Application: PeaZip Portable
Category: Utilities
Description: PeaZip Portable is the popular PeaZip packaged as a portable app, so you can take your file archiver with you and work with your compressed 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, RAR files and more on the go.
Download PeaZip Portable 2.5 Pre-Release 4 [4.7MB download / 6.8MB installed]
(MD5: 28bdf4667343eab5785f24024acced11)
Release Notes:
Pre-Release 4 (JTH)
- Fixed incorrect app version in installer config
- Fixed not removing Other directory in installer
- Fixed some files not UPX compressed
- Fixed incorrect version on launcher (launcher version isn't supposed to match app version
- Switched GetParameters to official
- Updated installer to 0.11.2
- Still a couple more bugs
Pre-Release 3
- Removed my settings from the installer.
- Removed Thumbs.db from $EXEDIR\Other\Help
Pre-Release 2
- Look at Ryan's comment below.
Pre-Release 1 (2009-01-30): Initial release
New in this release:
- Bookmarks.txt is now stored in the data directory so PAM will back it up.
Here are the (minor) things I noticed:
IfFileExists "$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\conf.txt" "" DisplaySplash
should goto StoreCurrentDriveLetter instead.!define FILENAME "PeaZip Pre-Release 1"
should be "PeaZip_Portable_2.5_PRERELEASE1"Looks like a smooth release otherwise.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Ryan is channeling the spirit of Patrick and myself. Love it! (inside joke
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I was impressed with the capitalization one in particular.
I'm like Shawn Spencer from Psych. *raises hand to head*
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
The application is working fine, but I would report that PeaZip_help.pdf (which is located in peazip.exe's directory) is missing.
However it is not strictly required, since from help menu the documentation can be also reached online on PeaZip's website, so it can be stripped away from the package in order to save space.
Developer of PeaZip project
That's weird cause I did a new install and just copied it over.... anyways it will be in the second Pre-Release which will happen tonight if I can.
Release Team Member
The previous version's problem with missing PeaZip_help.pdf file is now fixed, thank you very much!
Developer of PeaZip project
second and probably last attempt to help.
1.) Why would I want to replace the GetParameters with the built in one. I don't really see a bonus for doing it that way.
2.) Removed
3.) I tried using the relative path but PeaZip didn't recognize it sorry.
4.) Done
5.) The FindProc should stay as is. I don't want the launcher to watch itself on close but the app. If the launcher closes before the app them we're gonna have problems.
Release Team Member
I posted a new pre-release of this. Jacob had said it was ready but on a quick review I saw that it wasn't. There were a couple sloppy errors like the app's version being wrong in the installer that I fixed. I also switched it to the new GetParameters as all launchers should be using now to avoid bugs. Some files hadn't been UPX compressed and I think they should be. The launcher was set to version 2.5... this isn't right, we don't match the launchers to the app versions, they're independent. I updated the launcher to use defaults for readinistr and to use our faster textreplace algo.
There are still a couple bugs, though. The one Bart mentioned about PROGRAMEXECUTABLE vs DEFAULTEXE. And the installer doesn't preserve the ACE plugin if the user has added it (research which files and preserve them using the installer config).
Normally if I catch a small error or two I fix it when packaging for release, but there were too many errors and I wanted other eyes on it before it's final.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I got credits, but wait, who is Bart? Or who stole my .S?
I've been sick since Sunday :(. Anyways got the one Bart.S mentioned and I started to fix the unace file one but wouldn't it be better to just simply add that to the installer? That way people get it so the less savey don't have to worry about it? It's not like it takes up a lot of space. Only 102kb
EDIT: sorry I didn't notice that the binaries were closed source.
Release Team Member
Today PeaZip was updated to 2.5.1 release, updated files are:
peazip, pea and pealauncher executables;
peazip_help.pdf - updated and optimized to save some space;
7z directory - updated to 7z 4.65;
lang directory - up to date translations;
themes directory - some updates in existing themes, plus the two additional themes are now compressed in 7z format: an additional theme can now stay compressed and be extracted only if the user decide to use it.
Developer of PeaZip project
Download Link isn't working for me
PeaZip 2.6 beta was released earlier today, introducing a major GUI update over previous versions:
The beta stage is also meant to give translators time to update the language files, since no new text is introduced in the stable version.
Developer of PeaZip project
PeaZip 2.6 was released this morning, see full changelog here:
Developer of PeaZip project
PeaZip was updated today; the 7z backend was updated to latest 9.04 release (that allows LZMA2 compression).
Developer of PeaZip project
Just created my own PeaZipPortable-by-Bart.S.paf version. PeaZip 2.6.1 looks great and I haven't found any bugs yet.
Thanks again!
PeaZip was updated this morning, the two reasons of such a short release cycle are:
1) Fixing a security issue regarding insufficient sanitization of input strings (see changelog for full description).
2) Updated p7zip backend to version 9.04, allowing also Linux users to benefit of LZMA2 compression algorithm, and adding support to .XZ and .VHD files.
Over the previos version, only peazip and pealauncher executables are modified (also /res/7z/ directory content, but only in Linux packages).
Developer of PeaZip project
I don't want to be rude, but is anyone interested in PeaZipPortable-2.6.2-launcher by Bart.S (without all that renaming stuff)?
Maybe that could speed up the release-process
I take back my offer, my version doesn't handle the "Unace-Plugin"-leftover yet.
If you use the unace-Plugin within PeaZip Portable, it'll create the key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\ACE Compression Software\ActiveAce\2.0], which contains the values "Count", "Name", "Size".
Neither PeaZip itself nor the PeaZip Portable launcher take care of the key.