New thread could be found here
Application: Dia
Category: Graphics & Pictures
Description: Dia is a diagram creation program for casual use.
License: GPL 2, or later
Language: Multilingual
Download Dia Portable 0.96.1-9 Development Test 1 [10.5MB download / 15.8 - 39.8MB installed]
(MD5: 672bd9ab2a1e199d6b89b97ca82898bb)
Release Notes:
0.96.1-9 Dev Test 1 (2009-01-18):
- Updated package
0.96.1-8 Dev Test 3 (2008-12-16):
- Added Recent Files Adjustment
- Added french help files, updated other help files
- Updated korean translation (Thanks to yongdoria)
- Improved installer: The Dia Portable Installer uninstalls Diashapes Portable (Dev Test 1 & 2). It doesn't remove the downloaded and installed shapes
0.96.1-8 Dev Test 2 (2008-11-30):
- Set AllowMultipleInstances=false as default
- Changed splash
- Changed appicon.ico
- Improved launcher
0.96.1-8 Dev Test 1 (2008-11-09): Initial release
Application: Diashapes
Description: Diashapes is a small tool to download and install additional shapes (often called symbols or objects).
Download Diashapes Portable 0.0.1 Development Test 3 [1.4MB download / 2.1MB installed]
(MD5: 968c7492d51f2de265729d932f0b902c)
Release Notes:
0.0.1 Dev Test 3 (2009-02-25): Redesigned Diashapes Portable (as a seperate app)
0.0.1 Dev Test 2 (2008-12-08): Fixed Installer
0.0.1 Dev Test 1 (2008-11-30): Initial release
- Thanks to Patrick Patience for hosting
- Thanks to all devs for pieces of code
- Thanks in advance to all testers.
What happened to the link? Advocate
...what happened to the link?
May the Shwartz be with you
... what happened to the motivated beta testers?

We won't fully resume human form until Monday!
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Alright ... *howling* ... I forgot ...*starts baying*
The download is now available (post said 'Coming Soon' for you complaining about the link. ;)) as I've uploaded it for Bart.S. Hopefully the file is not corrupted.
It isnt. ill try ti out when I can...
Download works for me!
It's a nice OSS replacement for Visio, even though it's a little more limited in object formatting.
I haven't seen any significant functional issues.
Have you considered using a more standard development splash screen?
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
I've dropped the standard development splash screen, because Dia has an own splash screen.
All other apps with their own splash screen don't have the standard splash too. (e.g. GIMP, Stellarium, Celestia,...)
I've modified the Dia splash screen a little bit, but the original Dia splash screen is still included in the package.
After running Dia portable,
Immediately, The program is shut down after the screen flashes (language: korean)
I can't reproduce the issue. Works ok for me even if I change the language to korean.
to this fileLANG=en_US
Thanks for testing
After changing DiaPortableSettings.ini
I can't run as administrator
The same symptoms, as though in english(en_US) or Korean(ko_KR)
My computer is tested specifications.
OS : Microsoft Windows XP (SP3)
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz
RAM : 2.00GB RAM
VGA : NVIDIA GeForce 7300 LE
I have almost the same computer specifications.
Have you installed it to the standard path (X:\PortableApps\DiaPortable)?
Or have you installed it to a path with korean characters?
After changing c:\ root folder, Language=ko_KR
Dia Portable is run well
Thank You!!
You're welcome!
It seems to be OK, but I wonder if you have heard of the meesoft diagram designer.
Version 1.20 has been released as open source and it is less than 1 Mb installed. This might be of interest if anyone is very space conscious.
Diagram Designer 1.20 Open Source Edition
The full source code for Diagram Designer is available for download. The source can be compiled with Borland Delphi 7.
Diagram Designer at SourceForge
Diagram Designer source pack
See here ...
AgroUML is also a nice java based alternative!
And this version is in more ways portable. As java runs on all major operating systems!
180 Apps on my USB Flash Drive and counting ...
Dia is a general purpose diagramming tool, more akin to Microsoft Visio.
It can be used for UML diagrams, but also for far, far more than that.
Also, while many people often claim that Java makes for portability, in practice differences in behaviour between JVM versions mean that it is no more or less portable than any other application. Especially if there isn't a Java runtime installed on the target machine (although both of these are being addressed elsewhere on this site with a portable JVM!)
Minor changes, see above! Furthermore I made Diashapes Portable, it's an addon for Dia Portable and should be installed to the same directory as Dia Portable.
You don't need Diashapes Portable if you install shapes manually.
The Splash Screen should be in the source folder with the scripts not in the application folder.
Edit: Never Mind, Found out it is part of program itself. It is Okay.
May the Shwartz be with you
@Patrick: The Diashapes Portable link is still broken. Could you please fix the link or reupload it again?
for DiashapesPortable is
there is missing a "_" in the filename between Diashapes and Portable in the link,...
Figured it out by try and error
Regards mecki77
My fault. Fixed link!
Just curious but why is the destination folder " 'DiaPortable' " other than just " DiaPortable ".
This is for DiaShapes Portable.
May the Shwartz be with you
Are you using the commandline to install Diashapes Portable?
Without commandline, it works as expected for me (\DiaPortable).
found and fixed the problem (Typo in my modified installer). New Diashapes Portable Development Test will be released soon.
Thanks for testing!
Dev Test 2 is up.
DiaShapes allow you to create shapes or only download/install as sayd in the description?
Carpe Noctem
only downloads and installs shapes!
How to add a new shape to Dia
Thanks for all the work you do on this nifty program. I am having trouble with Diashapes. I have downloaded several times for a few days now and when I try to install, I get a corruption error with some NSS? files. I'm just not having any luck with this file. I'm not having any trouble or issues with any other files or processes. I do suspect it is your file, rather than my computer.
Thought you should know.
The error actually said..Installer integrity check has failed.
Have you compared the MD5-Checksum?
I used the link referred to a few comments above and it works perfectly. Guess I should have read a little better before I commented. (story of my life!)
Thanks Patrick for hosting a neat app.
the link referred to a few comments above is a link to the Development Test 1. Are you using now Dev Test 1 or 2?
Development Test 2 fixes an issue mentioned here.
1 worked and 2 didn't. Go figure.
I found the same issue\problem. Diashapes Dev test 1 worked, 2 didn't.
Could someone check the DevTest2 MD5-checksum (I can't download at the moment)? I have no problems with the original Dev Test 2, but maybe the file got corrupted on the way to Patricks server.
Same problem here and md5 sums do not check.
May the Shwartz be with you
Just a note that in the past 30 days Dia Portable has just about 600 downloads making it one of the most downloaded files on my server.
Run Dia Portable, run!
Edit: Hi Patrick, how many downloads has Dia Portable now (after 90 days)?
Apparently it has had 300 more in the past two months.
So it'll reach 1000 soon
I wish to append updated korean translation file in dia portable ver0.96
Here :
Thank You!!
I could add that to the next release of Dia Portable. But I'm not an original (non-portable) Dia developer, so it would be better if you send your translation to the original Dia developers. Then the updated translation could be included in the next non-portable Dia release too. And they could give you credits on the translators page.
That is uploaded in dia development sites a long time ago but not registered
Thank you answer ...
Diashapes Portable Dev Test 2 has been uploaded again, so it should work now.
Dia Portable Dev Test 3 has been released.
Oh, and merry christmas and a happy new year!
i take a look in the files of the shapes, and i noticed that they are xml and images... so... if i edit the xml and create my images Dia will recognise as a shape? or it's not so simple? (or exist other software to do this?)
Carpe Noctem
is fully explained here and here.
You could edit the xml, but have you read this?
yes... i saw this but didn't read... hehehe
i thinked that it is how to use the DiaShapes...
i'll take a look on this now!
Carpe Noctem
i did it! and works...
after that, my (did in not portable) Dia crashed in the start...
i need to put the created files in the shape folders? or it creates there automatically?
Carpe Noctem
you have different options
You could create a new sheet and than add your shapes to this new sheet. That way you should find the following files in your Dia Portable folder (automatically created):
Add your shapes to the folder DiaPortable\Data\settings\.dia\shapes\ or DiaPortable\Data\settings\.dia\shapes\YOUR\. Create a XML-file DiaPortable\Data\settings\.dia\sheets\YOUR.sheet.
Look at chapter 11 of the built-in Dia help for more informations about the XML-files, because it's not the easy way.
Hope that helps.
Hi John and/or Release Team!
Has the Release Team tested Dia Portable yet? It seems very popular and in my opinion it's ready for pre-release. All I need is an official splash. Maybe someone could create a nice one.
I'll do an update of the package (0.96.1-9) this or next week, and I would be glad if i could move it to pre-release too.
Kind Regards
Ok, no response, no splash, no pre-release
Dia Portable 0.96.1-9 Dev Test 1 is coming next week. Patrick, prepare your server for big traffic
Although I don't know a lot about GTK apps, this looks good. I'm still awaiting the splash template that John has promised us, but other than that imho i think this should go for a pre-release.
PAF Specs - Update the installer to 0.10.5, other than that everything seems ok.
Well, Dia Portable 0.96.1-9 Dev Test 1 (released last week) has the newest installer, but Patrick hasn't it uploaded yet. I guess he is very busy (or he missed the release).
So Patience is the key
Dia Portable 0.96.1-9 is ready for download. Thanks very much Patrick.
And now, Release Team, hint, hint, ...
quick look says that DiaShapes Portable installer needs to be updated to 0.10.5 as well as titles need to be capitalized in Other\Source\(diashapes-)readme.txt.
besides for that, checks out nicely.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
That will be fixed within next release(s).
I want to update portable dia ver0.96.1.x korean translation files for everyone
attached files:
Thank, you!
I'll throw that in the next release (hopefully Pre-Release). What do you mean with "included additional sheets"?

Oh, and don't forget to send this to the original Dia developers, so that they could include it in the upcoming 0.97 release.
change attached file site :
I want to be replaced above site
Could a mod remove the Diashapes Portable link here, please?
I'll stop distributing it (legal reason), but I can't remove that link. Once that link is removed, I'll update the main post and remove the newer link there.
I'm sorry, but many thanks to all testers!
Bart.S - I already explained to you how to fix it so that it's up to spec. Don't sulk and remove it just because you don't want to update it properly.
If you truly don't understand the concepts I explained to you in the installer topic, just say so and I can assist you with it. Saying over and over that it can't be done and that you have to alter the installer (which won't work with the 1.2/2.0 releases of the platform or the updater) is counterproductive.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
you should read too.
I really understand the concepts you explained and after your last post I never wrote, that it can't be done as a seperate app. And I never read before that an Addon shouldn't have a launcher. Maybe you should add that to your specs.
Ok, so I read your last post and decided not to update soon, because:
That's why I wanted that a mod remove the link to my "illegal" version. And I never wrote here that I abandon the project.
Well, what should I say? Sorry for wasting your time, I will never make counterproductive suggestions again.
And thanks for the update. I will look at it someday and than post my feedback.
Oh, and have you altered the original program? Because it's version 0.0.1. If not, according to the specs you should give your update an other name.
The app is done and just as stable as your original. It won't be a true separate app in terms of having a listing on the site or anything, it'll just be an add-on to Dia. It HAS to be a separate app, though, as otherwise users won't be able to easily remove it, it could at a later point cause issues with Dia upgrading, the appinfo.ini won't contain info on the secondary launcher (so it won't appear in the platform 1.2/2.0 release or work with the PA updater).
It doesn't need additional time. It's done. My version works as well as your test and can be released now. It's your code just with some paths changed and an additional 10 lines to move the files back and forth. That's it. It was very easy.
You may have liked your original method, but we're not going to redesign the way the whole platform/updater/menu work just for a single add-on like this.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
it's done. It doesn't need additional time because you spent your time on Diashapes Portable.
Oh, with original program I don't mean my Portable Dev Test, I speak about the non-portable Diashapes 0.0.1. And I'm not the author.
Ok, I packaged Diashapes up as a proper Format installer. It's missing the help file, but otherwise it works as it is supposed to. It installs alongside DiaPortable in a DiaShapesPortable directory. It'll properly get its own icon in the Menu, own entry in the updater when released and can be removed easily by the user without affecting DiaPortable just by removing its directory.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I looked at your release and uhhh, ohh, uhh, hmmm:
It's less functional, works only with default paths, easier to break and it leaves files/folders behind.
In short: A quick and dirty release! That's why I wrote that it needs additional time.
Well, I'll update this, but it's like I said: Rather no Diashapes Portable than a crappy one!
I just based it on your launcher, so if it leaves anything behind, I blame you
How is it less functional than yours, it works exactly the same way? It's a really simple app that just downloads shapes an end user can easily download themselves.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
you based it on my launcher, but you changed and deleted some lines of code. And my launcher had the line
newadvsplash::stop /WAIT
, but yours not. So I blame youHave you tried to change a folder name, the EXE-name or something else you could do with the INI. Well, some more bugs in your version (and less functional)
The next Diashapes Portable Release is almost finished. Only a diashapes icon is missing (the diashapes author doesn't have one yet), so I'll keep the old one (which is a Dia icon).
One Question: Next release, Dev Test 3 or Pre-Release 1?
Dia 0.97 Pre-Release 2 is out. More informations here.
Vote here, which UI should become the default UI in Dia 0.97 for Windows.
Dia 0.97 Pre-Release 3. Informations here.
Dia 0.97 has been released. Read here.
Special thanks to all developers & contributors!
*singing: Johnny T, how much there is to see, just open your eyes and listen to me *
New Diashapes Portable release is up. Feel the difference
Would be an idea to update the title of your OP to say dev test 3 rather than 1 Advocate
Dia Portable is at Dev Test 1, Diashapes Portable is at Dev Test 3, so the title is correct
I can't find the updated version
Also I downloaded and installed Diashapes but it cant run successfully. Something about the not being able to download something? What the?? If I understand correctly Diashapes downloads and copies the additional shapes into the relevant DiaPortable folder?? If so why not just directly link to a plugin/zip of shapes with instructions of where to unzip to?
Anyway hope all is well with the dev.
Horusofoz Advocate
lol, seriously, horusofoz, the updated windows version and thus the portable version aren't up yet. Furthermore the current Installer (0.13.3) doesn't look nice (IMO), so I'll probably wait for the next version. Depending on whether I'll get a nice spash (original Dia Splash) or not, the next release will be a Pre-Release or Dev Test.
I marked the thread as [Outdated], so that nobody wastes his time with testing/writing reports. The new launcher code differs from the old one.
Diashapes requires an active internet connection when running. It can't download something without that (maybe your firewall blocks Diashapes -> error).
Diashapes makes life easier for end users, but you could look at the DiaPortable\help.html. The last point "Dia Shape Repository" links to a nice site with all zips of shapes and you could find some instructions too.
Hope that answers your questions. If not, feel free to ask
I liked your modified splashscreen but don't think it'll be allowed due to the policies here. Though they can be annoying in disallowing things like your splash they ensure things get done the end
Well I hope you update soon. Advocate
You like my splashscreem. Hmmm, how does it look like?
*enables the splash und looks at it*
Ummm, thank you but it's ugly. [5 min Gimp work (original Gimp splash + official Dev Test splash + 3 words)].
*disables the splash again*
On second look yeah your right its not a Michaelangelo. I guess it was seeing a different splash the first time in .... Anyway hope you rejig the app. I needed to put an org structure together and wanted to use it instead of Visio
When I saw the Outdated tag I figured it meant there was a fault or something so I ended up going with Draw Advocate
just outdated (before it became official). You could use it without problems, compare the Release Team Member tests: 1, 2
It seems DiaShapes has an issue with proxys as the downlaoder doesn't work when trying to access from work. I'm guessing this is a base app issue so might want to add a note for that in the OP Advocate