SwordBible can be installed and run from a USB drive. Can it be listed here as a portable app? More info available at http://www.swordwarrior.net
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SwordBible can be installed and run from a USB drive. Can it be listed here as a portable app? More info available at http://www.swordwarrior.net
This is the one that I use on my USB. It is far superior than all of the other ones that are offered. It even has a reading plan system as well as the expected study features. To keep everyone happy & to stop any complaints, it should be packaged to suit this site.
here is an alternative https://portableapps.com/apps/education/bpbible_portable and it too is based off the SWORD Project engine
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
The Sword Bible is a totally different program to the Sword Project - from a different developer - and is streets ahead of both it & BP Bible. The Sword Bible is also regularly updated.
the SWORD Bible uses the SWORD Projects API so techincally you are kind of wrong there
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
OK but the only point that I want to make is as written above. This program is simply the best if you want to read & study a bible.
well bpbible was written for the same task
but I'll take a look into it though and see if I can do a Development Test of it since it is under the GNU GPL 
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I am sure that many people will appreciate your efforts.
SwordBible is based on the SWORD API, as is BPBible.
Disclaimer: my brothers are the BPBible developers, and I'm the BPBible Portable developer... hey, I'm biased, OK?
BPBible does support bible reading planners/daily devotionals with a date picker and starting up on today's date.
BPBible really does just about everything that SwordBible does, except an editable personal commentary (use tagging atm), except IMHO generally quite a bit better, neater and more useable, while both have some features that the other doesn't.
Nevertheless, with Zach Thibeau's permission (given in IRC) I will try to do a SwordBible Portable instead of him, and post about how I go. At this stage it's too early to comment on how it'll go. It should probably work though. So long as it's not like BibleCS...
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I had time to do this. Can somebody else verify that it works okay on their computer? http://www.swordwarrior.net/files/SwordBible_Portable_5.4.paf.exe
Wonderful, I see that you also have on the sword bible site!
Can someone with Windows 2000 and Vista also check? Much appreciated.
I'll do some testing on vista tomorrow when I have the spare time.
is the source for the wrapper available?
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
TaffinFoxcroft, thank you for taking the time to test this. Everything is licensed under GPL, so source is freely available. The source for the installation script can be found under the folder SwordBiblePortable\Other\Source. The source of the program iself is on Google repository, a link to which is on the program homepage.
Let me know how the vita test comes. If the program works on Windows Vista, then that only leaves Windows 2000. It will be hard to find someone with Win 2000 machine, since less than 2 percent of windows users are using it.
works fine, loaded up WEB and KJV (from crosswire.org) without any problems. looks good.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Great! Now only if someone can test this on Win 2000 machine, things would be perfect!
I should be able to test it on Windows 2000 soon, but for the moment, you should post it in our Beta Testing forum as a Development Test - that way it's in the firing line as a "real" PAF app, on the way to potential official release here.
I'll review your code when I get a chance to.
BTW, your Google Code SVN setup is a real mess (assuming that it's yours)... svn/trunk should be the working copy, and svn/tags/[version] for release tagging... not the svn/SwordBible/SwordBible [version] setup. It really should be changed...
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Thanks , fixed it. I am eager to know results of Win 2000 test. Thanks greatly.
Just installed and then added all bibles,dict,comm from my BPBible using the sword installer and fired it up-works great!
The interface seems real clean.
I like the way you can move around the modules in BPBible which seems missing in sword though......
I was blind, now I'm lost.
Please bundle this up as a proper Development Test (PortableApps.com Format). I haven't downloaded it yet, and can't, as it is getting a 404 so I don't know exactly what's needed to do so. I don't know what you've made.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I run several boxes with win2000sp4.
Unfortunately the download of Sword doesn't appear to install. I downloaded it twice.
I'll try it again on another box.
This is my first post... where do I set up sig, change password etc please?
Richard in South Australia
where the crows fly backwards to keep the dust out of their eyes
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?
Another South Aussie Aye
I think your the third or fourth I've seen on the site. You change your signature by clicking on my account. It's in the left column of the page. Same with password etc. Oh and bruz, please be a lil bit more patriotic aye. I mean it could be worse. You could live in Victoria
PortableApps.com Advocate
Thank you my friend, effected some changes now
I'll try in the morning with another box or two. One has XP... most of them run *nix of one sort or another.
I wonder if I've done something to the stick. Perhaps I should check that I can uninstall and reinstall an existing working app.
Re Victoria, I think we originated the "Kick a Vic" suggestion
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?
My original suspicion was a corrupted binary.
I was wrong. I was once before, unless I was mistaken
What I downloaded seems to me remarkably like an html file when looked at in Wordpad, and the size (11.6 k) was more like that of a page than several megs.
Sorry guys. I suspect the wrong file got renamed and put up in this thread (further up).
However I found the right SwordBible_Portable_5.41_Development_Test_2.paf.exe (3.97Mb) file - listed at https://portableapps.com/node/18584 - and it seems to work well.
I assume that it has to be populated with bibles; I'm only familiar with Quickverse which I bought in about 1996 and have used ever since. This app caught my eye as several of my associates on undernet's chatrooms also use Sword (I suspect on Linux) so I was interested to look
Richard in Oz
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?
Sorry, but SwordBible Portable at the moment just can't get five stars... as it is not portable.
SwordBible uses the SWORD API and so uses SWORD modules. There are lots of SWORD-based applications; it can be helpful to try more than one. BPBible (Portable) is my favourite, and I find it a lot easier to use that SwordBible.
Besides, it's made in Australia
(by my brothers and I do some work on it... BPBible Portable is my main contribution)
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Australian Made : ) can we get the little green triangle with the gold roo put into the about screen? : )
PortableApps.com Advocate
Could you please stop making constant comparisons to your own app.
It is really starting to seem like you are not objective in the case of this dev and this app. It might be best to let others carry on.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Sorry, reading over that it doesn't exactly read well.
The problem here is we can't do anything until jc1 responds. I think that as far as the launcher goes, my comparisons have been fair. Maybe in comparing the base apps I'm not being so helpful. The problem though does come back to confusion because of the name of SwordBible and confusion between it and The SWORD Project.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Chris, BPBible is not the only choice here. Lets compare two things from BPBible and SwordBible:
Anyone can feel free to add (in fact please) but Chris, please remember that just because BPBible was here first doesn't mean that there's no others allowed. (see Miranda and Pidgin)
note: BPBible Portable doesn't download properly for me half the time, so there's another point.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that you don't actually explain how it's not portable. Explaining might just move this discussion into your favor.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
The age is irrelevant. BPBible actually started back in late 2006... it even had a release in late 2007 (0.1) before it ever went onto Google Code. And the age factor doesn't really mean anything at all - in many things, people will prefer a newer thing than an older.
AS they share the same backend and modules, then should (in my opinion anyway) share modules if it's easily possible.
I explained why it's not portable (PortableApps.com™-Portable rather than Just Works™ Portable): the ODBC issues. And its storage of modules needs at the very least more work to either preserve modules or put them in Data (preferably the latter)
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
The age is irrelevant in your opinion, but what about some of the newer and less tech savvy users of PortableApps? Often enough they see newer apps and think that it won't work the same as the old tried and tested ones, or they just can't handle the learning curve.
Why? I've noticed that most of your comments on SwordBible tend to be biased, but that seemed to cross the line to obnoxious. SwordBible has as much of a chance as BPBible, if not more. Did you consider that SwordBible is smaller, with next to (if not) the same feature set of BPBible?
Seeming how the BPBible devs are your brothers with you doing some work on the base app as well, why don't you add the interoperability into BPBible? No one said that its his responsibility to cater his app to other people's wants. Even John's opinion on it is that interoperability is needed and that most people will only have one bible study application installed. How many people do you see using both Miranda and Pidgin Portable? They don't have to be compatible with each other.
Not really. Every time in this thread and the SwordBible Portable DT thread refers to SWORD, it makes sense to me that they're referring to the API. But hey, that's just my honest opinion.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
If there's any learning curve, in this case at least BPBible will be the winner for ease of startup.
BPBible Portable is going to be the main portable Bible program people use at least at the moment because it's official.
I have added interoperability into BPBible Portable, and once we get the location of modules for SwordBible Portable sorted out, I'll put in that path as well into the launcher. Until that's done though I just can't do that.
Miranda and Pidgin is really quite a different situation. It's much more common for people to use two or more Bible apps because of different functionality which they use for different things. And so when they use the same module format, it seems sensible to support modules from one another.
(SwordBible is not the most popular SWORD frontend by a long way - BibleCS/The SWORD Project for Windows, Bible Desktop/JSword and Xiphos/GnomeSword at least would outrank it - that's why I'm assuming confusion of names.)
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Ok, here we go. BPBible Portable finally downloaded properly.
Base install of SwordBible Portable:
Now for BPBible Portable:
So it was easier to initially set up BPBible Portable, but it took more effort to install additional packages not included by default. However, the same installer feature could be applied to SwordBible Portable as well, plus it was easier to add more modules to SwordBible.
From the above tests, I would prefer SwordBible because it has an in built package manager that is easy to use.
These are stored in Data\modules and Data\mod.d. I don't know where you thought they were, but to me that seems like a perfectly normal location.
(I didn't at any point state that SwordBible is the most popular SWORD frontend, nor did I say that its more popular than BPBible.)
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Chris, I think that you have "lost the plot".
This thread is about the Sword Bible,
No-one is knocking BP Bible & any reference to it here is irrelevant and overly obsessive on your part. The people reading this thread are doing so because they are interested in the Sword Bible. If we want to hear about BP Bible then we would go to its thread. Any comments that you make should be unbiased & objective. This program does not have to inter-act with any other program. Please evaluate it on its own merits.
I am a christian.