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Layout on front screen for portableapps when running on USB/Ipod/ etc

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Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-10 05:13
Layout on front screen for portableapps when running on USB/Ipod/ etc


I have a few suggestions and hope you will consider them.

Suggestion 1.
It would be nice to see the left hand side of the menu that loads up, when you connect your device the stores PortAbleApps, be broken down to Application type i.e. Internet, Education, games etc, as it is on the website.

Suggestion 2.
Allow us to add shortcuts to non portableapps programs stored on our device i.e. I have Skype and MSN Live on my device and rather then have to drill down the file manager looking for the programs, Id like to click a short cut on the menu and the program loads.

Suggestion 3.
I have a Microsoft virtual drive, 25gb free, is there a way to either store the apps on this drive or maybe just the docs and when I click docs from the menu. So another Shortcut link but to drives or other devices.

Question 1.
Can we add or run U3 programs ? I purchased a SanDisk 16gb usb device and U3 menu and programs were loaded on to it, of course I formatted it and put PortAbleApps on I wanted to add a couple of their games, are U3 programs compatible with ProtAbleApps ?

Well thank you for a great program, which has helped me from contract to contract.


Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08
Answers 1) This part is

1) This part is coming in the 2.0 release for sure and to move the position move it your self by dragging the menu (by the top portion) to the left hand side and will stay there (even on next time you start it backup) in that position
2) Put the app in X:/PortableApps/YourAppFolder you want and start the menu and it will show (read this for more details
3) Not possible, maybe in the future.

answer to Question 1) U3 is dead platform now, and the format for U3 isn't compatible with Platform

I hope this solves all your questions and welcome to Smile

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-12 03:50

I own a U3 system, it took about an hour or so messing around and it finally worked! I don't know what i did and im not very technical, but seriously. Something really magical happened and it suddenly worked. Maybe if you fiddle around like i did you'll get it to work too

(btw, i had to install PA like 3 times before it started working :/)

I'm not usually such a suck up, but wow...
Portable apps, YOU ROCK!

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