I downloaded Portable Firefox 1.5.03 months ago and I used the Help->Check for Updates to update to 1.5.05. Did Firefox really update to 1.5.05? or am i still using 1.5.03? I also updated my u3 version of Firefox using the same method.
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I downloaded Portable Firefox 1.5.03 months ago and I used the Help->Check for Updates to update to 1.5.05. Did Firefox really update to 1.5.05? or am i still using 1.5.03? I also updated my u3 version of Firefox using the same method.
Check the About box under Help->About. That'll tell you. There's no way we can know if it worked or not--we're not sitting in front of your computer! Sheesh... I'd think that'd be common sense...
Lauren She eats everything! It's like having a goat. A giant, two-Godzillaton goat.
maggie Hey, I resent that remark! I only weigh ONE Godzillaton!
~ Spectacles: Bruce's Story
I have MR Tech's Local Install installed, and I include the version number in the window title:
${Firesomething} ${Version} - Window #${windowcount} with ${tabcount} tab(s) open
So my title at the moment is:
Mozilla Ultimadragon - Window #1 with 12 tab(s) open
Ultimadragon? lol. And that window title format is a little verbose, don't you think?
Lauren She eats everything! It's like having a goat. A giant, two-Godzillaton goat.
maggie Hey, I resent that remark! I only weigh ONE Godzillaton!
~ Spectacles: Bruce's Story
Have you ever installed Firesomething?
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
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"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Nope. What is it?
Lauren She eats everything! It's like having a goat. A giant, two-Godzillaton goat.
maggie Hey, I resent that remark! I only weigh ONE Godzillaton!
~ Spectacles: Bruce's Story
It's an extension that randomly changes your window tiltle to more interesting (;) ) combinations. For instance, mine at the second is 'Norwiegian LightningZebra'; I've even gotten something like: 'Anartic SandGoat'. It was made as a joke on the constant name changes Mozilla put Firefox through. Check it out, it's really funny!
Firesomething 1.7.0, by Cosmic Cat Creations
Trying it out now. This should be fun.
Oh, and you do realize it's spelled "anarctic", right? There's two Cs in it. Lots of people make that mistake, though, so I won't hold it against you. 
Edit: Bah. Having a "maxversion" property was the stupidest idea Mozilla ever had, considering nearly every Firefox version to date has been backwards compatible (barring the artificial maxversion) with old extensions. Now I'll have to edit the thing manually and repackage it to get it to work with
Lauren She eats everything! It's like having a goat. A giant, two-Godzillaton goat.
maggie Hey, I resent that remark! I only weigh ONE Godzillaton!
~ Spectacles: Bruce's Story
Spell checkers only work when you actually use them, lol. Ah well.
I'm having loads of fun with Firesomething! Although I'm not so sure I'll be able to tell anyone with a straight face that the best browser ever is "Fatzilla® Tub o' Lard Bird that can't fly - Portable Edition"!
Hmm... perhaps they'd be more inclined to believe me if I told them instead that the best browser was "Fatzilla® Fat Ass Telephone Guy - Portable Edition"? What's your take on the situation, Ashes?
Lauren She eats everything! It's like having a goat. A giant, two-Godzillaton goat.
maggie Hey, I resent that remark! I only weigh ONE Godzillaton!
~ Spectacles: Bruce's Story
I don't know. I've never really tried to sell Firefox that way. lol
Then we would avoid the naming issues
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
PortaBlog is now officially out of beta!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I couldn't find it (MR Tech's Local Instal)
I added the prefix "Ultima" myself (twice, actually to make it more probable) and deleted most of the combinations. Got rid of the boring animals. And I like to know how many tabs I have open without counting them.
BTW, I googled "Firesomething 1.5" (or something like it; I can't remember) to get a version compatible with Fx 1.5.
If you want to know how many tabs are open without counting them, you can hit the close box with a bunch of tabs open and it'll tell you. Then you can just say no to "Do you want to close X number of tabs?"
But yeah, I get the number-of-tabs thing, but why would you need to know which number a particular window is? ("Window #n with X number of tabs")
Like I said... a little too verbose for my tastes, but to each his own!
Lauren She eats everything! It's like having a goat. A giant, two-Godzillaton goat.
maggie Hey, I resent that remark! I only weigh ONE Godzillaton!
~ Spectacles: Bruce's Story
If I wanted it to be verbose, I could've included the user-agent string.
That'd defeat its own purpose, though.
The user agent string is long enough that unless you're running at a ridiculous resolution like 1600x1200, the full title would likely overrun the caption bar.
Lauren She eats everything! It's like having a goat. A giant, two-Godzillaton goat.
maggie Hey, I resent that remark! I only weigh ONE Godzillaton!
~ Spectacles: Bruce's Story
1600x1200 isn't ridiculous. I'd use it if this monitor could handle it. I'm at 1280x1024.
1600x1200 is quite ridiculous to someone who runs at 800x600 and refuses to run anything higher. Anything higher gives me a headache, even on a 19" monitor. It's what you get used to, I suppose.
Edit: I also tend to maximize everything to avoid having to find the "perfect" position and size for all my windows (yeah, I'm OC when it comes to stuff like that). However, a maximized window at 1024x768 or higher is too big and usually stretches everything out too much. So, I'll continue running at 800x600 as long as the majority of programs and webpages still support it (which they do).
Lauren She eats everything! It's like having a goat. A giant, two-Godzillaton goat.
maggie Hey, I resent that remark! I only weigh ONE Godzillaton!
~ Spectacles: Bruce's Story
I'm on 1280x1024 on a 17" screen (TFT), but I'd love a 20" so I could have 1600x1200
Steve Lamerton
Of course relatively speaking it's the same res as 1024 * 768 on a 14" laptop screen.
When I go to a 19" or 20" TFt then 1600 * 1200 will "look" about the same to me as 1280 * 1024 does on this 17" TFT
I don't really care how big my screen is, as long as res. is 1024 * 768.
For some reason, I can't jack the colors up to 32. But there's no new driver...
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
PortaBlog is now officially out of beta!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I downloaded pff months ago and I am wondering how to get the new startup picture with out haveing to download the new ffp version.
You should download the new FFP version. It's the only way to get the new splash.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."