Application: Dia
Category: Graphics & Pictures
Description/Features: Dia is roughly inspired by the commercial Windows program 'Visio', though more geared towards informal diagrams for casual use. It can be used to draw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many other diagrams. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape.
It can load and save diagrams to a custom XML format (gzipped by default, to save space), can export diagrams to a number of formats, including EPS, SVG, XFIG, WMF and PNG, and can print diagrams (including ones that span multiple pages). (from the homepage)
License: GPL 2, or later
Language: Multilingual
Download Dia Portable 0.97 Pre-Release 2 [12.6MB download / 17.5 - 43.2MB installed]
(MD5: ea442a024cee7f593708535e3a6c9e87)
Dia 0.97 Source - UI patch source
Release Notes:
0.97 Pre-Release 2 (2009-08-16):
- Added integrated UI patch
0.97 Pre-Release 1 (2009-07-10):
- Added INI-entry DisableIntegratedUI
- Changed Splashscreen
0.97 Dev Test 1 (2009-05-17):
- Updated package
- Added Gtk-Bookmarks Adjustment
- Improved launcher
- Did some magic
Application: Diashapes
Description: Diashapes is a small tool to download and install additional shapes (often called symbols or objects).
Download Diashapes Portable 0.0.1 Development Test 5 [1.6MB download / 2.1MB installed]
(MD5: df608df8f9c10daff4221fd5cf822bab)
Release Notes:
Development Test 5 (2009-07-12): Updated to latest specs
Development Test 4 (2009-05-17): Final release
Development Test 3 (2009-02-25): Redesigned Diashapes Portable (as a seperate app)
- Thanks to Patrick Patience for hosting
- Thanks to John T. Haller for the splash
- Thanks to all devs for pieces of code
- Thanks in advance to all testers.
Old thread could be found here
Happy portable diagramming!
Just kidding Bart.S = D
Well done on updating this and I look forward to trying this out. Advocate
Let the downloads begin!
Thanks Patrick!
Installer integrity check failed = (.. Advocate
Do the md5-checksums match? If not, it's a corrupt upload or download.
When I run the installer it has an error that includes the text in my previous post plus something about an NSIS error. Advocate
You could use winMd5Sum Portable (official, Applications -> Utilities). It's very small.
But I guess it's a corrupted file on Patricks server. I've seen that before
Thanks for testing.
I just tried to download Dia_Portable_0.97_Development_Test_1.paf.exe and got the message "Not Found"!
I'm guessing it was taken down due to the corrupt file. Didn't want heaps of people downloading a dud once it was confirmed. When its back Bart or Patrick will let us know. Advocate
the download link doesnt work please fix
Dia Portable is back, hopefully uncorrupted
Now that it is not corrupted anymore, I can start playing with Dia.
Just to confirm, when you used DiaShapes to install the new shapes, is it ok to delete or does Dia rely on it being there to use the new shapes?
Also I noticed if you install all the shapes offered by DiaShapes it causes a warning message on start up about 2 objects having the same name. Can you give a heads up about what this means and what exactly causes it in the OP. Advocate
You could delete Diashapes Portable without problems. The shapes are stored under DiaPortable\Data\...
Seems like shapes of the "Chemistry Lab"-package are using names which are already used -> warning messages. This should be reported to the author of the shapes or Diashapes. (not a portable issue). You could delete them and the messages are gone.
Regshot looks clean. Thanks.
Found your bug report (bugzilla), it's fixed now
Thanks good sir!
To fix the warning, please remove
Happy to help = ) Advocate
Ok this is a Regshot of Dia Portable running without any DiaShapes additions. Advocate
Looks like a clean log to me
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Billions of downloads (estimated) and almost no test results, life is tough
Unfortunately, I haven't found anything wrong yet...
lol, that are good news. Thanks.
The DiaShapes bug is fixed. I just did a fresh install of Dia portable and DiaShapes and no error occurred = ) Well done Bart.S. I hope your persistence with Dia Portable pays off soon and lifts it to Pre-Release status. Advocate
Well, first we'll have to find the Release Team. Most of them are MIA
(no offense guys)
The "Dia for Windows" site offers now a "Dia for your USB stick" zip file. Seems that the portable community is growing
Have you considered submitting your portable version to them? It may become the official portable build? Advocate
One of the devs announced my version on twitter:
Why not email or Twitter them expressing interest in developing your PAF version as the official portable build. I'm sure if it becomes the official build it is likely to ease the way to the app becoming official here too Advocate
Official or not official, that doesn't matter.
The only thing that matters is quality! Calling it Dev Test, Pre-Release or Final makes no difference to me, and it won't change anything. Oh, ok, maybe it'll get a nicer splash (and nicer icons), but I have it disabled anyway
Alright, in case Dia Portable should become a pre-release:
Dia Portable includes the original Dia splash and icons could be found here.
I think we should go with the same interface as the local one by default. You could have an INI option called DisableIntegratedUI for people who want to disable it.
The INI should not be in the base directory by default. So, just enable the integrated by default in the launcher and have the option suggested available to a use who wants to disable it in the INI.
Here's the splash for the pre-release:
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
but Dia (other OS than Windows) has the old interface as default. The new integrated interface has some known bugs, therefore I decided to use the old one as default (and add some code to detect the parameter for a workaround). The installer sets the additional parameter when doing a fresh install, though.
And why an additional INI-entry? If you want to disable the splash, you have to use the INI-entry AdditionalParameters too. (e.g. AdditionalParameters=--nosplash --integrated) There is no DisableSplashScreen INI-entry.
Thanks for the splash!
A pre-release of Dia had the ability to change the UI within Dia. The main-developer removed the "Integrated UI" option from the preferences menu and made it a start-up option.
Seems like the main-developer isn't a "integrated UI" fan too.
We mimic the official release whenever possible unless there is a serious reason to do it differently. If Dia's Windows version is integrated by default, the portable one should be too. If they switch back, we will.
You can't have an INI in the base directory by default. It's not permitted in PA.c Format. And it would overwrite a user's other changes they may have made.
So, my suggestion was to add an INI entry to disable it, since the launcher will be passing --integrated by default (to mimic the standard Windows install).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I will change that, even if it'll make the launcher more complex.
You haven't looked at the code yet, right? Because there is no INI in the base directory by default
I call that magic of the InstallerCustom-Code: If the user has an INI, an upgrade won't touch it. If there is none, the additional parameter "--integrated" will be set. In my eyes that mimics the official release quite right, but you're the boss.
I mean an INI is only supposed to be put there by an end user, not by the app by default. Only the EXE and the help file should be there after you install it.
It won't add too much complexity to the launcher. A single ReadINIStr in the beginning. One new VAR. A StrCmp to see if it's empty later on when constructing the EXECSTRING. And then a line to add it on.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks very much Patrick!
Works on XP SP3 without admin rights. Thanks Bart.S = ) Advocate
Heja Patrick, could you tell me/us the download stats (last 2 months)? Thanks
Edit: Sorry for this bump
Edit2: Ok thanks, about 500 Dia Portable downloads last month (sum of all Dia Portable releases) and about 100 Diashapes Portable downloads. And the best, no known bugs!
But been using for a while now and works without issues on XP SP3 Admin and Non-Admin. Advocate
@John: In case you want to release Dia Portable soon (without my knowledge), please wait.
Perhaps we'll see an improvement for the user-experience. No, Dia Portable has still no known bugs, but Bart.S is working with an original dev.
You sure? I have it on my desktop for the next batch of stuff.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Do you have an ETA on it? I'm trying to get all our backlog and other stuff done in prep for a couple upcoming releases and announcements. If it's just 'sometime in the future' we should release this now so people can start using it today and, a month or whatever from now, release a new version with new features as needed.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
ETA, here at It's done when it's done, John
Seriously, the dev wrote me yesterday that he was finally able to reproduce and fix a problem. Now I'm waiting for an updated binary.
It only affects Dia with integrated UI, but this is now the default, so I would wait.
Oh, and people can start using it today, the Pre-Release is fine. And a few thousands are using Dia Portable already.
You could release it now, new problems occured
I think the improvements have to wait for Dia 0.97.1 or 0.98.
we've got it
John, could I send you an email with the last minute changes (new DiaPortable.nsi, DiaPortable.exe and a new Dia binary)?
Don't want to waste too much bandwith.
I just uploaded pre-release 2 for Bart.S. This includes a patch for the integrated UI on Windows that he worked with the Dia developer on. Please test this so it can be released this week. Thanks!
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
thanks John for packaging and uploading.
The release improves the behaviour of secondary launches with the integrated UI (which is the default).
Please test
Expected behaviour: Dia Portable should open new tabs with the passed files. No multiple instances anymore (with integrated UI).
Dropping files and command line work for me on Vista SP2. Files show up in a new tab.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I have found an error after fresh install:
error: could not parse file [...] PortableApps\DiaPortable\Data\Settings\.dia\sheets.xml
and an Windows error (typical). Could not run Diashapes. Dia works fine.
Maby it should be installed inside Dia?
that's not an Diashapes Portable error.
I have seen this error once. The file sheets.xml is downloaded from the net, and sometimes after an upgrade it isn't well-formed. Or maybe because the download is corrupted. I don't know.
Try again later.
When you see the Diashapes Portable screen and then an error message, Diashapes is running and all error messages are from Diashapes itself.
I've posted Dia Portable. Dia Shapes doesn't appear to work anymore. Everytime I launch it, it says "error could not parse file P:\PortableApps\DiaPortable\Data\settings\.dia\sheets.xml" and then comes up with a Windows error. I've tried it in multiple locations at multiple times and it errors every single time.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I've contacted the Diashapes author, that should be fixed soon

The link doesn't work yet and the apppage says "License: ... Songbird ..."
And why is Dia in the Office category now? Aren't diagrams graphics?
Fixed the URL and the license.
Dia is a diagramming program (like Visio), which is really more in line with office work or development rather than graphics work. Presentations are graphics, too, but also fall within office. Really, diagramming works for both, so I added it to both category pages.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
It's not under the Graphics and Pictures on the applications page.
Problem on server fixed.