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D2X-XL (Open Source Descent II Remake)

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Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-26 13:14
D2X-XL (Open Source Descent II Remake)

Well I think the older ones like me know this classic game. I've been playing this for several hours now without any probs. I think it would be a nice addition for us all.

Descent pits you in a battle in underground mines infested with robots whos AI has been messed up by a hostile computer virus. You are a mercenary pilot named 'Material Defender' who is sent by the PTMC (Post Terran Mining Corp.), the owner of the mines, to get rid of these robots, and possibly the source of the virus. You are equipped with a small space ship, the Pyro GX, and a basic complement of weapons, which you can upgrade throughout game.

License: (Well...)

All additions made to the original Descent 2 code provided by Parallax and the
functions it provides are the sole property of Dietfrid Mali. These include in
particular, but not exclusively:

- colored per vertex and per pixel lighting
- lightmap rendering
- high resolution texture and model handling and rendering
- textured automap rendering
- mesh subdivision
- all shader supported rendering operations
- particle system (smoke, light trails)
- effect rendering (lightnings, shields, energy sparks, shadows)
- in-menu help system
- improved mission management (folders)
- gameplay additions (speed, slowmotion, radar, new trigger types)
- new game modes (CTF+, Entropy, Monsterball, Darkness)
- new networking functions (UDP/IP and tracker support)

I (Dietfrid Mali), in distributing the code to end users, and subject to all
terms and conditions herein, grant a royalty free, perpetual license, to such
end users for use by such end users in using, displaying, and creating derivative
works thereof, so long as such use, display or creation is for non-commercial,
royalty or revenue free purposes. In no event shall the end user use the computer
code described above for revenue bearing purposes. The end user understands and
agrees to the terms herein an accepts the same by the use of the source code
described above.

Maybe the lincese gives us a little problem... but as what we do is simply make it portable, there shouldn't be a problem right?

But take a look for yourself:
(English language)

Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-26 13:14
Updated the post...

...with a bit more of information. Wink

Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-03 16:07
Here is some more information for Wikipedia!

Third-party development
The source code to the original Descent (minus the audio code, which was replaced with that of the Allegro library) was released in 1997. The source code to Descent II was subsequently released in 1999.[5]

Numerous open source projects based on these source releases have appeared on the Internet. The most popular early project was D1X, which added many new features such as the ability to change resolution, customizable primary and secondary weapon priority, and many other features that were previously only available in Descent II.

Following the release of the Descent II source code, the D1X project sparked another project called D2X, which went on to enhance the gameplay and compatibility of Descent II. D1X and D2X also made it possible to play the games on different platforms like Linux. However, eventually, work on the D1X and D2X projects became stagnant. The latest version, D1X 1.43, added support for OpenGL and Direct3D graphics as well as TCP/IP multiplayer, and runs under Windows XP with few problems. There are source code projects for Descent that are still active, like D2X-XL and DXX-Rebirth.


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