This has been released. Thanks for testing:
I've just posted a test release of the Installer. This new release adds multilingual installation abilities. So, you can pick and choose which languages are supported in the config file and the installer will take care of the rest for you (including the appropriate language files, posting the language selector and checking the language of the platform if it's there and automatically using it). This will allow us to have multilingual installers for our multilingual apps so a user who only speaks German, for instance, can install VLC Portable using a comfortable German installer rather than English.
You can find the test version of the installer here:
I've also built a test package of Toucan 2.0.4 using this new installer to test it and so you can see how it works. You can get it here: Toucan_2.0.4_INSTALLER_0.11_TEST.paf.exe
This new installer has about 500 new lines of code, so I'd like a few folks to review it before we start using it on any official apps.
This is also the final step to getting our installer working entirely from the appinfo.ini and generating all the code automatically. As long as this code test goes well, we'll be ready to release the generator and then anyone can package a portable app within a Installer without needing to write a single line of code or needing to compile or install anything locally.
Please give this a thorough testing. Feel free to use it for development tests but no pre-releases right now. And post any findings and feedback.
I will check this out.
Na na na, come on!
This is AWESOME! Thanks sooooooooooooooooo much John
this will be perfect... Maybe I can update my launchers with this 
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Sorry not a dev but that idea caught my eye? Would that mean I could put in say the EXE file for RedNoteBook and have it generate a portable version of it? If its a little more complicated than that but the general idea is right could you please explain. I ask as there are a number of softwares/freewares I would like to see portable, eg RedNoteBook & XnView Advocate
This would generate all the code for the Installer from you making simple entries in the appinfo.ini file without the need to code or install any additional software as it would have the compiler built in, too.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I guess if it makes it easier for devs it can only benefit us all anyway
Thanks always for all the work you do Advocate
I tried this on my stickies Portable launcher and I got this error:
Release Team Member
Before we do anything else, you should upgrade NSIS to 2.42.
And make sure you have the appropriate language files. Most we have are in that Toucan sample I posted.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Does this new installer let the user only install a certain language to the target media?
i.e.: If the installer has 10 languages in it for the app being installed, and you pick LangX during the extraction/install process, only LangX will end up on the target media thereby saving space.
EDIT: answering my own question with the Toucan sample proggy...
The installer doesn't take the user's input into account and dumps ALL language files for the app onto the target media.
The feature described above needs to be on the radar for one of the next enhancements. Another enhancement could be to "languagize" the help file since they're all in English right now (that would be more work for devs...I get that).
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
The installer can't do that. But an individual dev can do that if they want within custom code. They'll just have to worry about supporting that ongoing.
We probably will not be doing this for any of the official apps as it's more development and support work for not much benefit. And none of the regular apps do that on the PC side for the same reasons. Now that 16GB drives are common (and only $20), we won't be as worried about install size.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Time for the big games - Nexuiz, Glest, Wesnoth, Tremulous, Warzone 2100, etc Advocate
Roger that Red Leader.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I think I'll add an option to auto-select the Additional Languages option if they choose something besides English so it's pre-selected on that screen. That would make sense.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Totally off topic again, sorry, but you seem to not be getting any of my e-mails, which is totally bizarre O_o. Can you drop me a line at megazzt at gmail dot com? Or check your inbox or junk box or something? I sent like three e-mails to your personal address (tried to change some stuff each time to not trigger junk filters) and one to your "Developers, Translators, Volunteers and Website Login Issues" e-mail on this site, but nothing.
Also to be on topic I'll probably take a look at this for my next Chrome installer, sounds neat.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
SWEET! Thanks, I will test this out! :DD