Not sure if it's anything earth-shattering, but worth noting. It just hit today (well, yesterday, as it's now the 3rd). Also note their April Fools joke, it's still up there.
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Not sure if it's anything earth-shattering, but worth noting. It just hit today (well, yesterday, as it's now the 3rd). Also note their April Fools joke, it's still up there.
The portable version has already been released by John. Have a look on the apps page to download Advocate
Guys, can we please stop with the "X.X was released!" posts? It's really just noise and clutter in the forums with no purpose.
If people REALLY care, they'll watch the RSS feed for the VLC project. Otherwise, they'll just wait for the update notification in the app. The portable version of VLC 0.9.9 was released yesterday over 10 hours before you even posted this.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I guess this problem will remain indefinitely. Many new members will post this kind of topics. Even I did it when I was a newbie. People are unaware that you are recieving notifications about releases. And that the portable version will be released when it's released.
I just didn't see it on the main page, where it definitely wasn't when I made the post. And since I can't see the Announcements forum that you post to that the reader on the main page reads from (I'm assuming there is one) I can only see the announcements as they show up on the main page. Maybe some other way but I don't know it.
I guess if I would have gone into the Apps list and clicked on VLC, I would have seen the app was updated. Still, strange, about the main page. Must have loaded from cache rather than the site.
As interesting as the mystery is, for your consideration I won't make a post like that again.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
For the benefit of others the point is this
It does not matter if you find the release or not.
Even if we have not updated our release, John knows when there is a new release of ANY app that he packages.
In the case of other apps by other developers it may take time to package the new release depending on what changes have occurred. These guys are volunteers and have lives out side of PortableApps [yes, I know it's hard to believe
] Other than a security release no app needs to be updated that swiftly. Some of us would rather wait till it's done right than have it rushed out and need to be "fixed" after real life testing 
At the very least one should wait "at least" a week after a new release before asking about it and then perhaps posting in the development post for that app that you are volunteering to help test the new release when the dev is ready.
Just a thought
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
If you look at the tracker:
You see the "Updated Apps" category.
If you look at the forum list:
There is no such "Updated Apps" category.
Just a thought.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
I think I would call that an observation as opposed to a thought
Did someone say there was an updated apps forum ?
There is No updated apps "forum".
The tracker shows BOTH Forums AND Categories.
They are not the same.
As Simeon pointed out above, the best place to hear about updated apps is:
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I'm honestly not understanding the difference. It seems like the "category" of "Updated Apps" allows posting of comments as if it were any other message on this forum, category, board, or whatever the technical name is. It only starts out formatted in a particular way.
I guess you guys are just smarter than me.
Edit: Hmmm... if I look at the tracker, it shows "new" (unread) messages in the Updated Apps category. If I go to the bottom of the tracker and click on "Mark All Forums Read" it seems to clear the "new" messages that reside in the Updated Apps category. Are you saying that since it isn't really a forum, that it shouldn't be cleared when marking all forums read?
Just trying to figure this out.....
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com