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Option to filter preview to only files to be copied or updated (Exclude Files that are the same in both locations)

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Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-02-27 18:14
Option to filter preview to only files to be copied or updated (Exclude Files that are the same in both locations)

It would be nice to have an option to see on the files that are going to be update/copied in the preview screen. In other words "DO NOT" show the Files that are the same in both locations.

Right now I use the Always Product and am looking at this product. To be honest, it sucks, but it give me a list of all the file which is it going to change and I can overwrite the update.

Unfortunately, I can't find a easy way, when your synchronizing hundreds of folders which can contain thousands of files.

As I see it now, you have to use the "Expand All" button and then I see a list of files 19,000 files long. It is hard to find 1 or 2 files that are changing among that many files.

Or another option might be to make the parent the same color as the child file to indicate that the directory has a change in it. For example, if you have a file that is going to be changed in a subdirectory, make the subdirectory a light grey color to indicate there is a change within that folder. You then have to expand the folder to see the changed file.

Any suggestions?


Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

like this as an idea, I shall add something to help you with this problem in the future, it might not make the next version, but should make the one after.

Thanks for the suggestion Smile

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-02-27 18:14
Good news!!!

I'm glad to provider help towards the project. I'll check back in a few version. I would love to get away from the always sync product. Wink


Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-07 13:05

thumbs up for this option, possibly also with an option to suppress all timestamp messages?

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