Being the virus,Malware,spyware,etc freak I am. Unplugging or shutting down your computer doesn't work. If you want to see if you have the conficker, try going to an antivirus site like :
If you can. your still safe. but if you can't you might have the worm.
There are three ways you might have gotten it:
First, it attacks a vulnerability in the Microsoft Server service. Computers without the October patch can be remotely attacked and taken over.
Second, Conficker can attempt to guess or 'brute force' Administrator passwords used by local networks and spread through network shares.
And third, the worm infects removable devices and network shares with an autorun file that executes as soon as a USB drive or other infected device is connected to a victim PC.
You want to get rid of it? okay:
Oh. and if you can't get to these sites. use a proxy. I had conficker (I purposely got it to test it) and the best proxy to download from anti-virus sites would be:
Well. There you have it.
Oni out
mirrored at mah blog
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Might need to fix the links D:

I just noticed the links are broken :B
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
So, what if somebody's locked out of their account? I was able to download the Symantec utility (no proxies) and execute it without changing the filename (it's the one from the Symantec link above), and got locked out on reboot, as I restarted the computer according to the instructions (I'm posting from my Wii). So, my conclusion is it doesn't have to be blaringly obvious to be on the computer.
PS: Symantec's tool said nothing was found on my computer, at 17:00 -8GMT, but found it on others' computers who had notoceable symptoms after Conficker went live, I'm assuming midnight, April 1st, GMT.
Hey! Where'd it go?
If you get locked out of your account, just reboot Windows in Safe-Mode (When you turn on your computer, start banging on the F1 key a lot). Also, perhaps you just didn't have Conficker.
Use the search box! Please!
I can't get into safemode. I tried several times. In standard and safe modes, if I try to log in, I get kicked out immediately.
Hey! Where'd it go?
Dude its F8 not F1 :/
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Been on OpenDNS for 10 months because of the DNS flaw. That explains how I was able to navigate to Symantec's site, however.
Hey! Where'd it go?
Forgot password?
Like an idiot, there was none. I'm setting one ASAP.
Hey! Where'd it go?