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ThinApp: Creating self-contained apps with no mess!

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Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-06-23 19:10
ThinApp: Creating self-contained apps with no mess!

This may be a stupid question, but how can one create a truly self-contained portable executable using ThinApp?

Each time I try to create a ThinApp version of a game (Fallout 1-2, if you must ask), it creates a single .EXE. When you open said EXE it generates a mess of files: Registry.tvr.backup,,, and a directory called "%ProgramFilesDir%".

Am I missing something? How do I make a portable version of an app that doesn't need to generate these files outside of itself when opened?

Thanks in advance! Love the site!

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08
for onething we don't use

for onething we don't use thinapp, most copies of Thinstall/thinapp are illegal and should not be used

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-06-23 19:10
I will look into the other

I will look into the other alternatives people suggest on this site.

Thanks for the help. Smile

m-p-3's picture
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-06-17 21:25
As said, we don't use ThinApp

As said, we don't use ThinApp here.

But I can say that these files are necessary to store the modifications done when running the application (ie: Configuration files, etc), which is completely normal.

Think of a ThinApp application like a game disc, and these files like a gamesave. Without these, you'll fall back at the original state/beginning of the game everytime you launch it.

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