Application: Gnumeric Portable
Category: Office
Description: Gnumeric is a spreadsheet application which features the ability to open many different file formats, formulas, and more! Important:The 1.9.* series of Gnumeric is technically still a dev. test, but the Gnumeric dev's say that the 1.9.* series (Windows ver.) is stable enough. Because of this, until a stable Windows release is being used, I am keeping the version of Gnumeric @ 1.9.3
Download not availible atm Download Gnumeric Portable Dev Test 5 [12.4MB download / 24MB installed]
(MD5: 8914068f9d65bc65ca7f749ef6dad602)
Dev Test 5
- Updated to most recent installer format.
Dev Test 4
- Changed to better icon.
Using version 1.9.3
Dev Test 3
Updated Installer to most recent version.
Fixed the icon.
Dev Test 2 Installer Setup, so now Gnumeric Portable has it's own icon for installer, and automatically wants to install to removable drive.
Fixed the app, so now it actually works!
Added more download links!
Probably should edit your OP to include a link to the website of the base app. I realise this is a spreadsheet app from the description but never used it or seen so would be good to have the link rather than having to google it. Advocate
1. Probably should change the icon, since the .exe is using 7-Zip's icon.
2. Doesn't automatically want to install to my flash drive like the other apps do (yes, it is plugged in).
3. Doesn't start for me at all.
4. The base folder of the app shouldn't have a space in it.
1. Still just an sfx archive from 7zip
2. See above.
3. Really, what OS are you using?
4. Fixed it
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1 & 2. K
3. XP Home SP 3
...for me, I'm on Vista Home SP1
I think I fixed it
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Update OP to devtest 2 now I think. Also I think it is the method where you include that in the installer name. Can one of the more technical users please clarify.
Thank you Advocate
So, should I change the name of the program/installer too, or just the page?
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Both I believe. And it's dev test 2. Have a look at an app by Patrick Patience for John T. Haller for a very reference. Advocate
Changed it all to Dev Test 2. Thnx for informing me.
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Invalid File. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team.
Fixed it!
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Sorry to be a party pooper but you need to wait for the release team to check your package before you can update it from dev test. Oh and it goes to pre-release rather than release candidate. Good luck Advocate
Fixed it:D (But i bet it'll have to be changed back soon :P)
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Good luck. Advocate
also here are some thoughts I should point out
proper development tests should be in this layout and also should include a md5 checksum too.
other than that so far I don't see any issues of yet so far it isn't too bad, I will dive into this a little later on after I fix some stuff on my own stuff (including my laptop)
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Fixed it
Added sizes, MD5, and fixed the format.
Edit:Fixed typo, MD5, not MD4
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I've been using dev test 5 for months and I haven't seen any bugs (I suppose I haven't tried every feature though).
It works great and I love Gnumeric! 8)
Toshiba is better to the environment than a lot of common electronic companies. Check out Greenpeace's Guide To Greener Electronics 8)
Not till it can be updated with the nonexistant stable version of Gnumeric for Windows (The 1.9.* is considered unstable.
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Can't download due to a 500 internal server error.
We don't need a reason to help people ~ Zidane
Gah! You're right, sorry!
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I can't download file.
There's an alternate link?
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So I've finally found a bug! It's actually quite a large one as far as I'm concerned (though probably not a big deal to lots of people). It's also in the installed version, so nothing for you to worry about, daBomb69.
When I open, modify and save a file with Gnumeric it sets the file created, modified and accessed dates with the current time and date. Under Linux, none of these change at all.
It hasn't been noticed before so I reported it with Gnome Bugzilla.
Hopefully we'll see a stable version soon
Toshiba is better to the environment than a lot of common electronic companies. Check out Greenpeace's Guide To Greener Electronics 8)
I'd like to download this too, but link no worky.
Gah! Sorry about that, I'll try and get another link up soon!
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Hate to bug you, but the download is gone...
Only get a 404 !
I know. And, annoyingly, the drive I had the binaries stored on decided to go off and die a while ago, so I'm having a bit of trouble location a binary to upload.
Will try and find one somewhere then upload it ASAP.
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Is there a possibility that someone who downloaded it before the link got broken can provide the latest portable version to me? There is another one around but it is 60MB. I'd prefer this one in any case.
I can't find download file for gnumeric portable.
I have a old one (1.9) and I would update.
Please, someone can help me?
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