Application: Toucan
Category: Utilities
Description:Toucan is a custom built portable app for advanced users to synchronise, backup and encrypt their data, wherever they are.
Download Toucan 2.0.7 Pre-release 1 [2.4MB download / 3.1MB installed]
(MD5: 070b6ad95a7b2ee4eb15fea5c894375e)
Release Notes:
Pre-release 1 (2009-02-28):
- Bug fixes
I look forward to testing it out :), I'll make sure I'll put it through a thorough test
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I'm reporting that the command line hang occurring with 2.0.6 is indeed fixed in the 2.0.7PR1 release.
Okay I noticed a couple things.
1. I see the splash screen (splash.jpg) is in the App directory. It should be in the Other\Source unless this is something special to Toucan?
2. In the Launcher code I see the version Number But in the appinfo.ini I see 2.0.7
3. Installer code line 24 you said that you're using Installer version you the latest is 0.12.2. Typo?
4. In the Directory App\toucan. Toucan should be captitalized.
5. I didn't see a readme or license .txt
Well that's all for tonight I'll do another look threw later. Keep up the good work sorry for it all being nit picky stuff
Release Team Member
for the feedback
5. Opps I missed the license sorry, but the readme.txt should be there. Sorry I don't wanna paste it all in here but here's a pastebin of firefox's.
6. I'm a failure I missed this earlier :P. You need a readme.txt in the App folder (NOT Toucan's folder [$EXEDIR\App]) it should say
Other than that I'm not seeing whole lot to be done. We'll see about the other rt members.
Release Team Member
in a good way
Thanks for the feedback!
I sent out a newsletter to the other rt members so hopefully some of them will double check my work. Hopefully we can get this out by tomorrow?...
Release Team Member
be lucky
Waiting to hear from a few people to see if it fixes their bugs!
You don't need a readme, it's only used to explain the launcher parameters for regular apps, of which you have none.
All looks good, however...
Typically the "VER" entry is for the version number of the launcher used globally by (it's at like 1.6 / 1.7.something), however you might be an exception since you're a little stub launcher.
Also, I has no App\toucan\help.
Other than that, everything seems smooth.
Okay this doesn't have to do with this release but a suggestion for the next release would be a data only backup. You know kinda like the menu has built in? As I'm starting to use Toucan more and more it'd be nice to be able to create a job and have it auto do all the Data folders within my PortableApps folder. Any chance of seeing something like that in the future?
Release Team Member
can already
Add the PortableApps folder to the backup list and then create a new rule that excludes folders called App and Other. Select it in the Backup tab and go! I shall add it as an example in the helpfile.
As per your suggestion I tried to do it that way but when I said to exclude all folders named app it still decided to do the sub-directories. Any ideas?
Release Team Member