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Running a PDF viewing in Portable Firefox

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Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-24 21:22
Running a PDF viewing in Portable Firefox

Hi all,

I'm sure I'm not thet first one who's wanted some sort of PDF solution from Portable Firefox, so I figured I'd post what I came up with.

1) I downloaded Foxit, the portable PDF reader, and dropped it in PortableFirefox\firefox.

2) In Firefox, I went to the download options, chose 'plug-ins', and disabled the PDF mime-type.

3) After I'd done this, I opened a PDF on the web, and told it to open using Foxit (by pointing it at the Foxit location), and to remember the preference.

4) Finally, I edited PortableFirefox\profile\Mimetypes, and I removed the path for the Foxit executable, so that the part pertaining to the Foxit reader read as follows:

I then saved the executable, and that was that! PDFs from the web now open in a Foxit window without having to futz around with saving them someplace and opening them manually.

Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-18 18:08
Foxit fix

I followed your instructions and they all seem good but I can't understand why you do the last step, number 4. It doesn't seem necessary.

Also, do you still get the download window when you click on a pdf link before foxit opens?

Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-18 18:08
foxit fix

Oh, one other thing, Foxit doesn't save pdfs properly, the only way I can get it to save is by going file>save as. The save button does nothing and file>save does nothing too, unless it saves it somewhere strange without telling you. I checked my usb drive for the file after clicking save and couldn't find it.

Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-18 18:08
Foxit fix

Right, foxit defaults to saving in C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp. Which is not very good. Any way to change this to the root of your USB? Or somewhere else?

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

Step 4 ensures it's completely portable. If you move your USB drive to another computer, the drive letter may change, in which case it's good to have relative paths.

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Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
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Firefox freezup openning adobe

In reading this forum, it appears that firefox won't work with adobe reader and that I have to download foxit. Is this correct? I ask this because firefox freezed up on me when openning a pdf document with adobe.

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

It doesn't freeze up, it's just that Adobe Reader is opened BEFORE the PDF is downloaded. It's not like a regular download where you download the entire file and then open it.

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
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Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago
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Running a PDF viewing is still NOT working in PFF App Installer

I am currently experiencing the same problem. I am using PFF browser for my application that links to .pdf files. I followed the steps above, and still obtain the same result when displaying .pdf file(s) from the application.

Is there any other solution to this problem?
How about if I add reader installer to my application installer (.nsi installer), then put the resulting plugin .dll in the plugins folder?. Would this work?
How does PFF know when to use Adobe plugin to open a .pdf file? Is there any documentation that explains this process?

Ryan McCue
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It's in the Options

Tools>Options>Downloads>View and Edit Actions
It's in there.
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Does Not Work if PDF is Bundled Within My Application!

Yes, Steps 1-4 allowed me to open PDFs from the web and even from my local machine, in a Foxit window, if they are outside of my application.

The question is: with my application bundled inside PortableFirefox, can I open PDFs from within my application in a Foxit window?

Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago
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I downloaded the latest

I downloaded the latest Adobe 7.0 Reader. I then used the new nppdf32.dll plugin in my application and that resolved my problem. Thanks.

Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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I can't remove the type. It

I can't remove the type. It may be because I have the PDF Download extension. I set it do disable, so when I update (which will be in a few minutes), Fx will restart with it disabled. I'll post the result.


Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

Yeah, you can't remove any file types, because the installed plugins determine what file types show up in that list. You can only change their settings. I don't know why the "delete" button is even there at all.

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Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
I just changed the action to

I just changed the action to use Foxit. Blum


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