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Adding & removing standalone apps from menu

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Adding & removing standalone apps from menu

I know I can add a standalone application to the platform by copying the complete application folder into the PortableApps folder. Then by using Options -> Refresh App Icons the application will appear on the menu.

However, I have a problem with this in that some of my applications have more than one .exe file. The platform now lists all the .exe files in the folder individually whereas I only want the single (main) application to be shown. How can I remove the subsidiary .exe files from the menu?

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08
well good news :) 1.5 is

well good news Smile 1.5 is coming soon and it does have the ability to hide a certain exe you want gone Biggrin

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-02-15 09:06
The only way to remove them

The only way to remove them is to delete them from the folder.
If however you don't want to delete them you will have to wait for the next release
of the menu ( PAM 2 ).
This will apparently have the ability to hide the .exe files you dont use.
Hope this helps.

Regards, Brian.

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-02 07:20
I think …

… this question has been answered before, and I think the answer was «You can't».

I believe these are your options:

1. You can wait for the next official version of the menu, where this will be possible. The next version is expected some time soon.

2. You can delete the subsidiary .exe-files from your folder – if you can manage without them.

3. You can use an unofficial, unsupported mod. Personally, I do not understand how someone can use anything but

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08
1)There is a test version of

1)There is a test version of 1.2 coming out sometime today
2)Thats true too
3)Geek.Menu is based off an old Menu code and not the latest so thats one reason I don't use it, second reason it's unsupported, thirdly the new release of the menu (not the test one I talked about today) 1.5 will have most of the features found in in some form

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

gmbudwrench's picture
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1)There is a test version of 1.2 coming out sometime today

Where would the link be located if I wanted to keep up with the release? If it
is/isn't out already.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 11 min 28 sec ago
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It's being posted tomorrow (later today actually since it's 1am Monday). My girlfriend was mugged on Friday and it understandably changed my weekend schedule. We've done 6 quick private tests with developers on IRC already.

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solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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I hope she's OK!

It can be a pretty rough world - don't worry about the release if you need more time.
Sending out good thoughts -

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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but they both crash after installing an app, so

..what's the difference?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 11 min 28 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

Please, incognite, if you have an actual bug, create a bug report with real details as a new forum post. Don't keep posting comments like this... over and over. It's annoying and doesn't help.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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Thanks John

I don't know if it's a bug that I have or rather a problem with Vista, since it (windows) keeps asking did it install ok but not for PA applications; I simply click on the menu after it's installed whilst the program installer is still visible and it goes white and crashes.

Really quite funny and I thought as the primary developer of open source applications that you would find it interesting so thank you for the personal reply.

Best regards

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 11 min 28 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
New Topic

Please create a new topic about the bug giving all the details you can so we can actually try and solve it. I haven't seen it myself and all the installers work fine on Vista.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 19:09
had the same problem, simple solution

move your standalone app to a sub folder of the app's PortableApps folder.

Create a batch file that calls the app.

turn the batch file into a EXE file with the bat to exe software of your choice and put the exe file in the PortableApps folder.

Simple, because this is the way the PAM is designed to work, with only the "launcher" in the first level of the folder structure.

Last seen: 16 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-03-04 01:17
Basically here's what I

Basically here's what I did...
1) install program (in my case it was Glary's Utility)
2) "Explore" to the Apps folder
3) go to the folder you're wanting to do this to (my case, Glary's)
4) while in that folder, create a new folder (I called mine APPS)
5) paste all executables that you don't want into this APPS folder...leave the one you do want alone
6) "Refresh"...and wahlah....the main executable I want to run is listed in the programs listing.

Now, here's the bad (in my particular case)...if I want to access one of the other executables (which would be rarely as I want the 1-Click Maintenance as the main executable) such as Process Manager, etc., I would have to "Explore" the Glary's folder and then click the executable I wanted. In my XP install of Glary's I can click Process Manager and it would PortableApps it does not. But, not a huge inconvenience as I can get to the other executables if I need to.

Hope this helps...

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 11 min 28 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Now Supported: 1.2 RC3

The ability to rename and hide icons is now supported in Platform 1.2 Release Candidate 3:

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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