Alright... they're both text editors based on the Scintilla editing component... so they're pretty similar in terms of the way they handle editing. SciTE is more generic by default (hence my config changes in the portable version) but it's available on Windows and Linux. Notepad++ is Windows-only, but it's much more polished and easier for the average user to configure. I'd been leaning towards doing a portable version of SciTE simply because it's cross-platform... but, I think Notepad++ will simply be a better fit for most people, so I'm thinking about just doing that instead.
Anyone have any thoughts on the subject?
SciTE, but then I have never tried Notepad++
Give it a try. Very similar. But more polished.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
About 1M larger, no big deal. Looks like it has some additional funcionality. It will take me some time to figure out if I need it.
I can go either way. For really light wait stuff I can always use the single executable from I have that laying around somewhere.
I use this (non portable version) and it's the best of the programming languages basic editor I've tried, and I did try a few.
I use it, and I have checked, it is portable straight out of the box, you just need to makes sure to turn off any options that save settings. It keeps all settings is an ini file in the app directory. If you want to make one portable that isn't I would suggest Scite then, since n++ is already.
Just a thought.
Deuce {The Core}{Dev Blog}
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
True, but the advantage to having an "offical" portable version is you can use the same directory structure as the rest of your portable apps for consistency. Good for OCD people like me (I'm not really OCD, but I have a lot of OC traits).
< ExplosivePrincess 1.5 Atomic Bomb Edition >
warning: keep explosiveprincess away from children
I agree, I am OCD on certain folder structures as well. It was just a thought.
Deuce {The Core}{Dev Blog}
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
N++ is already portable using the installer to specify a portable install.
I still would vote for Notepad++.
Hmm, maybe this is one of the apps that will "tie in",
Side note, I use the portable version on my computer anyway. The less things that use my registry, the better (to reinstall Windows).
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I 2nd that
Embrace your dreams
Personally I'm trying to use more portable apps and less installed ones since it's lighter on my system (in general). And for the reasons that rmccue stated. Either, way it'd be nice to have the file structure for Notepad++.
is good to have an offical "branded" one.
At my school, when people see "Portable Apps" anywhere, they immediately check the site for updates.
Side note: Portable Apps are very big at my school at the moment.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Most people at my school could care less about whether or not they used Firefox while at school even if they use it at home.
Notepad++ is the best text editor ive ever used... and ive used alot.
I say make it portable!
Notepad is portable, I use it every day via USB.
It's portable but not portable-app branded.
It's opensource so presumable not imposible to tweak.
/me casts vote in favour.
Notepad++ is definitley the number one text editor on my USB drive currently. I would love an official Notepad++ Portable!
So I was wondering, have you decided which you're doing or are we just going to use that GVim that was posted up a couple days ago.
Note Pad!
Others are not needed
Morgan Stagg
but is notepad++ only a editor? I want an IDE, in which I can run/compile my sourcecode. In scite, I can
1. use F5/F6/F7 to run/link/compile a progam
2. assign more applications to process one file type. for example, I can run Tinycc, Ch, or ROOT to interpter my C program, I can also let Tinycc to compile it
But how to do that in Notepad++? I only find a NULL run menu
Why not give Notepad2 a try, instead?
It's also based on Scintilla, it's open source, small, fast, feature rich, highly user friendly and as sexy as an editor ever will be!
It's doomed to be made portable!
FWIW, I needed something really small (trying to save space for downloads on my 512MB Flash drive) and found TheGun was all I needed ( About 20K unzipped and works great for a basic text editor...
Was using notepad++, excellent & fast - better than sci, but have recently changed to pspad which has built in ftp + better features.
PSpad is slow and clunky and not open source.
Notepad++ is the obvious choice I think.
another vote for Notepad++
who voted for Notepad++, consider your wish granted...
Notepad++ Portable Edition
OTBSoft ::Thinking Outside The Box::
I vote Notepad++
Scite has my current vote because it works well as a PHP editor doing enough syntax highlighting for my old eyes. Scite is handy for people who switch platforms. However, I am not familiar enough with notepad++ to really say that SCITE is better.
Unless either has added proper multi-line regex support since I last tried them, they're both a bit limited. I think the problem might be Scintilla itself.
Other than that, Notepad++ seemed pretty decent.
SciTE because it supports compiling which I find useful because I don't always work on computers that have a compiler .
eagle scout
Technology can solve all our problems, like using a laptop for a space heater in a cold tent in the middle of winter.
I vote for SciTE. As others mention, it allows you to compile, run things with an output window. I really like that feature. If you are looking for an editor that is more easy to configure, but also has the ability to compile or execute, you could also suggest looking at Programmer's Notepad. I did a big survey a while ago on lots of free editors (installed about 10 of them), and this one seems to have a lot of things I needed, and still is under active development or support (also a requirement). Some of the things I looked for:
Easy to use, tabbed windows, folding, compile/execute, column cutting/pasting, configurable with scripting. I also was looking for macros and hex editing, which are both coming in this editor.
Please try to keep something that has a compile/execute type interface with output window. It is really a useful feature. I know you can argue that it doesn't below in an editor, but then do you want to start packaging an IDE as well in portable apps?
Keep up the great work, love the stuff you put out.
I think Notepad++
Sing once again with me, Our strange duet, my power over you grows stronger yet,and though you turn from me to look behind, The Phantom of the Opera is there inside your mind....
Just another crazy Phantom fan.
Sing once again with me, Our strange duet, my power over you grows stronger yet,and though you turn from me to look behind, The Phantom of the Opera is there inside your mind....
Just another crazy Phantom fan.