I'm not sure if dropbox is an open source software and I'm not entirely sure if it has been requested as a portable app but I want to ask if anyone is working on this as a project or if anyone has considered it because I see that is is rather useful especially if you don't have dropbox installed on the computer and you need to access files stored there.
Like if you went to a friend's house and you were going to do you homework.
Link to download the installer for Dropbox is www.getdropbox.com.
Dropbox forums. One of the Mods over there made a portable version. I can't recall if it's in .paf form or what, but it still integrates into the menu. I have it installed, but haven't used it frequently. also, check here, this is the link in my version http://www.dale3h.com It might be located there.
Edit: Link to portable version is right there on top of page.
-adude159753, adude1597535, thorn, essentiel
--whomever you choose to remember me by in the previous and current games I have and am playing.
-Word to the wise: Only with hard work can you do; only with persistance can you achieve.
Just happened to be the version number that I have at the moment.
It exists and works from my thumbdrive. I use to keep a fresh copy of my Documents folder, so if I lose my thumbdrive at least I'm not losing my documents.