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Protable JAWS Screen Reader

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Last seen: 18 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-08-08 13:57
Protable JAWS Screen Reader

I was looking around the other day at the Freedom Scientific site and saw that they have JAWS 7.0 for USB Thumb Drives... Thought that might be a valuable offering on the site. For either visually impaired users or for application developers trying to make their applications more accessible. Here is the URL:

Lurking_Biohazard's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-18 18:06
"Running JAWS from a USB thumb drive lets you use JAWS on any computer without installing
the software, provided that JAWS/MAGic (DCM) Video Intercept is installed." 


"How do I set up a computer to work with JAWS on a USB thumb drive?
All you need to do is install the JAWS/MAGic (DCM) Video Intercept on the computer.
Freedom Scientific has created a special executable file that installs only these components
on the computer. Simply download the file FSVideoIntercept.exe and copy it to your thumb drive.
You then run it to install the necessary video components on the computer. You must have
administrative rights to the computer in order to complete the installation. If the
computer already has JAWS 6.0 or later installed on it, you don't need to run this file.

Note: You may need sighted assistance to install Video Intercept. If the computer has Windows
Narrator installed, you can use this program to help you.

What if I do not have administrative rights to the computer?
If you do not have administrative rights to the computer, you cannot install
JAWS/MAGic (DCM) Video Intercept on the computer. You won't be able to use JAWS from a thumb drive
with that computer unless an administrator installs the components for you or installs JAWS."

It is not portable. You just carry your settings with you.
To top it all off, it is not open source(it is not even free).



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