reiniciar el computador
HrbLogoff		=Cerrar sesión del usuario actual
HlActTime		=Hora actual
HbtAct			=Activar/desactivar la alarma

CAboutBox		=Acerca de
ClVers			=Versión:
ClFreeware		=Este proframa es freeware
ClSpecialThanks		=Agradecimientos especiales a:
HlName			=Visitar la página Web
HlEmail			=Escribir un mail
HlVersionNo		=Revisar si hay una nueva versión

ClAlarmError		=El archivo especificado no puede ser encontrado!
HseSnooze		=Tiempo en minutos

CmFile                 	=Archivo
CmPathToSaveFiles      	=Ruta para almacenar archivos guardados
CmProgramFolder        	=Archivos de Programa (por defecto)
CmCustom               	=por defecto
CmExit                 	=Salir
CmSettings             	=Opciones
CmInterface            	=Interface
CmLanguage		=Idioma
CmDownloadLpack		=Descargar paquete de idioma
CmColor                	=Color
CmColorInactiv         	=Inactivo
CmColorAktiv           	=Aktiv
CmDefaultCl            	=Inactivo
CmExitOnBordericon     	=Salir al hacer click en el ícono del borde
CmUseCheckbox          	=Usar marcas para desactivar alarmas
CmCreatShortcut        	=Crear acceso directo al escritorio
CmRctAtStart           	=Reacción al iniciar
CmStartWithWindows     	=Iniciar con Windows
CmDefaultFile          	=Archivo por defecto
CmStartMin             	=Minimizar a la bandeja del sistema
CmRestoreCheckboxes    	=Reiniciar alarmas desactivadas
CmDeleteSnoozeEvents   	=Borrar eventos de apagado
CmActAlarmClock        	=Activar alarma
CmAutoCheckForUpdates  	=Buscar actualizaciones
CmReactionAtAlarm      	=Reacción a la alarma
CmPlayFileExt          	=extensión del archivo a reproducir
CmAllPossible          	=Todo es posible
CmTurnOffDialog        	=Diálogo de "apagado"
CmRestoreSettings      	=Restaurar valores por defecto
CmInclevents           	=eventos incluidos
CmExclevents           	=eventos excluidos
CmResetReg             	=Reiniciar todos los cambios al registro
CmStuff                	=cosas
CmAbout                	=Acerca de...

CmTrayRestore		=Restaurar

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-01-13 16:05
Thank You very much ! I

Thank You very much ! I uploaded it to my server !
May I contact you, if there is new stuff to translate ?
Please write me an Email ( so I can add you to my list!

Thank You,

@ other post:
As I wrote above, it isn't Open Source jet, but I am willing to release it as Open Source if it is necessary! (But not before April)
I first wanted to know if you would even be interested or not....

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 44 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Source Required

Hey Thomas, it needs to be open source now in order to be able to make a self-promotional post like this. It's outlined in our forum guidelines:

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-01-13 16:05
I am sorry, I just read this

I am sorry, I just read this guidelines (
You can delete this thread if it is not Ok with your rules.


horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
You could just include the

You could just include the source with the app in the PA folder layout Advocate

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-01-13 16:05
As I wrote in my first post,

As I wrote in my first post, I cannot release the code until the end of April Sad

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08
May I ask politely why you

May I ask politely why you can't release the source code?

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45

Thats right. Sorry I forgot. High School contest. Good luck in the competition. And look forward to seeing how you and others improve this when you release the code Advocate

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-01-15 02:25
I'm gonna take a look at this

I'm gonna take a look at this this weekend I hope, and try to get back to leave my thoughts next week.

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-01-13 16:05
Thank You, I am working right

Thank You,
I am working right now on a version, which uses relative paths instead of absolute for 100% flash drive compatibility.


Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-01-13 16:05
100% compatibility now

I just wanted to update, that I uploaded the new version yesterday, which includes a "Travel mode" to store paths relative and disables functions, which would use the windows registry (Like starting with windows).

Thank You,

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
Source code?


Being mid May I was wondering if your were wanting to release your source code yet? Advocate

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