GanttProject Portable 2.0.10 Development Test 1
Application: GanttProject
Category: Office
Description: GanttProject is a project management tool.
Download GanttProject Portable 2.0.10 Development Test 1 [9.4MB download / 13.8MB installed]
(MD5: d1815343ae24a689d764e10cba6ffcf3)
You will need a copy of Java Portable for this to work.
Release notes:
- 2.0.10 Development Test 1 (2009-11-08): updated to GanttProject 2.0.10
- 2.0.9 Development Test 3 (2009-05-25):
- Better Java support with CPALT5
- Contained TEMP directory with CPALT5
- 2.0.9 Development Test 2 (2009-05-24):
- updated to CPALT4, fixing the splash DLL issue (all other fixes don't affect GPP)
- Fixed minor documentation issues in Other
- Hopefully fixed the export problem, but I don't think it will have changed - possibly a Java version issue, don't think it's a GPP issue
- Added a couple of ConfigWrite bits for improved management of settings file.
- Removed USERPROFILE redirection (which shouldn't have been there and would have broken the open dialog, but didn't work due to bugs in CPALT :P)
- Changed from English to Multilingual (which it is).
- 2.0.9 Development Test 1 (2009-05-23): using Chris's Launcher Test 3, which currently depends on Java installation in CommonFiles.
Thanks a tonne Chris = ) Advocate
Lastly, see the regshot below. Advocate
Name of the app in which window? The Menu? I'll check up on that, it shouldn't.
The splash should show up... I'll check that out.
Export to PDF: I'll check up on that, looks like its something to do with one of the working-directory things (in the ConfigWrite section), I'll try to work it out.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\nsf4B.tmp\newadvsplash.dll is a bug in CPALT, unloading was only done with the ExecWait mode - which Java apps won't use. To be fixed in the next release of CPALT.
Thanks for your testing
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I have been unable to reproduce the export problem, but I've changed the <working-dir dir=""> directive to using the Data\settings location, and left <option id=".working-dir" value=""> directive using Documents. This mirrors the default settings layout, which has the contents of %USERPROFILE% for the first, and from memory Documents for the latter.
I've also added a couple of ConfigWrite bits to update the xsl-dir and xsl-fo tags to make them relative to the application's running directory, which I think is what should be done as it's what a local installation has.
GP DT2 will be coming out shortly with CPALT4.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Oh yeah, I'll mention it here even though we sorted it out in private, the reason it's appearing as Chris's Launcher Test in Horosofoz's menu is because he's using a menu mod, all of which (as far as I know) extract the details out of the executable. Since the release of the Platform 1.5, it has used the items in AppInfo: thus, for "ordinary" users, it will appear as "GanttProject Portable", with the right icon.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Ok this time all export options worked. I did get one error message on the HTML export but I think it was caused by my trying to open the same file twice. Anyway all opened and viewed correctly. You note at the end of the regshot there were still folders left behind in the temp folder. Should these be getting removed on close? Advocate
This fixes the files being left behind in TEMP, and improves Java support.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I think I figured out the problem with the PDF export. It's actually not a bug as it turns out that by changing the folder I was saving to it put the folder path in the file name which of course included "\"s and the "X:\"which you can't have in a file name. So basically that's all good
No additional bugs to report and regshot below:
Good work Chris = ) Advocate
I love the way you are using your template to generate a heap of new beta applications. Keep it up. You are adding some excitement to these forums!
I know you have previously responded to a question about the NSIS source files by saying you gave used your template to produce the portable app - but I think you might have missed the "spirit" of this forum. I really think that you need to add the actual portableapp NSIS file in the x:\?portableapp\other\source directory rather than simply pointing us to your template. I for one, am really interested in seeing what you have done to generate a GanttProject NSIS file. I have tried out your template, and am really enjoying it - but I would like to see your actual GanttProjectPortable NSIS file to ensure that I am on the same wavelength. Would it be too much trouble to add in your NSIS files to the portable apps you are releasing?
This is not a criticism - keep up your good work.
Kim Wood
I think that you are (happily :-)!) missing the beauty of Chris's Launcher Test. No NSIS coding is needed - it's all INI options.
CPALT's source code is in its Other\Source\ChrisPortableApps.comLauncherTest.nsi. GanttProject Portable - and Sweet Home 3D Portable as well - just copy the compiled ChrisPortableApps.comLauncherTest.exe as GanttProjectPortable.exe and SweetHome3DPortable.exe - then the fun starts!
Take a look at GanttProjectPortable\App\ChrisLauncher. In there, there are two files: GanttProjectPortable.jpg, which is the splash screen, and GanttProjectPortable.ini. This it is which makes it a portable app.
Just as the Installer code is no longer included in installers, the launcher code doesn't need to be for a shared launcher (and it won't be when we've got our official shared launcher out, I'm waiting on John for something before we can continue with that).
(BTW, if you want surety that they're the same, compare GanttProjectPortable.exe and ChrisPortableApps.comLauncherTest.exe - they're the same.)
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I gotcha baby! I bow to your coding excellence.
Wow this is great! It's like a user-friendly P3. Thanks a lot for this! I should be able to build a project with it this week, so I'll let you know if I find anything funny.
I have tried the latest GanttProject beta 2.0.10 build 2 (available on with your launcher. A quick and dirty evaluation shows me that it runs fine portable, but only after generating 100+ Mb of temp files in the USB key ?:\PortableApps\GanttProjectPortable\Data|Temp folder. GanttProject takes quite a few minutes to write the temp files, and then runs happily. I can't seem to spot the problem - and am not sure if it is your launcher or the new build that is the issue.
Does anyone have an opinion? IMHO GanttProject is an excellent project management package, and the latest build is definitely worth a look. It is a worthy addition to the PortableApps collection of fine software if these sorts of things can be sorted. I understand the issues around beta software, but am not sure whther this is simply a launcher issue that might be easily resolved.
Have you tried running the installed/regular version of the build in question? Advocate
I have successfully unzipped and run the 2.0.10 build 2 successfully from my C:\ drive. I can't find any evidence of the pile of temp files anywhere on the C:\ drive, and there are no significant start-up delays. I guess that's why I think Chris's launcher may be coming into play. Performance on the USB portable install is extremely poor, and most users would think the application was not working. I waited for five minutes or so, and it started up. Anyway, I cannot identify exactly what is the problem.
I dont have the knowledge to assess the issue myself but I'm sure now that you've demonstrated that the issue is specific to the portable version I'm sure the community will get to the bottom of it.
Cheers Advocate
I've been monitoring the GanttProject website with Page2RSS since I noticed 2.0.10 beta build 2. I haven't tested it though.
Data\Temp is the location where TEMP files are redirected to with GanttProject. If this 100MB of stuff is something which stays so, then I'll need to put in more messy handling of things (waiting in some way for it to finish... not sure how I'll handle it). If it's a problem, I'll try to track it down and get in contact with the GanttProject developers, get comments from them.
Thanks for reporting it!
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Good luck!
Hello guys,
I'm Dmitry, GanttProject developer.
Thanks for reporting this problem. I believe those files are created by JRE when GanttProject searches for true type fonts (for the new iText-based PDF export). PortableApps edition is not guilty, a "vanilla" desktop installation does the same, it just runs faster and temp directory is hidden better.
I'll address this problem in the release candidate build.
-- Dmitry, GanttProject TL
Thanks Dmitry. We'd love to get this one out officially. We can probably take care of the files with the launcher if it'll be a little while before 2.0.10.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks Dmitry for chipping in!
I'll give a quick overview of how I got this working. I tried using ganttproject.exe, but couldn't get it to specify a JRE, or pass in a -Duser.home value. So currently the launcher runs
javaw -Xmx512m -Xms128m -Duser.home="%DATADIR%\settings""%TEMP%" -classpath eclipsito.jar org.bardsoftware.eclipsito.Boot ganttproject-eclipsito-config.xml -log -open
(anything passed in by the user to GanttProjectPortable.exe gets appended). It then does not wait for javaw.exe or other instances of javaw.exe - that's why I had to switch to a contained TEMP directory inside it. I think that I now know how I can take care of it - a separate copy of GanttProjectPortable.exe for each copy, then instead of checking for javaw.exe, check for GanttProjectPortable.exe. Then I can use a TEMP directory on the local machine and clear it up afterwards.Incidentally, the ganttproject-eclipsito-config.xml bit was the most confusing of all GanttProject - in my testing, it required exactly that string to be passed in in that spot, or else it failed... and then it ignores the filename anyway.
Thanks for helping out!
(Also thanks John for commenting, good to hear
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
> I tried using ganttproject.exe, but couldn't get it to specify a JRE,
ganttproject.exe was created by Launch4J and I guess it should accept some command line options, although I've never tried it. See
With respect to TEMP directory, it is good to have it on the local machine, as GP writes temporary files anyway on every undoable action, but this very startup problem will be fixed from my side. If you're curious, java.awt.Font.createFont() in JDK 1.4.2 (which we're trying to be compatible with in 2.0.x) accepts InputStream only, while in the later JDKs it accepts a file. Implementation of createFont(InputStream) in JDK 6 creates a temporary file and calls createFont(File) :). Calling createFont(File) directly will solve this problem.
> ganttproject-eclipsito-config.xml bit was the most confusing of all GanttProject - in my
> testing, it required exactly that string to be passed in in that spot
-- Dmitry, GanttProject TL
I'd worked out it was a Launch4J thing. I've been unable to find any runtime JRE-specifying argument of any sort. I think I'll stick with the current launcher. I think my improvements to the launcher will be waiting for a official launcher test rather than continuing on my one - it'll make it essentially do what GanttProject normally does, but in a somewhat different way. Each copy will have its own GanttProjectPortable.exe instance, and they can then search for GanttProjectPortable.exe rather than javaw.exe - thus avoiding issues with different Java apps.
OK... that hadn't even occurred to me!
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Hello guys,
you may want to try the release candidate build of GP 2.0.10 which was published just a few hours ago. It fixes the startup problem which was discussed here (at least when running under Java 6).
-- Dmitry, GanttProject TL
I have just had a quick look and all seems good. The latest beta runs well with Cris's launcher. The long startup delay/extensive temporary file write issue has been resolved. Thank you very much. GanttProject works fine as a portable application.
Kim Wood
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
You think this is release-worthy, Chris? I'm thinking we should start pushing out Java apps after next week.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks, John. Data Crow and Sweet Home 3D also seem to be stable, but GanttProject gets more than the other two put together (it has 1008 downloads while Data Crow and Sweet Home 3D have 432 and 512 respectively).
Will we have the universal launcher out by then, or should I push another release of my launcher test out with a few minor new features I've been thinking of, and better Java support (direct them to the Java Portable download page and I was also thinking we could support custom directory location directly with nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog which would save a custom entry in the launcher overrides INI file... or we could just tell the user to look at Other\Source\readme.txt if they want it in a different location).
On a related note though I'll be in India from the 25th of this month to the end of the year and may well leave my laptop at home and not have an internet connection very often at all while there.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
For this regshot I opened GanttProject Portable, opened a pre-existing project, then quit GanttProject Portable. Advocate
Thanks for doing this, it's an app I use loads for programming so having it portable is great. Also having it launched by an exe means I can associate schedule files properly now.
I have a question. Why not use reshack to replace the launcher's exe with the GanttProject icon? It allows the Windows start menu, and launchers like Launchy easier to recognise you are launching the right program.
There would be no need to use ResHacker or anything like that to change it - just recompile the launcher with a different icon. Changing it with ResHacker would break it anyway.
This is the way all our things are now moving towards, using a universal launcher (this is just using my unofficial launcher, the official one is coming "soon", based a lot on mine, and I'm working on it too). The launcher is configured by an INI file rather than needing coding and recompilation.
If you use the Platform, you will see the GanttProject icon.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Yeah I get that it'll show correctly with the portable platform, but I run portable software on my home pc so I don't have any need for that platform.
I successfully changed the icon myself with reshack, so I'm not sure why you couldn't?
Please don't take my comments as a criticism. I love your launcher and am very appreciative of gantt project.
Have you tried running it since you changed the icon though?
It's got a CRC in place so any changes will make it not work.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Yeah it opens and closes instantly, you're right. Ok then well I guess I'll just wait until the official launcher.
Thanks for your reponses.
The official launcher will be doing exactly the same thing (after an initial backwards-compatibility time of compiling the icon and name into the universal launcher for Platform 1.0/1.1 users).
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Is this a failed project? Or are there still chances for moving forward and making this a working official PA app?
I've tried your GanttProject Portable 2.0.10 Development Test 1 and it appears to run well. Checking the developer's site, it appears that the current version is 2.5.2. From your Web site, it appears that you are currently juggling quite a few projects. I was wondering if updating the PortableApp to the current version was anywhere on your priority list? Any idea what might be required to update it or would manually unzipping their generic distributable over the existing installed PortableApp version work? I know that there is a portable winPenPack version of the 2.5.2 version as well, but I haven't dug around to see if that is at all compatible with the PortableApps launcher or not.
Any thoughts you have regarding the application or the most promising aspects to research regarding it would be most appreciated.
I'd also like to bring up this discussion to the devs attention - hopefully someone might take it...
This launcher does not work on Windows 7 as a normal user.
Running as administrator, the sistem informs that the launcher wishes to make changes (I asume on the registry).
Hi Chris,
I have recently tried GanttProject 2.0.10 Development Test 1 and so far it runs well.
But I'm still wondering if you can make the better version of it like in the dev's site (currently it's already 2.5.x version)?
It's too bad if it just stops at the Development Test version.
Thank you.
Yup - it's a great program! Hopefully someone from the devs gets interested in it again!
The base software is currently 2.6.0, do you continue on developping this ?
Thank you.
Chris, as has been noted above, this app has had a number of updates to the base app since you last worked on it. Do you plan on picking it up again, or can it be marked as outdated and someone else can pick it up?
I'm looking around for a Project Management tool at the moment so I'd certainly try this out if it was updated / given a hug.
Any chance this will get updated to the new 2.6 version?
Is there a plan to update this to the latest release?