I installed the clamwin on my portableapps USB and things were good until I found that my computer has a virus that comes with a program I use with poker. I had to pay for the program so I don't want to delete it, but do I have any other options??
Please help I have other questions related to this same thing but I don't know where to start....
There are viruses, then there are suspicious files and finally there are false positives. It's possible your poker file falls into one of the latter two categories, in which case don't worry about it.
Try uploading the file to VirusTotal (here) - if you get only clamwin flagging it or only one or two antivirus's flagging it then it's quite likely you're okay.
Here are a few more places to check out suspicious files
I was blind, now I'm lost.
Thanks, I have a new obsession now.
Makes me wonder are they keeping these? They must study them but I really have to wonder about the possibility of outbreaks on sites like these.