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Mozilla Firefox or Seamonkey 64 bit ( x64) ported to Windows from linux!!!! Free & OPEN SOURCE...GIVE Back to mozilla!!!

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surf the streets
Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-02-14 07:38
Mozilla Firefox or Seamonkey 64 bit ( x64) ported to Windows from linux!!!! Free & OPEN SOURCE...GIVE Back to mozilla!!!

This is frustrating not having any actual 64 bit browsers for Windows other than IE8...But of course there is plenty of 64 bit support in Linux...even a 64 bit Firefox and SeaMonkey. I was wondering what if someone could or would just port Linux's SeaMonkey x64 to Windows, and then just made it a portable app package? I'd even be willing to try to make it portable, if someone could port either FF or SM x64. Its just saving Mozilla the work of doing it. I don't know why Linux gets all the 64 bit stuff, and windows is stuck halfway back in time? I hope there's others out there too that are interested...

Also, There's all this talk about making an illegal portable version SeaMonkey because of permissions of logos... So why can't you just treat it like an GNU license and just say, that the logos and code belong to the Mozilla foundation, and then don't sell it for profit, since they are both FREE AND OPENSOURCE anyway..Its not illegal like people keep saying...Unless you don't follow their License...Opensource was invented for reasons like these...To improve software...Mozilla probably wants people to fix their bugs, and distribute their product free of charge..., any feedback would be great....
If I said anything wrong, please correct me, and anyone interested or if have any information on this topic, please leave would really be appreciated.
Surf the Streets

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 8 hours 32 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
32bit / Trademarks

As for a 64bit version for Windows, Mozilla has a reason... it doesn't work with ANY of the plugins for Windows: no flash, no quicktime, no shockwave, no realplayer, etc. Not until Firefox 4 is it going to get a virtualizer so that you can use a 32bit plugin within the 64bit browser. So a 64bit browser for Windows is pretty useless.

A portable 64bit app wouldn't be very useful overall as nearly all machines are still running a 32bit OS. So your 64bit portable app would only really work on your own PC and not even at work or school, etc. The fact is that a 64bit app like a browser doesn't gain you anything over the 32bit version. Other than the fact that it may run a little faster on a 64bit OS because of the fact that x64 Windows runs all 32bit apps slower on the same box than 32bit Windows does due to Windows on Windows. That's why I run 32bit Windows on all 3 of my 64bit machines. 64bit is completely pointless for me, I don't need to speed decrease for all my software except Photoshop.

As for the logos and name, they are trademarked. You're welcome to take the source and use it under the license, but you can't call it Firefox or use the logo regardless of whether or not you are charging. That's the law.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-06 14:52
Minefield is firefox

Minefield is a firefox experimental build.

Get a 64 bit version there.

You can also browse through the nightly builds. I think there are some 64 bit versions there.

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-06 14:52

Except for the latest Java version no other plugins will work.

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