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Active Tcl ?

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Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-10-23 11:23
Active Tcl ?

Good News: I've just made Active Tcl Portable!
Bad News: It's license requires Permission from Active State to distribute.

Edit (see first comment):

  • Tcl (Tickle or T-C-L) stands for Tool Command Language Wikipidea
  • "ActiveTcl is the industry-standard Tcl distribution, available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX. Developers worldwide rely on ActiveTcl's completeness and ease-of-use, while corporate users protect their infrastructure and stay competitive with quality-assured ActiveTcl Business Solutions."(ripped from the website)
  • There is a version with a BSD style license


  • If the Portable Apps Community wants Active Tcl Portable I can do the legal legwork necessary to try to get it released (a couple of emails) if John will host the final release (Open Source? I found something that looks like the source code in the package but I don't understand c++)
  • If you don't want Active Tcl Portable I'll keep it to myself.

Please post your comments.

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-07-31 15:07
What's that?

Somebody's bound to give you hell for not linking to it, so there it is. I read the front page and could not figure out what it is, so I figure it's something above my level. Wouldn't be the first time.

If it's for developers, chances are someone will take interest; not me, but don't take that as an indication to "keep it to yourself".

It isn't open source if it requires permission to be redistributed, even if it includes the source code. This is what open source means. There are many things which either include the source code or allow decompilation for whatever reason but are not true Open Source. Open Source as a title is kind of misleading, e.g. with PHP apps such as paid content management systems (message boards). So maybe it's one of those?

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