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Portable "EXE" Launcher?

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Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-03-21 22:08
Portable "EXE" Launcher?

I don't know if this is spam r not, but is there a portable program that can launch any exe by drag and drop? Reason I need to find one is because I'm hiding games in JPEG files trick, where you make a folder in C/: drive and a picture in the folder along with other files. Then open the command prompt and type C + or something like that.

Point is I need a new way of launching the executables without unpacking it or packing it into a "winrar archive" and unpacking it.

I tried Googling it already but only found off topic things.

PS: The games are already made portable from SWF to EXE or right from Portable Apps like Sudoku.

Last seen: 1 hour 46 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
not sure what it is about

exe are executable, so you just click on them and you have enough rights to execute them they will execute.
Or if you want open all from some defoult position you can make bat for every file you plan to open?

But I might not have understood what are you in fact asking for.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-03-21 22:08
Clear things up.

My apologies for not clearing things up. This web link should explain some of my situation.

It explains how you can hide files in JPEG Image files by using the command propmt.
So you see as accessing the hidden files would be a hassle by typing in the command prompt to seperate them or using winrar to extract hidden Rar files in the JPEG. Plus there is a known error for winrar of being a valid archive.

So my new solution is to make a a luancher to execute the hidden .exe files (games) in the JPEG. Or a file browser that WORKS for this situation. Of course I need to find an external solution all for hiding my files.

IE: portable and some way of executing the files while still in the JPEG. Also will a standalone launcher be possible (A single exe file).

Nathan9222's picture
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Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
Here is a sorta somewhat

Here is a sorta somewhat working solution for unhiding ur stuff. I made this a long time ago and its portable but needs lots of improvement. Any suggestions, feedback would be most useful and I think I am gonna do a complete rewrite of it soon as when i wrote it my ahk skills and understanding were very minimal so i might be able to improve my app and make it more efficient and perhaps program into it something that would execute an exe within the picture. Smile

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Last seen: 1 hour 46 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

it is called

ok, I see that in the website there is rar to be used as packer, but for that you can use any compressing including standard pkzip and enter the commands in the command line. This will avoid the step of copying etc.
The rest you could try to make simply a .bat file with the content of the command line you have to otherwise enter in the cmd. This command line can then contain the parameter for the unzipping the file with pkzip. And if you take big enough picture, then you might also not compress the content at all.

If you want then to have exe, use bat2exe converter.

Or you look for suitable steganography software doing all that automatically. I used that in the 90ties under dos, well fo text files only, called snow I think.
Then under win3.1 and w95 I used to have software with GUI called simply hide and this did all alone.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-03-21 22:08

What better way then using the command prompt itself as a "seperater"

I still don't know much about .bat files (batch files in DOS) except for that they can do whatever there programmed for.

Is there a site that I can study so I can script .bat?
PS: I got more questions on finding software, which section should I post? And anyone know a freeware CHM Maker (Create your list, choose HTML/text file, generate HTML. Just to save another topic from being made) Something as simple as Abee chm maker, or easy chm maker. My windows XP only came with the shareware installer for winhelp. One not source based.

Best of thanks: Kevster

Last seen: 1 hour 46 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

when you make a text file with all the commands needed ( as you enter them in the command line window), just separate commands on separate lines and then you save the file with the extension.bat, you have bat file. Somewhat simplified, but this is about so.
Then you google for bat2exe converter, I thing there are more then one around in the net, you can make an exe from the bat file just produced.
That is all.

There are many other programs using steganography, you can hide files in mp3 or even a text file in an other text file, the one you presented first seems not to be one of the comfortable once apparently.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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