Application: Gourmet
Category: Office
Description: Gourmet Recipe Manager is a simple but powerful recipe-managing application.
Gourmet Portable Development Test 2 Download
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2009-01-23): Initial release
Development Test 2 (2009-02-08): Initial release
- Updated to the latest specs and some other stuff
NOTE: This version is not the latest, and I will try to update it if i can.
NOTE2: I hope the splash is OK.
this will be tested ASAP Thanks!
I have tried it on vista but it does not work on vista. I don't know but can it work on vista (the actual program)?
Edit: Ok it kinda works on vista, but data is not moved and it stops working when I try to close it.
May the Shwartz be with you
Hmm, I really don't know if this program works on Vista or not but I will check it out. It crashes? Anyway, where is the data left behind?
The data is left in the program directory.
May the Shwartz be with you
Ok, may i see the contents in App\gourmet\gourmet.exe.log so i can check?
Here is the contents
It looks like the is corrupt because when I try to open it, it says it is invalid.
May the Shwartz be with you
Thanks for developing this Kai Advocate
Do you mind if you do a regshot for me? I forgot to do it before "installing"
Will do tonight. Advocate
First, thanks for this development. I've installed your package and I obtain an error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Gourmet.pyw", line 2, in ?
File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 78, in load_module
File "gtk\__init__.pyo", line 37, in ?
File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 91, in load_module
ImportError: MemoryLoadLibrary failed loading gtk\_gtk.pyd
Could help me ?
Hmm, Do you have GTK installed in your system? (That should not matter, but just curious) I thought i fixed that, but maybe not. I will check it out.
EDIT:Well, Are you sure that you're running it from the menu (or GourmetPortable.exe?) because it needs to redirect the GTK dir...
Here's what I found. Mostly minor stuff.
Gourmet Portable 0.8 Development test 1 Help
, both on the title bar and on page.!define VER ""
from - HTTrack, I'll guessThat's all I found for now, it looks pretty good.
The folder %APPDATA%\gourmet is being left in the %APPDATA% folder.
Ok, thanks
It does not leave the folder %APPDATA%\gourmet on my computer, but what is the contents of that folder?
guiprefs (no file extension) and
I saw in the NSIS help about
and it said..."This constant is not available on Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 4 and Active Desktop not installed."
and it hasto have IE 5 or above. :S Do you "qualify"?
I tested this on an XPSP2 deep freezed school computer. I forgot to mention, the folder gets backed up fine, but is not restored. So 2 folders are left after the second run, a backup and the first one.
I'll take a closer look at the source for you, and i'll test it on another, more frequently updated computer.
Thanks, and I will fix the stuff you mentioned above, and maybe I'll use $%APPDATA% instead.
This is still happening (same files, same place) on the Dev Test 2
Tested on Vista SP1 Admin account
Otherwise works fine from what I can see
I'm not sure about those folders leaveing behind, maybe I'll do
instead of$%APPDATA%
.It will be out soon(The dev test)
I didn't install anything about GTK. I just downloaded and executed the package "Gourmet_Portable_0.8.5.14_Development_Test_1.paf.exe". Is there anything to do before execute "GourmetPortable.exe" ?
No, the required components that the program needs are already in the package.
It should work though.
Ok Fresh install>Open>Checked the shopping list and Ingredient stuff>Closed
Results: Advocate
GRR, just great. So it DOES leave the folder gourmet behind.
I'll have to see what I can do.
Is the first lot of HKU things a problem? Advocate
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
So \AppData\ is all thats left for this to be portable? Based on this regshot. Advocate
Yep. I should be able to fix this thing.
So how is development on LinCity and WinHTTrack going? I notice neither have moved onto pre-release Advocate
I know. A few bugs on the 2.0 version on Lincity-NG but I think LMarbles is ready. (I hope)
Developmen Test 2 out. Please test and comments will be nice.
THanks for new dev test, will regshot tonnight. Hust wanted to see if this is latest version. Wsa thinking if not it may be worth updating the base app before proceeding too much as you may get the portable wrapper right up to standard and then find that when you drop the latest version into the wrapper it leaves behind things the previous version didn't. Advocate
I know. I seem to have a problem compiling the app from source.
Is it issues with version 0.13.8 or 0.14.5 that you are having trouble with?
Also what are the exact nature of the problem. I myself wont be able to help but hopefully one of the gurus here can assist once you have identified the problem. Advocate
Hi all,
When I execute GourmetPortable nothing happens. I don't get a splash but GourmetPortable shows up in the windows task manager.
Any ideas?
Win XP SP2
Can you please specify the path you installed Gourmetportable to.
eg. X:\PortableApps\Gourmet Portable
Does Gourmet itself show or just GourmetPortable? There ahould be 2 seperate processes.
Also you are using SP2 which may cause an issue but not necessarily. Are you running with Admin Rights? And are you using this in the Menu? if there is any other info you think would help please let us know. Advocate
I was trying to use it on my schools computers which have xp on them (unsure of the servicepack) and all that would start was GourmetPortable.exe. There was no gourmet.exe in the taskmanager. I was not using the portableapps menu.
Edit: sorry ;(
May the Shwartz be with you
Tried dev test 2, only GourmetPortable.exe starts and loads the cpu heavily. Seems that it fails to start gourmet.exe, it doesn't even appear for a second. I guess there's a infinite loop before it should start gourmet.exe. I'm using Win XP with SP3.
Stevesmarsbar, Can you confirm if you were using the PAM menu or are you using an alternative such as Geek.Menu, PStart or Launchy? Also if you could supply the other details it would be appreciated. Advocate
I also can't start it
I "installed" it to my desktop and try to run it from there
I don't see a splash screen and my cpu gets loaded
in taskman I only see the gourmet portable exe
I think it may be required to run from the PA Menu. I don't know for sure but I think so. Advocate
thanks for the reply
just installed the PortableApps Menu on my usb stick and also Gourmet Portable
then I launched Gourmet Portable from the PortableApps Menu and the same problem is present
only GourmetPortable.exe is running
Nothing should be set up such that it only works if launched from our menu.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
my guess to but as I would like to get this to work I appreciate all advice and try what is suggested, just in case
Hmm, strange. I'll have to check it out. (After my virus gets fixed...)
thanks, that's appreciated!
Hmm, based on what you said, Its probably cycling somewhere,
PC specs please?
here are my specs
Windows XP Pro SP2
AMD Athlon X2 4850E
Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H
Corsair 2x2GB. DDR2. 800MHZ. CL5. NON-ECC. 5-5-5-18 | TWIN2X4096-6400C5 G
Hmm, strange. One more thing. Do you have GTK installed? I tested it on computers with and without GTK and it worked... (I cant do anything untill I actually get NSIS working, I think I messed it up)
sorry for the late reply
I don't think so but I'm not sure
also, I switched to Ubuntu with all my machines so I can't test it anymore, sorry
Ill try testing it out on different computers, thanks for testing though!
cpu goes up to 30% and gourmet process is running in the taskmanager, but no window appears. Probably the same error like some other had above. I checked several installations. No one worked. Try it on several Systems (all WinXP). Nothing. I would appreciate if you could fix that.
thx, Tom Advocate
thanks, I will check it out!
I just downloaded this, it seems to launch perfectly on Win7 Ultimate x64... Is it still being maintained/updated? This is one of my favorite programs and I would love to see it being used with the current version. Thanks!
Just found this program. Like one or two others, I am having the problem at work that the program does not fully launch. Gourmetportable starts and then runs in a loop, without loading Gourmet. My USB is an Ironkey, and I carry many of the portable apps with me, without trouble. I do not have Admin rights on work computer is XP Pro with SP2, Pentium 4 CPU. I have not yet tried to run it on my home computer.
I'm wondering if an update is in prospect?
Is anyone working on this anymore?
The released test version failed to start on my computers, see my earlier post.
Would really appreciate a updated and working version.
Well... I just wanted to say that this application seems to be really hard to portablize and stabilize, they usually don't have the latest version for Windows, (intended for *nix systems)...I *might* do it.. but if anyone want's to do it, go ahead.
my mother was looking forward to this!
*finding myself laughing*
Yeah, I still might do it though.
Hi Kai,
Back in April I posted a query if Gourmet Recipe Manager was working for Windows 7 ( The reply was that it should, but I couldn't get it to work and gave up. I'm really wanting a portable recipe manager (or even a decent non-portable one if I have to), so I tried to download it again for testing, but see the link's broken.
Has this been abandoned? Do you have any suggestions?
Kiwi Kay
now my dad wants a program to catalog his recipies :/
I'm interested in this software. There are any news in the development?
In the meantime I found this "CookBook Portable":