is one of the official apps and it will undoubtedly be updated when the developers get the chance. I think John is busy getting the Installer finalized, so just be patient. If the app is already out there, requests for updates are pointless, because updating is already on the to-do list (the very long and always growing to-do list...). This forum is for requesting apps that haven't been made portable at all yet. is one of the official apps and it will undoubtedly be updated when the developers get the chance. I think John is busy getting the Installer finalized, so just be patient. If the app is already out there, requests for updates are pointless, because updating is already on the to-do list (the very long and always growing to-do list...). This forum is for requesting apps that haven't been made portable at all yet.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.