Application: KVIrc
Category: Internet
Description: KVIrc is a free portable full-featured IRC client based on the excellent Qt GUI toolkit. This is the current windows build (r4299) of KVIrc 4.0 (ie - RC3 stage, but SVN build).
KVIrc Portable 4.0 Pre Release
Release Notes:
Development Test 11 (2010-04-26)
Category: Internet
Description: KVIrc is a free portable full-featured IRC client based on the excellent Qt GUI toolkit. This is the current windows build (r4299) of KVIrc 4.0 (ie - RC3 stage, but SVN build).
KVIrc Portable 4.0 Pre Release
Release Notes:
Development Test 11 (2010-04-26)
- Updated to r4299 (RC3).
- Updated to r4223 (RC2).
- Updated to r4121 (RC2).
- Updated to r4000 (RC2).
- Updated launcher to take care of nuisance Qt Registry entries from the plugin cache.
- Updated to r3994 (RC2).
- Updated to r3930 (RC2).
- Re-wrote the launcher to handle the Data better.
- Updated to r3651 (RC1 was 3472, as are all revisions going forward).
- Updated to use Installer 1.0
- Updated to r3576 (RC1 was 3472, as are all revisions going forward).
- Updated to r3526 (RC1 was 3472, as are all revisions going forward).
- Updated launcher to take care of the Downloads folder as well.
- Updated to r3491 (RC1 was 3472, as are all revisions going forward).
- Updated launcher to take care of drive changes in the main config file (for sounds and log files).
- Updated to r3414
- Going forward, new SVN updates will just go via Revisions as there are no changes to the launcher.
- Updated to r3364
- Fixed Settings folder delete issue.
- Updated to r3263
- Updated to latest installer specs
- Added PNG icons
- Updated to r3212
- Updated to r3183
- Updated launcher to match KVIrc to fix settings issues again. This should be resolved now.
- This release of KVIrc should fix registry entries also, it was an issue with the app itself.
- Updated to r3155
- Updated launcher to match KVIrc to fix settings issues.
- Thanks for all the help from fellow Devs :)
- Thanks in advance for testing!!
- App has been tested on XP Pro SP3, Vista Business, and Win7 Ultimate x64 with both admin and limited/guest accounts.
You're server is doing that thing again.
Having trouble getting the full download.
I've emailed Godaddy. Yesterday they couldn't reproduce the issue or anything, and it was fine this morning...hopefully we can find something. Keep trying.
When you try, and if it fails, try to get to my actual site, and see if you can connect. From my experience it will no longer allow any connection to the sites in any ways.
Let me know.
All the downloads should work now too
Am I correct in assuming that this is the one that's going to be moved forward on? I'll be using this one from today on. I'll let you know if anything's out of the ordinary.
Most likely this will be the dev'd release going forward. Let me know if you find anything. I have some work to do on it, so expect a release soon.
See release notes for details.
With any other feedback good or bad? I'd like to make sure this is set.
I rikes it man. The only problem I ever have with it is the whole "first time running kvirc" error.
i wonder if that could be solved with something along the lines of:
IfFileNotExist configgile.cfg Launch
Exec kvirc.exe.
Please forgive me if I mixed AHK and NSIS.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
OliverK! But that check is already there...I think it's just a thing with NSIS. It just renames the config folders/files as there are a lot of them to copy...I had to add a wait into the launcher to help alleviate this issue...the only time it really seems to be an issue now is if the drive is under heavy load at the time of KVIrc launch.
I think I've fixed that for the most part...idk if I can completely rid it of it, but I'm still trying to find a solid way to do it...I might have to get John's help with this one, maybe he knows something that might help me with it.
See release notes for details.
can i install KVIrc_Portable_4.0.0.0_r3212_Dev_Test_4 over
KVIrc_Portable_4.0.0.0_r3183_Dev_Test_3? or should i uninstall KVIrc_Portable_4.0.0.0_r3183_Dev_Test_3 first?
also, did you happen to notice my comment on the kvirc irc channel about an ms vc++ runtime error occurring while displaying the 'Network Details' dialog box?
thanks for making kvirc portable!
-- david
You can isntall any same version on top of an old one (ie - V4 on v4 and V3 on V3). Right now V3 and V4 are in separate folders.
I did see that, get back on IRC and we can discuss further, typically that's a local PC issue and not a portablization issue.
The link is not working (again).
It seems like your account has been suspended, at least that's what shows up on the page.
Has been fixed. The DL is now available again.
Updated to DT5. See release notes for details.
and updated to r3364
I updated to DT7, connected to #portableapps and minimized the window. It should minimize to tray only but shows up at the task bar after a second.
The curious thing is that once activated using the task bar (switching window) it only shows the window outline, not any content. This will only show again after double-clicking the system tray icon ..
This is most likely a bug with the svn revision, but I thought I'd post it here so you might update the kvirc portable to another revision later
This is related to the SVN version. I update the portable version at least once a month. Now that I can build SVN myself, I'm going to try to keep it updated weekly. I'm having PC issues right now, but as soon as I resolve them I'm going to update the SVN and update KVIrc again.
Updated to DT7 Rev. 2 - KVIrc4 r3414
Your server is down or somehow unaccessable. Completely. Might I suggest hosting on sourceforge or rapidshare or something like that? Besides bandwidth costs money
Yeah, I know it is. It's an issue with my host right now, and I have no ETA on when it'll be fixed, I hope soon. and I've got unlimited BW so I'm ok there
Updated to RC1 (r3491), as well as updated the launcher. Enjoy! (AS ALWAYS - Back up your data before launching).
Updated to DT9. See release notes for details.
It's good to see you're still working on this Gizmokid2005. I've been computerless for a while, but I'll still be installing DT9 to my portable drive. I'll be buying a new box soon (hopefully), and I'll be back around as soon as I can with comments, etc. on your new release.
Great job man!
Of course I am!
Hope you're up and running soon. Let me know.
Updated to r3576. No new modifications to installer or launcher.
Updated to r3651 and Installer 1.0. No other changes.
KVIrc Portable has been updated to r3930 which is an RC2 build from SVN.
The launcher has been re-written to better handle data management.
WARNING!!! I noticed some data corruption in very early testing of this implementation, but haven't had issues since. This COULD still be an issue. BACKUP FREQUENTLY!
Updated to r3994 from SVN. Lot's of changes in KVIrc for better support for the new Freenode IRCd and other fixes.
Updated KVIrc to r4000 and updated the launcher hence DT11. See Release notes for details.
Updated KVIrc to r4121.
Updated to r4223. No other changes.
To r4299 RC3. No other changes.
Do they have an ETA on when 4.0 will go final? I'd like to get this official soon after.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I've been keeping up on it. They want to go final soon. There's been a lot of talk about finishing up the few things they're working on and then adding stuff in 4.1, etc...but no solid ETA yet, I've heard soon-ish though (ie - the next month or two).
Ok, cool. 2.0 Format is starting rollout today with a PR of the installer, etc, so we'll be ready to start adding apps again after that. It would be great to get on their radar as their official portable format. I think you staying on top of everything is a great way to do that. Do you want a splash screen so we can start calling this pre-releases? I think there's been enough testing of the launcher to warrant it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'm always sticking around in there, they've made a few changes to help with portability on my end and seem to enjoy the idea of the portable version. I'll check with them and see if I can get a better timeline for the final release of V4.
If you'd like to do a PR splash, I have no problems with it.
Here's the 128x128:
And here's the svgz: