Guild Wars Portable 1.00.1 Development Test 1
Application: Guild Wars
Category: Games
Description: Guild Wars Portable is the popular MMORPG Guild Wars packaged as a portable app.
Download Guild Wars Portable 1.00.1 Development Test 1 [344KB download / 376KB installed without game client]
(MD5: 5BBFBD7140143318E35B5D54EB5FA)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2008-11-22): Initial release
This is the portable launcher only. You need to copy your game client and data (Gw.exe and Gw.dat) from your local installation into the App/GuildWars folder. You also need to copy the game setup (GwSetup.exe), available for download here, into the App/GuildWars folder. If you want to use your screenshots or templates, please include your Screens and/or Templates folder in the App/GuildWars folder. If the OS detected is Windows Vista or newer (e.g. Windows version 6.x or greater), the launcher will backup any existing screenshots and templates for the current user and copy your screenshots and templates for use to the <user profile directory>\Documents\Guild Wars\ directory, and upon exiting Guild Wars the launcher will back up your screenshots and templates to your portable drive and restore pre-existing screenshots and templates. If your screenshots and templates do not copy over when using Windows Vista, please make sure that you are not running the launcher in compatibility mode for Windows XP or older.
NOTE: Updated, fixed a minor error that occurred when copying screenshots and templates back to the portable drive when using Windows Vista.
Any testing and/or feedback would be appreciated.
im gonna try it now. tks a lot:-)
Good Job on launcher.
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps
keep ur comments 2 urself. of course he had 2!!!
Oops. I didn mean to say you didn't have to. I was multi-tasking and was going between 2 different forums. Im sorry.
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps
I don't know if this app is still under support, but it would be nice for the app to sync the Screens and Templates folders under C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Guild Wars
with those under X:\PortableApps\GuildWarsPortable\App\GuildWars.
The app should automatically update the folders, deleting the templates that was deleted by the user, and adding those that were recently created by the user. Also, it should do this both before and after GW portable is run (but only if it detects a local GW installation). It would be even better for it to store these folders (screens and templates) under the ...\Data directory.
Also another thing.....will GE Portable work for nightfall, EOTN and factions? I only have prophecies at the moment, and i dont know how the installation of nightfall, EOTN and factions works. Does it use the same Gw.dat file from Guild wars prophecies? that everything is basically stored on areanet's server? or does it install to a totally different folder that uses a separate data file. it a separate install....or what?
i've got all the games and they use the same Gw.dat file and everything is stored on anets server's. as for is this app still under support i've no idea but i'd realy love to find out if it is cos it would be great and i for one would use's it.
I certainly could add functionality to perform a sync between the local installation and the portable installation, but it would probably be a separate executable from the portable launcher, as you would only need to run it sometimes (e.g. only when you want to sync your user data).
I already have a few ideas how to go about performing this synchronization and would have to see how viable these ideas are, probably over the next few days. If it does pan out, I'll include the sync tool with the launcher with the next release (as there is a minor issue I'd like to fix with the launcher and would like to fix this with a new release).
Also, as it already has been mentioned, all of the Guild Wars additional campaigns (e.g. Factions, Nightfall, EoTN) work with the launcher as all of the game data (textures, sounds, etc.) is stored within the same Gw.dat file for the Guild Wars client.
thanks a lot
i like the idea of having a separate .exe for the sync, so u could only do it when you want.
but, IMHO, a better idea would be :
the launcher should detect when GW is closed and display a msgbox with a choice to synce or not. if yes, then it should launch the seperate .exe.
I know the coding might be hard, and i know no programming except some VB6, but its just an suggestion