Hello. I also had a problem with localization. I resolved it in the following simple way:
To localize Open Office Portable you simply need to download from openoffice.org your native language version. Install it, it's better if you select custom installation to exclude integration to explorer and OS and quick start. Than rename OpenOfficePortable\App\openoffice\ folder to openoffice_eng, for example, and copy c:\program files\open office 3\ to OpenOfficePortable\App\openoffice\. Than copy the contents of openoffice_eng to openoffice, better using any filemanager. and when program asks you - do you want to overwrite? - answer - skip all. that's all, now you have localized openoffice working on any machine.
this method rather like method described on https://portableapps.com/apps/office/openoffice_portable/localization, but backuping fonts it's not enough to get this working.
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Open Office 3 Localization
January 3, 2009 - 5:10am
Open Office 3 Localization
... there is no need for this!
Spanish, Portuguese and Polish versions are ready for upload, language packs for every wanted version will be available too, simply ask for it!
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If it is not excesive to ask, can you give us a reference to OO spanish version?
Many thanks
Denis J Navas
... cause I'm not able to do it
I've sent him a mail but there was no resonse untill yet.
I'll send him a ping ok?
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20 days after You told that Spanish, Portuguese and Polish versions are ready, but still no way to find them on PortableApps.com.
Could You provide any link do download them?
... cause I'm still not able to sign the packages and I've got no response from him until yet :-(.
Perhaps is John (or another member of the new release team) willing and able to do it. Perhaps my mail were lost in transit
If Yes I'll send the links to all the packages again.
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I thought we were just gonna wait until 3.1... or is that not the case anymore?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Yes this was a suggestion, but I've ment more versions than the packs I've allready done before january the 9th.
Anyway ... I'll create packages for qa on base of the 3.0.1RC2 for all the language of the last versions plus spanish, polish and a russian version. I'll publish the links to it on sunday.
Do You see my question on:https://portableapps.com/node/12851#comment-109114?
If You'll agree I can use it with the new Multilang OpenOffice.org Portable Launcher.
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Oh ok, I'll get them posted probably on Monday then.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
... so the additional entry in the appinfo.ini is ok for You?
(The other way is using the PortableApps.comLocaleID environment variable, but this will not work without the PAM.)
In this case I'll update the spec (with the hint 'optional entry for language detection').
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... appinfo.ini entry or environment variable?
THX. I'm on stand by for building the 3.01RC2 packages...
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I thought all I was agreeing to was to release an additional set of standard packages. Nothing in appinfo.ini has been changed.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'll create the additional packages (and a bugfix package for fr) without any change to the other final 3.0 packages and post You the link again to sign it.
Second (!) I'll create packages with OpenOffice.org 3.0.1RC2 for qa. In this package I'll use a new launcher (one for all supported version) which is able to show the error messages in the detected Language. My question for this was:
'Do You see my question on:https://portableapps.com/node/12851#comment-109114?
If You'll agree I can use it with the new Multilang OpenOffice.org Portable Launcher.'
If anything is still not clear You'll find me in irc
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Any chance for polish version of OpenOffice.org 3.0.1 Portable?
... will be available soon with en, de, it, ja, cn-zh, fr, pt an ru as Pre-Release1 thursday or friday (this week
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So still no spanish or polish versions... Maybe You could at least provide links for unsigned pafs? Because as far as now PortableApps.com treats users form few (big European) countries as they don't exist. Even more, fights all forks charges of being illegal.
It's a numbers thing. We have a certain amount of resources to create stuff. The English version of OO.oP 3.0 has had 132k downloads so far. German shrinks to 27k. Japanese is 17k. Italian is 6k. French is 5k. Simplified Chinese is under 1k. We're planning on adding in Spanish and Portuguese because, based on worldwide speakers and users of software, those are next on the list. Polish would be further down as it would probably only have a couple hundred users. Like it or not, all software projects take this approach. We don't even have an updated Polish translation of the installer to my knowledge, so it'll be partially English when we start doing all the Mozilla languages (30ish I believe) unless someone steps up and translates all the strings from the current one. As *big* as some countries may be, they don't have many people looking for native language versions of their software as is evident from the above numbers.
And there are some unofficial ones floating around, but yes, most of them are "half-assed": they have portablization mistakes, are based on old versions of our launchers, are not including source (violating the GPL and copyright law), etc.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
hmmmm what about russian version?
we need one more string:
"${SHORTNAME} ${VERSION} not found!"
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I use OpenOfficePortable 3.o (ru) by (link to illegal software removed by MOD markomlm see above)InfraResurs (see "OpenOffice.org 3.0.0 Pro - Windows Portable").
... cause alle OpenOffice.org portables on this files are illegal forks of the portableApps.com packages.
Sources an Licence files was removed, recompiled launchers, no credit to the original developers and so on...
How stupid the fork is You'll see in version 3 in the javaportable.ini (its my German file) and in the OpenOfficePortable.ini (its the one of portableapps.com pre release 2 package refering to our readme, but the readme was removed).
There are several license issues but the hardest is removing the sources and license files and dont offer the sources and description of the modified package!
Use it at Your own risk, dont ask for support and dont give it to others....
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Hmmm... Unfortunately I knew nothing about these points. Many thanks for an explanation. It follows, that the way offered by me is incorrect. Well, then I will wait for appearance of the language pack for the russian version. I like program packages from PortableApps.com. They as candies! I enjoy them!
... it is not Your fault :-;
If You'll translate the two strings You'll get the russian version soon
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Yes, of course!
The first of the two strings:
I would like to see context (a little more than one or two of the strings). Is this possible?
I did it different from the above, and it works. In any case, I tried first with the above instructions, and that did not work.
* Whatever language you desire, start with the US English OpenOffice Portable, as offered by this website. Install that. You may open it, or not, in any case close it before continuing with the next step.
* Then open the folder X:\PortableApps\OpenOfficePortable\App . Instead of X use the drive name of your own stick. Rename folder openoffice to OpenOffice.org 3.
* Now get your language pack from the OpenOffice site: http://download.openoffice.org/other.html . For UK English there is no final release yet, but I found info that the last Release Candidate (RC4) works fine. And on my stick that is true! Get it from a mirror, http://distribution.openoffice.org/mirrors/#extmirrors. Pick one, and go to "extended/3.0.0rc4". I see there is a 3.0.1 RC2 too, you may want to try that, I did not. So, if you do like me you wind up in http://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/software/openoffice/extended/3.0.0rc4/ . Then get OOo_3.0.0rc4_20080930_Win32Intel_langpack_uk.exe .
* Install that, while pointing to your stick folder.
* After that, rename the X:\PortableApps\OpenOfficePortable\App\OpenOffice.org 3 back to "X:\PortableApps\OpenOfficePortable\App\openoffice".
* Run OpenOffice, and in the setup you can choose for Dutch or UK English menus!
My OpenOffice Portable is now Dutch!
Dear Developers!
Can you provide Hungarian translation of OpenOffice.org Portable 3.0.1? I have translated the related strings, so you can download it from here:
Thank you in advance!
nice to see You here (too)
I'll create a hungarian version with the Pre-Release 2.
The final portables we can only release if the normal localised version was released before (this is the same procedure for all localized versions)
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... the portable will be a vanilla based packages, cause OpenOffice.org Portable core is based on it.
I'm wondering cause I've only found a langpack but no full packs (only the FSF-package).
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May I request for a Vietnamese version of OpenOffice Portable on PortableApps? Is there anything I can do to make this possible?
Thanks in advance
I would like to have OOoP in Danish...
The textfiles for launcher an setupfile-have already been tranlated (I've checked on this site)- but may or may not be compatible with the newest version??
If it's not I will do it - so what's the timespan - if there is any??
YS Måns Mårtensson
I am also hoping for a Danish version of OpenOffice 3.0.1 portable
OOo 3.0.1 in Danish was available as one of the first languages ready for download on the OOo homepage.
Are there any files that still need translation before a Danish version of OOo 3.0.1 can be built?
I am looking forward to a danish translaton as well.
is there any way I can help it underway ?
... thank You for the help offers!
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I'm looking forward to it
A Danish version was requested since March 2009 and is not yet to find. The software is requested and we would like to help if needed.
Best regards,
Leif Lodahl
The Danish version could not be fininished with the the Danish release of 3.1.2 openoffice.org is still not released yet.
There is no way to publish a Danish portable if the release of the non portable version is not published.
The best way to help is to contact the Danish openoffice.org community in order to offer help with the qa with the current release.
I'll publish a language pack installer beta soon, so You are able to localize the en or de version to Danish.
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Of cause there is no Danish 3.1.2. Suchs release does not exist (see release plans: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Product_Release ).
Current stable OOo release is 3.1.1 and the Dansih version is approved in QA.
3.2 will be released in January and the Danish version will be too.
FYI: I am the Danish community.
If you need any help, please ask. We need the portable version very much, because we are trying to push OpenOffice.org into schools etc.
Best regards,
Leif Lodahl
any chance for greek?
if I'll get a greek translation for the help.html file the launcher and the installer in OpenOffice.org Portable
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Hi, please add Czech and Slovak localization of OpenOffice.org. Best regards and many thanks too.
Martin S.
... how about Czech an Slovak localizations of the help.html, Launcher and Installer files
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All of them in Czech language is much better. Can I help you?
... please translate the help.html in the OpenOfficePortable folder and the Launcher file in Other\Source\PortableApps.comLauncherLanguages (of the last OpenOffice.org Portable package) and send it to markomlm[at]openoffice.org.
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When to limit the discussion to non-portable OpenOffice 3.x
One have to download the language pack from OOo web and install this as extension.
Or one have to download the OOo 3.x installer of desired language.
But how this work in portable OOo exactly?
Applying a language pack will work?
... of OpenOffice.org Portable.
If You want a version of OpenOffice.org Portable in Your own language, please check first, if the is a released version available in Your language on http://OpenOffice.org.
Why? Simple answer: No OpenOffice.org in Your language means also no OpenOffice.org Portable on PortableApps.com because it depends on it.
If ther is no releases version, the only way to get a localized version (without support in any way) is doing it for Yourself using a language pack (if there is one for the same version) as described in the earlier request. The language pack is designed for the non portable version but will work with the portable version too with some limitations. You have to install it in administrative (server) mode in order to disable the check for a local installed version and to prevent traces on the host machine.
There is an early beta of a language pack installer I will post on PortableApps.com ASAP. This installer will do this job for every available language pack (downloadind the original pack installing it the right way for the portable version with a check of the existance of a compatible version).
If there is a released actual version of OpenOffice.org we need a translation of the help file (You'll find it in the root of the en-US version) and of the PortableApps.comLauncherLANG_ file. Please do not send a request for a portable version if You are not able or willing to help an do this little task in order to get 'Your' version for free on PortableApps.com
And please, don't send a request for older versions of OpenOffice.org Portable, cause there are no ressources to manage and create more than one version in all the different languages.
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I don't see that as an option in the installers for language packs.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
... in the source code of the Installer
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