Is anyone else having trouble connecting to gtalk after this latest update? The previous version of Miranda Portable was working fine yesterday, but I just upgraded to the most recent update today, and Gtalk can't connect. I just get that animated "connecting" icon and nothing ever happens.
Looks like it was yet another hiccup in the google service. Add that to their strange web security issue a few days ago and they're not having a good year.
I'm trying to install this newest version of Miranda, but I keep getting the same error. After double clicking on the *.exe it says: "Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy."
I deleted and re-downloaded the file only to get the same error when I again try to install. Please advise.
Which mirror are you downloading from? I just checked a couple and they were all fine.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I don't know which mirror I'm downloading from, but the direct link was + the file name.
And now it works!