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Keryx Portable 0.92 Dev Test 1

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Joined: 2005-12-09 08:42
Keryx Portable 0.92 Dev Test 1

Application: Keryx
Category: Utility
Description: Keryx is a tool for users with dialup, or low-bandwidth internet to be able to download and update packages on their Debian based distribution of Linux including .

Download Keryx Portable 0.92 Dev Test 1 [4.7 MB download / 15.7 MB installed]
(MD5: ea5e8b88ecb3e49c6ca75532c14392f7)

Release Notes:
Dev Test 1 (2009-02-21):

  • First public release.


The Linux version is included in Other/Linux so that you can create a project on there to test with. Both the Windows and Linux versions will save projects and logs to the Data folder.

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

I really need to try Keryx... I just don't have much of a use for it as Linux is on my laptop. However, happen to know if there's anything similar for Mac?

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 08:42
Looking to get someone to

Looking to get someone to build a Mac plugin actually. Most likely it will only be able to update 3rd party apps instead of core OS updates. Work on the Windows plugin has been coming along nicely and could easily be ported to Mac since it will be taking care of 3rd part apps only as well. RPM plugin and PortableApps plugin (to update and install new apps without ever visiting the website) in the works too!

Last seen: 15 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-14 10:24
This would be very handy

Stuck with dial-up at home. Broadband in town at library and at work via Windows XP PC's. Dial-up has been the biggest single impediment to learning more about Linux and figuring out what it can do once the right packages have been added. With a tool like Keryx, I'll still be hobbled by dial-up but at least can keep the Linux test machines maintained!

Have tried to install Keryx but failed. You guys would be doing me a huge favor by figuring out the hard parts so I can just use Keryx!

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 08:42

This should help anyone new to Keryx and/or Linux get started with using Keryx on a Debian/Ubuntu based machine:,49.msg309.html#msg309

Last seen: 15 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-14 10:24
Found some broadband

Found some broadband yesterday.
Here's the SOE:
- The laptop was running a minty fresh copy of Ub 8.10. Got all updates first.
- Went to Synaptic, installed "python-wxversion".
- Downloaded the Keryx PortableApps package.
- Went home. Unzipped the PortableApps package via both a W2K PC and the Ub 8.10 lappy. Installed it to Thumb Drive #1 (TB1). I think the install was done from the W2K PC. Couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do with it. I got into the Windows side of Keryx, didn't realize I was supposed to go to "" for a Linux project.

- Downloaded via dial-up the latest version of Keryx. Not the PortableApps version, Keryx itself.
- Installed Keryx to Thumb Drive #2 (TB2). After much hapless fumbling around, found and created a project for the laptop.

Drank myself to sleep.

- Got up this morning thinking if I'd succeeded with Keryx, maybe now I could do the same with Keryx PA.
- Plugged TB1 into Ub 8.10 lappy. Opened KeryxPA. Clicked on "" folder. Got errors. Here's the log.

03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/keryx.ico': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/download.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/get_updates.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/refresh.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/project_details.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/package.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/arrow_up.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/arrow_down.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/uptodate.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/update.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/error.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/downloaded.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/close.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/quit.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/options.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/refresh.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/get_updates.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/download.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/package.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/sources.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/home.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/help.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/translate.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/bug.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/donate.png': file does not exist.
03:54:39 AM: Can't load image from file '/media/disk/KeryxPortable/Other/pixmaps/themes/default/about.png': file does not exist.

- OK, I really didn't know what I was doing, but I found the "pixmaps" folder in "Default Data". It appeared to have all these files that the log listed. So I copied the entire folder into "Other".
- Tried again. Still not working, but it seemed to get further. I got an error message saying that OS plugins couldn't be found in "Other". I found "plugins" folder in "Default Data" also, so I copied this folder to "Other" just like the first folder.
- When I clicked on "" and asked it to "Run" I was able to create a project for the laptop.

I hope this helps as feedback for the folks developing the Keryx PortableApps package.
I have not yet gone back into town to see if I can use either thumb drive to see if I can get updates or search for new programs.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 08:42
Ah you know what? I guess

Ah you know what? I guess everything in Default Data should be over in Data always so that the Linux version can run properly. I will have to modify that as it will only just make the process more complicated how it is setup now. For the time being, just use the regular version of Keryx. I'll try to get it updated soon.

Last seen: 15 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-14 10:24
Hi, Mr. O - Thanks for

Hi, Mr. O -
Thanks for writing back. I'm sure there are lots of folks in a situation similar to mine - stuck with dial-up at home, but can get to a broadband connection one way or another.
Keryx could be a real game changer. And Keryx would be a wonderful addition to the PortableApps family.
I'm imagining a day not too far off when I can go into work or town with a thumb drive and get all our email and Linux updates (and maybe Windows updates too?) via PortableApps, then just use the at-home dialup for the bare minimum.

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